Save Western Civilization > Save America
doomsday poll
Dr. Dan:
Both are evil and if I had a choice I would sit out that election.
In doomsday situation however, does Ron foul hold an advantage on his views of Israel vs Obama?
Paul would let Israel go it alone. so in my opinion this is a positive.
The negative is that he is a fake republucan and would ruin what the party stands for.
If Obama were president he would be dealing with a republican congress and potentially senate too making him less effective.
This poll is irrelovant. Paul has ZERO chance of winning. He has put HUGE amounts of his money and campaigning into Iowa, and the last 3 days of trailling polls has him between 2nd and 3rd place. And nationally, he is back at 9% with the GOP voting. The Paulestinians are rabid wackos, but their number NEVER increase. He actually had better national numbers in 2008.
Is there a difference? They'd both put us in the ovens if they had the chance!!!! >:( >:( >:(
--- Quote from: briann on January 01, 2012, 01:23:55 PM ---This poll is irrelovant. Paul has ZERO chance of winning. He has put HUGE amounts of his money and campaigning into Iowa, and the last 3 days of trailling polls has him between 2nd and 3rd place. And nationally, he is back at 9% with the GOP voting. The Paulestinians are rabid wackos, but their number NEVER increase. He actually had better national numbers in 2008.
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Actually only in the first 1/2 of the Des moines register poll is paul 2nd by thurs night he was 3rd considerably behind Rick Santorum.Pauls voters are not Conservative they're extreme leftist,white supremacist and muslims
--- Quote from: mord on January 01, 2012, 02:38:53 PM ---Actually only in the first 1/2 of the Des moines register poll is paul 2nd by thurs night he was 3rd considerably behind Rick Santorum.Pauls voters are not Conservative they're extreme leftist,white supremacist and muslims
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Very well said. The evangelicals have pushed Santorum past the Paulestinian marketing machine.
The thing about wacko leftists is they are very vocal and have a lot of free time to make a lot of noise.
Compare this with conservatives who typically are older and don't have the free time to 'overrepresent' themselves on the internet, etc. But thankfully, they DO vote.
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