Save Western Civilization > Save America
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 19, 2012, 04:11:34 PM ---Come on, did Marianne Gingrich really not know what she was getting into by getting involved with a married man?
I have no sympathy for philandering men, but guess what; I have less sympathy for the women who get with them.
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I agree with this legendary rock star.
Bullcat you brought up a good point. So many candidates now have horrible things in their personal lives that it's almost become a non-issue, and has been less important as an issue since the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal with Clinton, but on the other hand, I will say that didn't seem to make a difference for the better when it came to Hermain Cain. He was driven out of the race due to his apparent inability to control himself around women.
--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 19, 2012, 04:11:34 PM ---Come on, did Marianne Gingrich really not know what she was getting into by getting involved with a married man?
I have no sympathy for philandering men, but guess what; I have less sympathy for the women who get with them.
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Anybody who commits adultery is really bad. I still think Newt deserves to be exposed for what he's done even if the one exposing him is just as bad.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on January 21, 2012, 03:22:24 AM ---I agree with this legendary rock star.
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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Nothing worse than an election time gold digger... How much cash did wife number 2 get to flap her whining and complaining mouth in this interview... This is an old issue that most people who are politically inclined already know about and have taken into consideration... The bible thumping crowd who will not vote for Newt because of issues like this are not voting for him already... All this garbage is not going to change the primary numbers much for Newt... Newt's problems are more centered in his political life not his personal... I would not have a problem supporting a Newt presidency because I feel he would put a stop to some of the anti Americanism we have now... However I would know going in that this guy is a moderate and political insider and as such not much is going to change in Washington under his administration... Sadly the way the Republican primary season is going it looks like the GOP will be war weary for the main battle event... I can see another 4 years for our sitting president almost being in the bag.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Call me a misogynist but I think woman-problems (unless we are talking outright rape like with Juanita Broaddrick) are just about the worst thing you can base your voting decision on.
Do these tramps really not have any idea of what they are getting when they marry or carry on with a politician? Let's get serious.
The vast majority of relationship issues are brought on by the women themselves because they married for prestige, machismo or money and didn't give a damn about character. I have no sympathy for any of these tarts.
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