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Ephraim Ben Noach:
Good podcast from Iain Abernethy.
Ephraim Ben Noach:
Abir Warrior Arts
Read the Hebrew Bible and you'll see amazing tales of the battles the God of Israel won for His people, the Israelites...
* *How did they actually fight in those battles?* If the Israelites won countless victories over many ancient nations - the 'Amaleqites, the Cana'anites, the Ammonites, the Moavites, the Babylonians - and if hundreds of Israelites regularly defeated tens of thousands of soldiers...
* *How did they overcome such overwhelming odds?* Historical records tell of the Judean armed resistance against the Greek and Roman armies, attesting that they fought valiantly in wars which lasted for many years...
* *How did they defeat the armies of world superpowers who had conquered the entire world?*
* *What was the Israelites' secret to the art of war?*
* Were they simply untrained and lucky farmers? Or is it possible that they were skilled and seasoned warriors, masters of an ancient warrior art that has survived to this very day?
Many people do not know that the Israelites possess a mighty warrior tradition that has been kept and developed over thousands of years...the very tradition which we teach and practice today:
History of Abir
Abir, as a fighting system of the people of Israel, began with the three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Abraham was the son of Terah, the warlord of Nimrod (ruler of the kingdom of Babylon); he had a monotheistic revelation and left Babylon for the land of Cana'an. Abraham taught the fighting system he had learned from his father, Abir-Qesheth, to his son Isaac, who ... read more
About The Aluf Abir
The term "Aluf Abir" refers to the "grandmaster" of the Abir-Qesheth warrior tradition. Yehoshua Avner Sofer Ma'atuf-Doḥ, the current Aluf Abir, began training in the warrior arts at the age of three, under the instruction of his grandfather, the previous Aluf Abir. After the death of his grandfather, Sofer continued to train under the instruction of his father, the Abir Ro'yim. As a part of completing this training... read more
Ephraim Ben Noach:
Abir's flower symbolAbir is the combat system of the Judaic, Hebrew-Israelite nation. As one might expect from the children of Israel, Abir is a combat system which is inseparable from, and subordinate to, authentic Torah rulings concerning every action which is taken by its practitioners. The system provides a deep, spiritual expression of faith and commitment to the God of Israel, His holy Torah, and to the people of Israel as a nation living by its authentic laws. The Abir system is as effective as a form of physical combat, as it is as a spiritual discipline. An Abir practitioner acquires useful fighting skills that provide solutions to a wide variety of defensive needs. Even though many applications of Abir principles are learned at the beginning of a practitioner's studies, there is much more to explore within the curriculum of this vast system. Should you choose to train in Abir for a lifetime, you are assured that you will never run out of new concepts and techniques to learn that will take you along a deeply rich path, step-by-step. Abir is also a very pleasant and rewarding activity that provides both emotional and physical benefits. Abir has a unique Torah based diagnostic/healing system.The system includes therapeutic use of diet, herbs, oils, extracts, compresses, massage and self induced change produced through special motivational motions and verbal fortification of ones most positive connection with our inner most built in positive aspects . This system teaches the Abir practitioner to identify and ignore irrational self defeating negative thoughts.While it is not claimed that Abir will necessarily increase a practitioner's lifespan, it can certainly enhance the overall quality of his or her life. As an ancient Hebrew tradition bridging our past and our future, Abir is not just a grab-bag of striking, grappling, and acrobatic tricks. Students of Abir experience prayer and Torah-study in each training session, although it is not imposed upon students to be religiously observant to any degree outside the walls of the Abir training hall. Ultimately, a practitioner of Abir must completely submit to the will of the God of Israel, embarking on a path of justice and righteousness that necessitates observance of His laws and instructions, the rules of life which transform a human being into a willing instrument of God. It is necessary to celebrate the declared holy days - especially the Sabbath - in order to bring a practitioner of Abir into harmony with the divine order which God has established in His creation. Likewise, practitioners of Abir musts carefully observe the dietary laws in order to achieve maximum physical and spiritual health, to avoid weakening their awareness of and connection to God. However, all practitioners are free to choose their own level of Torah-observance and whatever approach they feel is most appropriate for them; there is never any interference with students' personal choices. One does not have to be 'religious' in order to be included in the Abir program. Any Abir student who wishes to take on more Torah-study and observance of Jewish law is encouraged to do so gradually, at his or her own pace. The following are categories of training in Abir, covering the classical and essential elements of Abir Warrior Arts:
*Tribal Warrior Arts*
- Bio-mechanical principles combined with calculation of timing, spatial/distance issues, variant speeds, the use and gradation of force, weight distribution, and preferred directions/angles.
- Emulating the characteristic movements and 'spirits' of the fighting animals who symbolically represent the attributes of specific tribes.
* Snake = Dan
* Lion = Judah
* Deer = Naftali
* Bull = Joseph
* Two-headed cow = Ephraim
* Donkey = Issachar
* Wolf = Benjamin
* Great Eagle = Levi (and our master Moses)
* Monkey = The letter "Qof" (not a tribe per se, but simply a letter)
*Qesheth Warrior Arts*
* Qesheth is the Hebrew word for "bow" (as in "bow and arrow").
* Qesheth also refers to arched, bent, or looped limbs, as well as an arch, an ellipse, or a physical power.
* The Qesheth method refers to always striking with an arched limb in a looping, elliptical, or circular manner, and is employed using both the upper and lower limbs, striking with any surface on the limbs.
* The Qesheth method is also applied in pushing, pressing, and locking joints, using either the arms or the legs.
The Aleph-Beth Fighting System*
* Abir practitioners learn to assume the forms of the twenty-two Hebrew letters in all of their seven types of combat applications.
* The Aleph-Beth system includes several of the Hebrew fonts, which are applied both in armed and unarmed combat.
*"Forms" Training* (Tavniyoth) **
*Preparatory Exercise* (Hakhanah)
*"Strengthening"* (Ḥithhazquth)
* Practitioners empower their spirit with Torah-study, faith, and prayer.
* Abir practitioners also build a powerful, yet fluid, physical vessel for moving and directing energy in accordance with God's will.
* Abir applied emotional/motion/motivational healing arts.
*"Connection"-Building* (Ḥibbur)
Ḥibbur means "connection" and refers to becoming acquainted with the God of Israel, the Torah of Israel, and the land of Israel, and also includes becoming connected with our ancestors through all of the various divisions of the Abir program:1. Visiting the tribal regions of the land of Israel and the battlegrounds where we fought as a nation at war over our long history.2. Learning how to make weapons as our ancestors did.3. Becoming a master of endangered Israelite ritual skills:* Making traditional Israelite clothing* Tying fringes (tsitsith) on shawls (tallith) and other four-cornered garments* Slaughtering animals according to Jewish law (sheḥitah)* Circumcision (milah)* Scribal arts (safruth), especially using the reed quill (qolmos)* Preparing both split (qelaf) and un-split (gewil) hides for scribal use* Preparing special ink (diyoh) for scribal use* Building ritual baths (miqwaoth)4. Learning time-honored Israelite agricultural skills:* Farming and growing food * Saddle-making* Horsemanship* Animal husbandry5. Taking the time to become familiar with the "four corners" of the land of Israel, paying special attention to deserts, forests, and valleys.6. Studying the people of Israel using scientific and historical methodologies and resources.7. Meeting with Abir practitioners from around the world and establishing fellowship among the children of Israel.8. Conducting outreach to inform those uninformed about Abir through lectures, speaking engagements, seminars, and demonstrations for groups and institutions.
Ephraim Ben Noach:
Ephraim Ben Noach:
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