Here is Sandra Fluke testifying before Democrats on why she needs to have her birth control pills paid for.
Now come on, she knew what she was getting into when decided to attend a Catholic law school. How expensive are birth control pills anyway? Couldn't she just get them at a local Planned Parenthood? Also, what about the rights of the people at the university? Why should they be forced to provide abortifacients when Catholics view abortion as a sin? In a way, it's like gay marriage. All we hear about is right of homosexuals to marry just like straight people. But what about the rights of priests/ministers/rabbis? If I remember correctly, there was something in that gay marriage bill about not punishing religious clergy for refusing to marry gay couples. So what's the big deal here with Miss Fluke?
I've read on other blogs that Miss Fluke read the school's insurance policy beforehand but decided to attend anyway just for the purpose of challenging their law on birth control pills.
(On another note, I think women with polycystic ovarian syndrome *should* have the pill covered in their insurance.)
Notice where she says she should not be forced to choose between a quality education and her health? Does she expect us to believe that Georgetown was the only choice for her? If she was on a scholarship, chances are she had very good grades. I find it hard to believe that no other law school offered her a scholarship. She just wanted to challenge a Catholic school.
Anyway, Brennanfan on another thread linked to Rush Limbaugh's take on this whole thing. In a nutshell, he called her a slut and suggested she make a porno video since she was asking people to pay her to have sex. And then Obama got in on the action and called her to congratulate her. Unfortunately, he caved in and apologized.