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Ron Paul got a major 'Jewish' endorsement Really

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--- Quote from: muman613 on January 12, 2012, 09:39:26 PM ---They are claiming that the Israeli government acted like Nazis in their treatment of Charadie Jews concerning the gender separation issue. I think you are mistaken to call them NK... I don't believe this incident involved the NK...

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The Charedim protesting the gender seperation issue are not NK. I recently saw the NK website showing these freaks waving PLO flags dressed in Holocaust uniforms while carrying Pro-Fakestinian banners. We have to distinguish between the two groups. One group is simply protesting the gender seperation issue, the other group wants Israel to be eliminated.


--- Quote from: danny100 on January 12, 2012, 09:50:29 PM ---
The Charedim protesting the gender seperation issue are not NK. I recently saw the NK website showing these freaks waving PLO flags dressed in Holocaust uniforms while carrying Pro-Fakestinian banners. We have to distinguish between the two groups. One group is simply protesting the gender seperation issue, the other group wants Israel to be eliminated.

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Ok... Sorry for the confusion..

It's Alright. Sometimes I also get confused with which group of Charedim supports Zionism which group opposses it. These sick weirdos in NK dress up like religious Jews with peyot and yet meet with the worst Anti-Semites in our day.   

Why the hell does Ron Paul meet with neturei karta?!! Is he crazy!?? They are totally insane!  :o

Iron Greek:
I dont know why everyone hates Ron Paul here??? He is the only one running for president thats worth a damn...He also seems to be pro Israel. Fill me in on the things i may not know if you could. Thanks!


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