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Who would you prefer to win in NH?
Dr. Dan:
Huntsman is a joke..but so was Santorum before he lost by 8 votes in Iowa.
Who do you prefer to win NH, Romney or Huntsman.
I say Huntsman only because it may slow down Romney's momentum giving Newt and Santorum a chance.
On the other hand, if it propels Huntsman to be the GOP leader, then I prefer Romney..I really hate Huntsman.
At the same time, could a Romney loss in NH lead to a Ron Paul victory for the GOP eventually?
huntsman has a better conservative record than romney. anyone but ron paul is better than romney. its true look up huntsman nra and pro life ratings.
I think Huntsman is the bigger RINO so he should lose to Romney.
Confederate Kahanist:
Huntsman definitely!
Huntsman has as much charisma as Ben Stein.
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