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Hilarious Anti-Cult Animated Video

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Daddy's Girl: What Happens To Too Many Homeschooled Girls In The U.S.

This is a hilarious but also disturbing homemade animation about the family dynamics of members of Vision Forum and other "Christian patriarchy" cults. I don't agree at all with Willard Romney's Mormonism, and would prefer that no religions that use deceptive tactics and proselytizing exist at all, but it amazes me how many Christians are putting all their focus on hating Mormonism and completely ignoring a much meaner and nastier cult that is growing up right within their midst like a cancer.

These freaks of nature are diehard Ron Nazi Paul supporters (the men that is; the women are not allowed to vote) and their favorite "pastors" are their supreme leader Doug Phillips (son of backstabbing kapo Howard Phillips), Phillips' inspiration Bill Gothard, wacko survivalist "reverend" Chuck Baldwin, and child-abuse advocates Michael and Debi Pearl. Their analogue in Judaism would probably be the Satmars.

Axl Rose

Mormonism is evil and just as anti-female, but it's true that there are other threats to traditional Christianity that are just as weird or evil.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: Rubystars on January 02, 2012, 04:43:50 PM ---Mormonism is evil and just as anti-female, but it's true that there are other threats to traditional Christianity that are just as weird or evil.

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That is certainly true of Mormonism the religion but average everyday Mormons tend to be genuinely nice and good, albeit brainwashed, people. The same cannot be said of VF members.


--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 02, 2012, 06:01:31 PM ---That is certainly true of Mormonism the religion but average everyday Mormons tend to be genuinely nice and good, albeit brainwashed, people. The same cannot be said of VF members.

--- End quote ---

I am glad to agree with you on this. I have only one good Mormon friend and he is indeed a good friend and a righteous gentile...

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
I have a very good Mormon friend too. He seems to be pretty neutral on Israel as a modern nation but certainly is not an anti-Semite. He's not all that political at all aside from being basically conservative. As far as I know the Mormon church does not take an official position on the state of Israel, but they do believe that Native Americans are actually transmigrated Jews.  :laugh:

On the other hand, both J-Dubs (you know, J******'s Witnesses) and Vision Forum are militant replacement-theologians. They will tell you right-out that the modern nation of Israel is meaningless and has no basis because the Jews rejected Jesus, and that they are the "real Jews".  ::)  :laugh: Obviously I and most evangelicals disagree with that very much.


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