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--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 22, 2012, 08:33:03 AM ---Women are more left-wing than men in every country, and have been for much of history.

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I said part of it, not the whole picture.

Even so I don't think you can really have a country that's representative of its population if you stifle more than half of its citizens' political voice either. I don't want someone to deny me the right to vote based on what's between my legs rather than what's between my ears.

On the other hand it's undeniable that women as a whole tend to be more left wing, as you pointed out.

The tendency of a lot of women to be more liberal is really confusing to me. I've never had those tendencies. I've always been more right wing than almost everyone else around me. I don't understand what drives them to be so stupid or selfish or whatever else is driving them to be that way.

I can't imagine why anyone would make important political decisions based only on emotion. It's strange to think anyone would do that.

--- Quote from: bullcat3 on January 22, 2012, 05:33:06 AM ---Newt Gingrich is a master of deflection, obviously, and Herman Cain is not.

Let's just hope his political abilities can carry him through the general election.  I think he carries more baggage around than a few ex-wives.  Obama has a ton of money to run with.  I hope a sharp tongue will save him from that.

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I hope so too if he does get the nomination. I really am unhappy with Romney, Gingrich, and especially Ron Paul. I wish we could get three real conservatives or right wingers to run against each other instead.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
We had Michele Bachmann, Rubystars, but the country (and GOP) are just too far to the left these days to unite behind a real Reaganesque conservative anymore.


--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 22, 2012, 01:32:06 PM ---We had Michele Bachmann, Rubystars, but the country (and GOP) are just too far to the left these days to unite behind a real Reaganesque conservative anymore.

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I'm not even sure I completely trusted her. Didn't she have some connection to Carter? Someone posted that on here one time that she had worked for him. Paulette used to say she distrusts female politicians more and I generally agree with her on that point because so often they do tend to be more liberal than they seem, case in point was Sarah Palin.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: Rubystars on January 22, 2012, 11:44:56 PM ---I'm not even sure I completely trusted her. Didn't she have some connection to Carter? Someone posted that on here one time that she had worked for him. Paulette used to say she distrusts female politicians more and I generally agree with her on that point because so often they do tend to be more liberal than they seem, case in point was Sarah Palin.

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Everyone has some skeletons. The (nearly) perfect candidate was Duncan Hunter but he had zero chance. Even if he had as much money as Willard Romney, the electorate would be too leftist for him today.


--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 22, 2012, 11:54:15 PM ---Everyone has some skeletons. The (nearly) perfect candidate was Duncan Hunter but he had zero chance. Even if he had as much money as Willard Romney, the electorate would be too leftist for him today.

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It would be nice if that could change back somehow, but at this point I'm wondering if there's any chance of that at all. So many people are so used to wanting government to take care of them.


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