Save Western Civilization > Save America
Romney wins in NH, Ron Paul runs second!
--- Quote from: muman613 on January 10, 2012, 09:53:31 PM ---
Frank Purdue - the Chicken guy....
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Doesn't Ron look like Frank?
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on January 10, 2012, 09:45:58 PM ---I prefer Paul run as a third party since his supporters are Obama supporters anyway. The votes would be taken away from Obama.
Perty, newt, or santorum should drop out so one non romney candidate could have a chance.
Otherwise it will be romney and if it is, he has my full support
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Another benefit to Ron Paul running as a 3rd Party Candidate is it would severely damage Rand Paul's chances of becoming the Republican Nominee for President in the future.
--- Quote from: angryChineseKahanist on January 10, 2012, 10:10:28 PM ---Doesn't Ron look like Frank?
--- End quote ---
Ive always thought that Frank Purdue is a stand in for ex-NY mayor Ed Koch...
Ron Paul bears a striking resemblance to this guy (Marshal Applewhite of Heavens Gate fame):
Paul and the Heaven's Gate guy both look equally confused. Both also have zombiefied followers.
I wonder if Paul will catch up with the mothership soon as well.
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