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Holocaust survivors speak out - video
« on: February 19, 2012, 04:55:53 PM »

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« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 06:13:27 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Holocaust survivors speak out - video
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 12:32:40 PM »
I was glad that first woman was able to have children and grandchildren, that was one of the best ways of revenge against those monsters that hurt her and her family.

Her testimony about children being thrown alive into pits by nazis reminds me of the pagan rituals described in the Bible about the ones sacrificing children to Molech.

The second lady's story was really heart-wrenching too especially how she had to witness that as a 7 year old girl. Even as an older adult it's obvious how difficult it is emotionally for her to even describe what happened, but I have a lot of admiration for her how she is able to find the strength to tell what happened even though the memory is obviously very painful.

I don't even know how that man survived with any sanity at all after having to handle all those bodies of the women and children. He must be a stronger person than most.  I think it was good that he named the names of the perpetrators. It helps to get the monsters on record.

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Re: Holocaust survivors speak out - video
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 04:47:39 PM »
No matter how many times I watch these Holocaust documentaries, it's just hard to believe it happened.  And how Hitler wasn't put out of his misery by a Jew with a gun.

Those Nazi Germans and Poles didn't have 1/10 the brains of a Jew.  And they were slaughtering us like cattle.  Unbelievable.

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Re: Holocaust survivors speak out - video
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 06:33:25 PM »

Offline Dan193

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Re: Holocaust survivors speak out - video
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2012, 10:55:39 AM »

I wish i was born 20 years earlier.  I was born in 70.
If i would have been in my mid 20s in the mid 70s, i would have targeted and killed this Nazi sadist Gustav Münzberger.
This mass murderer only got 12 years for slaughtering 700,000 Jews.
Gustav Münzberger (* 18 August 1903 in Weißkirchlitz, Böhmen; † 23. March 1977) was SS-Unterscharführer and involved in „the action T4 “as well as „the action Reinhardt “in the extermination camp Treblinka.

Table of contents [Verbergen]
1 life
2 action T4 and action Reinhardt
3 operation zone Adriati coastal country
4 after end of war
5 literature
6 Web on the left of
7 single checks
Born in Weißkirchlitz in the Sudetenland, learned the joiner's trade after an regulatory school career and worked until 1923 as a carpenter in the company of its father. Afterwards it was for some months in the paper factory in Weißkirchlitz busily and completed afterwards medical training for its military service, which it did for 18 months in a railway regiment in Pardubice. At the latest in the autumn 1925 it returned to its job with the paper factory to Weißkirchlitz. The company of its father took over Münzberger 1931 and was there by August 1940 active. In the year 1938 it stepped the SS (Mitgliedsnr. 321.758) and 1940 the NSDAP.

action T4 and action Reinhardt
Starting from August 1940 it was used in the framework of the action T4 in the lock sun stone in Pirna, where it was first as carpenters and later than cook active. In August 1942, with 15 further members of the Sonnensteiner of personnel, its transfer took place after Lublin. There, possibly in the hard labour camp Trawniki, received the 16 members of the Sonnensteiner of personnel under the direction of Ernst Schemmel short military training by police officers. Münzberger, meanwhile SS-foremen, was shifted at the end of of September 1942 into the extermination camp Treblinka. First it was used in the lower camp and was involved in the dispatching of arriving Jew transportation and their forwarding into the gas chamber. Later it was used in the upper camp („dead camps “) and floated there by means of pistol and whip the naked victims into the gas chambers, whereby it let the children after-throw. [1] Besides also the supervision „of the corpse transportation command was incumbent on it “. It is to have consumed much alcohol during these activities. Münzberger, on 21 June 1943 to the Unterscharführer carried, was called because of its „acts “of the men „of the action Reinhardt “most earned of Heinrich Himmler one. During the rebellion in Treblinka Münzberger had homeland vacation and was from there not in the camp.

operation zone Adriati coastal country
After completion „of the action Reinhardt “Münzberger at the end of became November 1943, as also the majority of the personnel „of the action Reinhardt “shifts, to the operation zone Adriati coastal country after Triest. Here he was member „of the special department employment R “, which „the Jew destruction “, which Konfiszierung of Jewish fortune and the partisan fight served. In the course of the approaching end of war at the end of the units „of the special department employment R withdrew themselves April 1945 “from north Italy and Münzberger arrived again to Germany.

after end of war
After end of war Münzberger worked as a carpenter in Unterammergau. In the context of the investigations concerning the crimes in the extermination camp Treblinka Münzberger turned out into the visor of the investigating authorities and on 13 July 1963 in detention was taken. The Treblinka process against ten accused took place from 12 October 1964 by 3 September 1965 before the regional court Duesseldorf. The procedure article covered the gasification of at least 700,000 predominantly Jewish humans as well as deadly abusing, shooting, killing as well as Erhängung of individual prisoners and besides the Zerfleischung by Barry, the service dog of the commander of camp Kurt Franz. during the process tried the defense to justify Münzbergers acts:

If it insisted on as last a utilization of the gas chambers as possible, then also in the interest of the waiting Jews was; because the faster the gasifications took place, those were the shorter suffering and fears of the Jews not gassed yet. “[2]

Münzberger was condemned because of aid to the joint murder and/or aid to the murder to 12 years penintentiary. Because of good guidance Münzberger became in July 1970 from the detention to dismiss. Subsequently, it lived with its wife with its son in Unterammergau and died in March 1977.

literature [Work on]
Ernst Klee: The person encyclopedia to the third realm: Who was which and after 1945 ago. Fischer paperback publishing house, Frankfurt/Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-596-16048-8.
Documentation of the education work Stanislaw Hantz registered association: Beautiful times - gathering of material to the extermination camps of the action Reinhardt Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, reader
Web on the left of [Work on]
Kurzbiografie and photo of Gustav Münzberger
Treblinka process
single checks [Work on]
↑ Ernst Klee: The person encyclopedia to the third realm. Who was which and after 1945 ago. Fischer paperback publishing house, second updated edition, Frankfurt/Main 2005, ISBN 978-3-596-16048-8, P. 424.
↑ Münzbergers defense according to judgement (8 IKs 2/64), quotes: Ernst Klee: The person encyclopedia to the third realm: Who was which and after 1945 ago. Fischer paperback publishing house, Frankfurt/Main 2007, P. 424
Person data
NAME Münzberger, Gustav
SHORT DESCRIPTION German SS-Unterscharführer in the extermination camp Treblinka
DATE OF BIRTH 18. August 1903
PLACE OF BIRTH Weißkirchlitz
DYING DATE 23. March 1977

Offline AngryCanuck

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Re: Holocaust survivors speak out - video
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2012, 04:25:46 PM »
I hope the monstrous bastards who committed these crimes against these innocent Jewish people are all burning in hell for eternity. Not just those dispicible heartless nazi's on the front lines but every low life scumbag maggot who took any part in this in any way including those from far away countries that helped round up and ship these helpless people in cattle railroad cars to their deaths.  May they all burn forever in hell and join every other nazi already there.  Angry Canuck.