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Please Opine: future of Newt
What's your opinion of Newt?
What will be the fate of the amphibian?
I wish that his fate was that he became President. Is the consensus here that he wouldn't be on our side?
I loved it when, at the last debate, after Romney was going on and on about how he didn't want to be a career politician, Newt said something like, "Oh, cut the pious baloney!" He went on to say that the only reason Romney got out of politics was because he ran and LOST! I thought that that was very refreshing. Especially because I was sitting there thinking the same thing. I can only take so much bull _____ !
In the many debates that Newt will have with Obama (if Newt is the nominee, of course), Newt will mop the floor with Obama. Romney will be a disaster. To me, he's plastic and phony. And he can't ad lib. He can only repeat things that he's memorized. Santorum is a better debater than Romney; however, Newt is better by far than all of them.
Sadly, however, to answer your question about the future of Newt: He won't be the nominee. For some reason, his message is not resonating with the people. It's like they're not listening to him or comprehending what he's saying.
I hope I'm wrong. After all, it's still early in the game.
In the General Election against Barack Hussein Obama, Newt would have a better chance of winning than the Mitt Romney that's been on exhibit in the past and present.
Having expressed this, if Newt doesn't finish ahead of Rick Santorum in South Carolina, he needs to drop out of the race. With Newt endorsing Rick Santorum within 48 hours, in order for Santorum to have a chance at giving Mitt Romney a run for his money in Florida.
--- Quote from: IsraelForever on January 10, 2012, 10:31:26 PM ---I wish that his fate was that he became President. Is the consensus here that he wouldn't be on our side?
I loved it when, at the last debate, after Romney was going on and on about how he didn't want to be a career politician, Newt said something like, "Oh, cut the pious baloney!" He went on to say that the only reason Romney got out of politics was because he ran and LOST! I thought that that was very refreshing. Especially because I was sitting there thinking the same thing. I can only take so much bull _____ !
In the many debates that Newt will have with Obama (if Newt is the nominee, of course), Newt will mop the floor with Obama. Romney will be a disaster. To me, he's plastic and phony. And he can't ad lib. He can only repeat things that he's memorized. Santorum is a better debater than Romney; however, Newt is better by far than all of them.
Sadly, however, to answer your question about the future of Newt: He won't be the nominee. For some reason, his message is not resonating with the people. It's like they're not listening to him or comprehending what he's saying.
I hope I'm wrong. After all, it's still early in the game.
--- End quote ---
We definitely agree regarding Newt matching up much better against BHO in debates than Mitt Romney. In addition to your concerns about Romney, another huge concern I have with Romney is he's the definition of political corrrectness. Much like John McCain was 4 years ago. We know how that general election turned out.
That's right, we do know how that election turned out.
Newt will NEVER endorse Romney. I mean, I can't imagine that happening. Therefore, he will endorse Santorum, I believe. But I'm not sure about Santorum. I certainly loved him when he said that he would definitely bomb Iran. But that's a double-edged sword, because saying that as a definitive action will lose the election for him. It was great that he wants to do it, but it wasn't great the way he said it. If it's a close election and you turn off one percent of the voters, you may as well close up the shop and go home. And then he says that he wants to ban contraception. Also not a good thing to say if you want to get elected. It's also a dumb idea on its face.
I believe that Newt will go on to South Carolina. If he finishes third or less, then he will drop out.
I believe that Perry will drop out tomorrow.
I hope that Paul drops dead.
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