Save Western Civilization > Save America

'Molotov cocktail' thrown at Queens mosque, home- I would not turn the guy in!!

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Circus Boy:
Police said the perpetrator Ray Lazier Lengend had "personal grievances" with each targeted location, and law enforcement officials told the Associated Press that Lengend claimed he was denied use of the Islamic center's bathroom.
p.s.- Sounds nuts because Jamaica Hospital is right across the Van Wyck Expressway and who would want to use a muzzie bathroom when he can use a public hospital bathroom right across the street?  I guess he couldn't hold it!!
What say all you Sherlock Holmes JTFers?

"They say he might not even face charges since he was black."

Fixed  :::D

Circus Boy:
He's GUYANESE according to the news.  Most likely he's Christian.


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