Save Western Civilization > Save America

78% of Arizonans Support Amnesty For Illegals!

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 31, 2011, 08:55:48 PM ---It depends on how you define Arizonans. How do they know the people they are polling are not illegals themselves or grown 'anchor babies' who would sympathize with illegals? I think similar problems would happen in Texas because a lot of so-called "Texans" are not really.

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I honestly believe the poll. It goes along with how California and the rest of the country is. Remember that Arizona just recalled Russell Pearce, the conservative state senator who wrote SB1070.

My late wife was from Mexico. When I would come home from work she would tell me how the Hispanics were being mistreated by the Arizonans. I told her not to trust the Mexican news because it is biased and that most Arizonans were good and decent people (the American ones that is). So I sat her down one day and used this illustration. I told her: Suppose we're sitting in our chair one day and a family comes in without asking. They take over one of the bedrooms and start eating our food. They work, but they send all of their money back to their homeland. When one of them gets sick you and I have to pay their hospital bill and when they finally retire the government takes money from us so that we have to support them. She said that this would be awful. I told her that this was exactly what the illegal immigrants do. She never brought it up again and became a staunch supporter of Arizona's lawful policies.

BTW, if anyone was wondering; I paid a lawyer a lot of money to do the paperwork so that we could do things the legal way so my wife was not an illegal. She was very traditional and respectful of the correct husband/wife Torah mode and after dating many American women who made me practice target because they were feminists or had a bad prior marriage, my wife was a breath of fresh air and the closest thing that I've ever seen to a Proverbs 31 wife.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Hispanics (including Mexicans, the most leftist of Hispanics) are definitely more diverse ideologically and less dogmatic as a group than schvartzes and I do think more of them see the light. I am very sorry that you lost your wife. What happened to her?


--- Quote from: Axl Rose on December 31, 2011, 11:52:54 PM ---Hispanics (including Mexicans, the most leftist of Hispanics) are definitely more diverse ideologically and less dogmatic as a group than schvartzes and I do think more of them see the light. I am very sorry that you lost your wife. What happened to her?

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She died of a brain abscess after a quack dentist botched a tooth abscess job on her. Didn't have enough evidence to pursue suing the schmuck but she has one thing going for her; she doesn't have to see how the liberals and the One World morons are destroying this world. She was a good woman; used to refer to Obama and his wife as Chango and Changa. Funny how people from the third world can see dreck for what it is but supposed intelligent libtards can't see the forest from the trees. Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai!

I'm sorry for your loss


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