Save Western Civilization > Save America

Ron Paul is right on some issues

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Dr. Dan:
Hitler, YSV, might have been right on some issues too...but doesn't make either of them acceptable.

Ron Paul is wrong on more issues than he is right on. His 'Israel' policy is shameful... If anyone is fooled into believing that Paul wants to cut off Israel aide in order to help Israel is deeply deluded. The fact that he would cut aide to Israel while funding Israels enemies is a very dark cloud on the horizon...


--- Quote from: GunsAndRosesFan on January 09, 2012, 02:30:42 PM ---Ron Paul says that the US shouldn't intervene... Israel should do what it feels like doing. The USA should stop telling Israel what to do. About this I agree with him.

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good in theory, problem is ron paul is a liar and will not do that in practice

Kahane-Was-Right BT:

--- Quote from: Meerkat on January 09, 2012, 06:28:29 PM ---good in theory, problem is ron paul is a liar and will not do that in practice

--- End quote ---


White Israelite:

Don Black the founder of StørmFrønt with Ron Paul.


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