Save Western Civilization > Save America

SICK Santorum and his stillborn son

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Circus Boy:
In 1996, the Santorum's son, Gabriel was born prematurely and died two hours later. Wife Karen Santorum wrote that she and Rick brought the deceased infant home from the morgue of the hospital without it being embalmed or prepared and introduced him to their six children as, "Your brother Gabriel"!!, and then driving the infant back to the morgue of the hospital. I think that this is gross negligence and child abuse and I wouldn't vote for this schlemiel just on this basis alone.  It makes my skin crawl. OK, if they went home and asked the kids and if they said yes and they returned to the morgue with their parents with proper gowns and masks.  He is a complete Catholic freak like Mel Gibson and his Opus Dei. He may have some good ideas on Israel but is that the only thing? He is like Norm Coleman, a flip flop- untrustworthy!! With he as President, we're in for big trouble!! Am I alone? How do my fellow JTFer's feel?

Karen Garver Santorum- "Letters to Gabriel" (1998)- CCC of America

I would not think highly of someone who judged a man for how he handled a horrific personal tragedy.

He is a sick man, that is sickening.
If this is how he handles tragedy he does not belong being president.
"Look children at your dead brother, who wants to take him to school for show and tell."

Chaim Ben Pesach:

--- Quote ---He may have some good ideas on Israel but is that the only thing?
--- End quote ---

So even if he's good on Israel, you wouldn't support him because of some other issue? Are you Jewish?

Does this story have a reference?  It sounds fake to me.


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