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Dan Ben Noah:

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Dov Hikind is a useless, good-for-nothing tool.


--- Quote from: Dan Ben Noah on January 17, 2012, 10:11:02 AM ---

New York police charged David Haddad, a 56-year old Jewish New York resident, of perpetrating a slew of anti-Semitic acts in recent weeks, The New York Times reported Monday.

According to police, Haddad knew all of the victims, and was related to at least two of them.

The acts, which include harassing phone calls using anti-Semitic language and painting of swastikas on apartment, are part of an apparent trend of anti-Semitic incidents not motivated by Jew hatred. Vandalism in Jewish neighborhoods late last year, for example, now appears to be connected to an insurance fraud cover-up.

The Times quoted local Assemblyman Dov Hikind as saying, “At the end of the day, I would obviously rather have a situation where there are other reasons behind the threats than pure anti-Semitism.”

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--- Quote ---anti-Semitic incidents not motivated by Jew hatred
--- End quote ---

That sentence makes a lot of sense.

Dr. Dan:
I understand that there are hate crimes out there...but what is the punishment for self hating hate crimes?

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
This is nothing. What about the auto anti-Semitic crimes committed by the likes of Kissinger, Rahm Emanuel, Richard F**k, etc.?


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