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Ask British Sword

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Welcome back.

Do you plan to continue recording additional shows ?

I have changed the format as I explained in the last show, so twice monthly now
and can we please try and get at least five questions in, otherwise I have to do a lot of filler material.

It may even change to going out once monthly as I am now competing for attention with askJTF although
I am glad of that. ;D

Greetings BritishSword,

What is the state of (lack of) freedom of speech in the UK ? By whose authority was it decided to put on an ISP block list ?
If JTF was based in British soil, would it be shut down by the police ? I think the JDL-UK posts similar 'outrageous' material and also link to JTF, so should they be worried of being blocked or even shut down ?

Please share your thoughts on collective and intergenerational guilt.

I like the show a lot!

Is Britain now a dhimmi state?


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