Save Western Civilization > Save America
Gingrich and Romney are black?? - Pastor Manning
This is a clip I found on the leftists the young turks videos. I have not seen the whole video, but here Pastor Manning claims that Gingrich and Romney have black blood in them. What do you guys think about this?
Only a liberal can get away with calling Pastor Manning "colorful" and mean his personality.
I very much doubt that Romney has any black blood because of the way Mormons have historically viewed blacks and he did come from a Mormon family.
As for "Leroy", I think that's pretty thin evidence for someone to be considered part black. Leroy was originally a white name anyway.
:::D :::D
This guy is just a cartoon of a person. I keep thinking Im watching a saturday night live sketch.
Kahane-Was-Right BT:
At times pastor manning is quite funny.
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