Save Western Civilization > Save America
Dr. Dan:
Just as it took a guliani to clean up dinkins mess, so will newt in 8 years. Just don't be surprised if we get a Jew as president after that....I'm thinking Eric cantor
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: Yirmayahu on January 22, 2012, 10:59:35 PM ---Ann Coulter can go pound sand for all I care. She's become quite odd over the past two or three years but I guess that whatever diet she's on that has her looking like the late Alan Cranston is affecting her brain too. As far as I can tell, Newt is the only one sarcastic enough to put Obama in his place. I for one am ready for anyone who can be as politically incorrect as possible to shock this nation of mush melons out of their slumber. The American people need a good swift kick in the donkey so that they'll wake up and smell the coffee; and Newt can do it. I would not be adverse to Newt choosing Santorum as his VP and Romney secretary of the Treasury (maybe). I'd offer the job of Ambassador to Antarctica to Ron Paul. Oh, and if I were Newt, I'd put my birth certificate on his website right away; sort of an "in your face" to the Kenyan. Speaking of which, I would immediately bring Obama up on charges of treason, along with all of his staff (and most of the Senate and Congress too) and swiftly carry out the penalty for such an act. I would really like to be one of Gingrich's advisers. I hate to say it though, I do think that the Obamination is going to do something to create an emergency so that he can suspend the Constitution and assume rule indefinitely. I wouldn't put it past the uncircumcised schmuck.
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You mean Arthur Coltrane as Rubystars would say. :laugh: :::D
Ann Coulter's credibility as a Conservative is shot. No one is in Gov. Chris Christie's corner more than Ann Coulter. That by itself is more than enough of a reason to discredit Coulter.
I think all that blonde dye has seeped into her brain and made her crazy.
--- Quote from: briann on January 22, 2012, 02:21:35 PM ---I actually though she was gonna switch to Newt. She was just as ecstatic as the others about his extraordinary debating skills. But I guess she wants the Rino.
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Any way we slice it Newt or Romney we get a Rino... I have always liked Newt because he seems to be a well informed politician... If he can turn the trick in November all the better... At this point I am not going to kid myself that Newt or any of the others are conservatives... Only more conservative than B.H.O which actually don't say much for them anyway.
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