Save Western Civilization > Save America
Is it time to consider Russia as Americas enemy?
You know when the Soviet Union fell in 1991 I was as happy as any other patriotic American that the Cold War would come to an end. But within a few years I felt a strange feeling that maybe Russia was not going to be as nice as we anticipated. After Russia attempted to change its economic system to more free-trade and capitalism from the communist model it was clear that the economy was in trouble. Due to this economic struggle the Oligarchs who owned the capital remained rich at the cost of the poor workers and thus there is a desire to return to communism. The Cold War was always used by Russia to motivate its people by claiming that Russia is threatened by the West and thus the people need to work for the state.
Today things seem to be going back to the old 'cold war' mentality in Russia. In just about every arena of foreign affairs Russia injects its stinky fingers. What is frightening is that Russia is now supplying arms to Syria {being used to kill its own citizens} and it was recently announced that Russia would defend Iran if it was being attacked by Israel.
In my mind this places Russia back in the category of ENEMY. Russia is the enemy of the American people, an enemy of the Jewish people, and an enemy of G-d. Considering Russias bloody history of pogroms against its Jewish population, its brutal Stalinist and Lenin regimes which massacred millions, and its supporting any enemy of America it seems a bit premature to cease considering them an enemy.
Everything they say is supportive of our enemies.
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