Save Western Civilization > Save America

SICK Santorum and his stillborn son

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: Circus Boy on January 09, 2012, 09:07:20 PM ---I don't like the term "traitor" used against me.  Richard Nixon and Kissinger send arms to Israel during the Yom Kippur War of 1973.  If I said I did not like him because of Watergate or the Vietnam War escalation or the secret Cambodia bombings, etc. am I a traitor?  Then put your money where your mouth is and delete my account. 

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What's the matter, did Ben dump you?

I don't know whether he should have shown the other children but maybe he wanted to give them a chance to at least see their sibling and be able to grieve the loss.

A lot of parents who have this kind of thing happen to them just want some time at home with their dead child away from the hospital environment or a funeral home environment. They may want to take some pictures or spend a little time holding their child before letting them go. There's nothing wrong with this and I think it's healthy.


--- Quote ---I don't like the term "traitor" used against me.  Richard Nixon and Kissinger send arms to Israel during the Yom Kippur War of 1973.  If I said I did not like him because of Watergate or the Vietnam War escalation or the secret Cambodia bombings, etc. am I a traitor?  Then put your money where your mouth is
--- End quote ---

Awww poor little circus boy doesnt want to be called a traitor.   

By the way, RIchard Nixon did not escalate the vietnam war, that was Lyndon Johnson.

U.S. military involvement ended on 15 August 1973, during Nixon's presidency.  I think you need to do a little reading between circus acts.  I really expect more from a boy raised in the circus.   :o

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: briann on January 09, 2012, 09:27:21 PM ---Awww poor little circus boy doesnt want to be called a traitor.   

By the way, RIchard Nixon did not escalate the vietnam war, that was Lyndon Johnson.

U.S. military involvement ended on 15 August 1973, during Nixon's presidency.  I think you need to do a little reading between circus acts.  I really expect more from a boy raised in the circus.   :o

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Circus Boy is Weifag.

Chaim Ben Pesach:

--- Quote ---That thinking is what got you banned from Israel for life.
--- End quote ---

To Circus Clown:

If you are Jewish, then you are a self-hating, cowardly traitor. You call yourself an "American". You would betray America the same way that you betray the Jews. A wimpy backstabber like you cannot be trusted by anyone in any situation. You miserable, gutless weasel.


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