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Santorum in the lead

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that warmongering piece of [censored] john mccain who runs around the world screaming for american world policing endorsed romney. more reason to hate mitt romney right there.

Romney seems to have a knack of clipping the wings of the rivals. Now Santorum may be best but lacking in necessary resources.

Dr. Dan:
It comes down to Paul vs romney vs non romney.

Our first choice should be non romney.

Daniel Michael ben Avraham:
Please, BHO is going to beat RINOmney over the head with the Romney Care issue.  Who gives a crap what those polls say about who can't beat BHO.  When BHO was elected nobody imagined after 911 our next president would be a black closet muslim socialist, but we got it none the less.  BHO has to be defeated on his lack of leadership when it comes to pandering to our enemies.  BHO loses on the economy no matter what, but he will not stand a chance against a principled person that stands for America and Israel.


--- Quote from: syyuge on January 04, 2012, 03:59:00 PM ---Romney seems to have a knack of clipping the wings of the rivals. Now Santorum may be best but lacking in necessary resources.

--- End quote ---

if santorum pulls third in Newhamphire i think hes got a 40 percent shot of winning.

Btw hes raised 1 million in 1 day, after iowa.


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