Save Western Civilization > Save America

U.S. Marines urinate on enemy dead

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Confederate Kahanist:
Even though I condemn the urination part though I can see the hypocrisy coming from the left:


--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on January 16, 2012, 12:02:43 AM ---Even though I condemn the urination part though I can see the hypocrisy coming from the left:

--- End quote ---

Yes, I think Defecation would be more appropriate.

I am sure that Ron Paul will call this terrorism.

Ephraim Ben Noach:
I'll I can say is... They are Warriors!

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: Dan Ben Noah on January 16, 2012, 01:23:23 AM ---The left supports any and all bodily functions at Occupy Wall Street rallies aimed at multiple targets (such as police cars), but our enemies are much too sacred for that.

--- End quote ---

Like defecating on cars.  :laugh:

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
The response of the zombies that run America and its military is predictable. What I want to know is why the majority of Americans are "outraged" by this silly prank.


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