Save Western Civilization > Save America
Ron Paul : Calls Gaza a Concentration Camp and Cast Lead a Massacre
--- Quote from: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 02, 2012, 10:06:11 PM ---בס''ד
We just did a new video on this very subject:
--- End quote ---
I just noticed that when I saw your video....
Excellent video, Chaim.
Ron Paul is, as you say, a vicious, evil, ugly, little man. He would love nothing more than to see Israel destroyed. So, OF COURSE, he wants Iran to get a nuclear bomb. He can't wait!
Thank G-d he has ZERO chance of becoming President. He also has ZERO chance of becoming human, that maggot!
Chaim, you make an excellent point about how his supporters are anti-Semites and anti-Zionist. Just read the comments his supports write. I've been reading what his supporters write for the past number of years. What an ugly lot they are!
So it makes total sense that Ron Paul, may he drop dead tomorrow, would support the Hamas terrorists and accuse Israel of creating a concentration camp. You spoke very well to that point in the video.
Ron Paul is the enemy of Jews everywhere!
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