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Important contact the T.V. game show Jeopardy


Tonight at about 7:10 Jeopardy had a categorycalled Judea.A question was asked by the host treback what provinces with names of Judea,Galilee and Samaria had the same country name in Ancient times as it has in modern times the anser given that was correct according to the program was Palistine.It should be Israel it's millions of viewers  now think Israel should be replaced by Palestine please contact Jeopardy

Kahane-Was-Right BT:

--- Quote from: mord on January 16, 2012, 07:38:34 PM ---Tonight at about 7:10 Jeopardy had a categorycalled Judea.A question was asked by the host treback what provinces with names of Judea,Galilee and Samaria had the same country name in Ancient times as it has in modern times the anser given that was correct according to the program was Palistine.It should be Israel it's millions of viewers  now think Israel should be replaced by Palestine please contact Jeopardy

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I agree I saw this tonight.

There was also one last year which I forgot about but was planning to contact them about.  How sick.


--- Quote from: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 16, 2012, 08:05:08 PM ---I agree I saw this tonight.

There was also one last year which I forgot about but was planning to contact them about.  How sick.

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really they're insane

Kahane-Was-Right BT:

--- Quote from: Dan Ben Noah on January 16, 2012, 08:18:12 PM ---They called Galilee part of an ancient "country" of Palestine?

--- End quote ---

Yeah and last year they said the home of the "ancient Phillistines"
And the reply was. "What is palestine."
I can't believe I forgot about this.  I was planning to log a complaint.   Maybe if I would have done what I planned on doing it could have prevented tonight's travesty.  Now I have to do teshuva and contact them.   It will take about 2 days (or maybe a week, I forget now) before the question and answer will appear in the official jeopardy archive.


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