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Alex Jones is the Jesuit

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Rules JTF Rules:

--- Quote from: LKZ on September 19, 2012, 09:16:28 AM ---Alex Jones is funded by the KKK. He supports Nazi policies too, and blames Jews for the world's evils. The people that call him a Jesuit believe in aliens, and are nazis in the same way. Alex Jones is a liar, but lying does not make you a nazi. Lying in order to incite people against Jews is out of the Nazi playbook. And accusing them of taking over the world is the point of Mein Kamph. I disagree with people all the time, and they are not usually Nazis. Muslims and liberals like this dofus I disagree with because they repeat literal nazi propaganda, so saying Nazi is more too the point than saying supports tenants of the Nazi ideology, which still makes you a Nazi anyways.

Do you believe the retarded verbal diarrhea that spews from that fat Nazi's face?

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His wife is Jewish.

Khan Krum:

--- Quote from: LKZ on September 19, 2012, 09:16:28 AM ---Alex Jones is funded by the KKK. He supports Nazi policies too, and blames Jews for the world's evils. The people that call him a Jesuit believe in aliens, and are nazis in the same way. Alex Jones is a liar, but lying does not make you a nazi. Lying in order to incite people against Jews is out of the Nazi playbook. And accusing them of taking over the world is the point of Mein Kamph. I disagree with people all the time, and they are not usually Nazis. Muslims and liberals like this dofus I disagree with because they repeat literal nazi propaganda, so saying Nazi is more too the point than saying supports tenants of the Nazi ideology, which still makes you a Nazi anyways.

Do you believe the retarded verbal diarrhea that spews from that fat Nazi's face?

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I agree that Alex is a fat lard and a liar, and I actually think maybe you're right. The man seems to have these positions a lot like the nazi pat buchanan, so he might actually be something of a nazi. The gayvid duke cult followers call him a "jew" because they say his wife is Jewish, I don't know that is true or not but seeing his nazi views which you have pointed out, he probably wouldn't marry a Jewish woman. If she is Jewish she is a traitor and a fake Jew, no Jew would marry a fat nazi pig (or a commie for that matter).

Israel Chai:

OK you know what if you want to go chase plane trails or sneak into government property and blow up anything you believe could be used to make a mass grave for all of America, you can keep following the twisted lies that come out of that guy, and how he makes a whole story and imaginary world out of something that wasn't even right in the first place (just like pisslam), or you can grow up.

Ales Jones told people there was an alien invasion years back and people ran out and shot a water tower. Mr Tub-tub there is a big mouthed idiot that incites other idiots.

serbian army:
Alex is great supporter of Serbs.

Israel Chai:

--- Quote from: serbian army on September 20, 2012, 07:21:43 AM ---Alex is great supporter of Serbs.

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He also is against illegal mexican immigration, but that doesn't make him any less of a liar.


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