Just a random fun poll.
People who constantly complain about being single more than likely have nobody to blame but themselves. Unless they are in that tiny minority of folks who truly keep getting rejected for some stupid and shallow reason, what is most likely is that they have had various chances with the opposite sex for years that they have blown off for years owing to their own selfish, petty, and unrealistic standards. You know--because they didn't dress dapper enough, didn't have a perfect body, were a little eccentric, etc. After a while, G-d stops giving you chances and lets you marinate in the consequences of such for a good long while--perhaps forever. We all know what Esau's sin was, right?
People who constantly complain about the relationship they are in likewise only have themselves to blame. It is almost 100% certain that if you are in one, you had tons of red flags during the dating process that you chose to overlook in the hopes that you could change them, or that they would go away naturally once you two were married. People can only put up facades for so long. Plenty of women are miserable (or perhaps even battered and cheated-on) because all they were interested in were macho, meathead guys with no thought to their intellectual, emotional, career, or fathering capacities. Likewise look at all the idiotic airhead men who find out the hard way that the anorexic peroxide bimbo with ridiculous fake boobs they got hitched to only wanted them for their money.
Axl Rose