Author Topic: Rep. Gary Ackerman Won't Seek Re-Election  (Read 451 times)

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Rep. Gary Ackerman Won't Seek Re-Election
« on: March 17, 2012, 06:10:44 AM »
I guess this fat tick has sucked enough congressional  blood during his 15 terms in congress... I guess he needs a new subject to feed on.

Gary Ackerman Won't Seek Re-Election

BY Celeste Katz

Breaking: On the heels of Assemblyman Rory Lancman's decision not to run for Congress, the man he would likely have had to primary, Rep. Gary Ackerman, says he's not seeking re-election because of redistricting. His term ends Jan. 2, 2013. Stand by and we'll hopefully update with what, if anything, this means for Lancman and everybody else... Just so we have all this in order, which might possibly help stop my brain from exploding: Bob Turner is elected to NY-9 after Anthony Weiner's resignation. Redistricting rolls around and NY-9 and Ackerman's NY-6 get redrawn. Turner announces this week that he'll go up against Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand if he can get the GOP nomination. Lancman then announces he has no desire to run a divisive Democratic primary against Ackerman and says he'll put his Congressional hopes on hold. Then we all get an email saying Ackerman's not running again.

Update: Ackerman just spoke with Alison Gendar of our Washington, D.C. bureau.

"Everybody got the same notice -- except my three kids," Ackerman said with a laugh. Read on...
"I met with Rory. He was kind. He was an intern for me. I helped him with his first campaign. He agreed that he would clear the decks and not primary. One of the things I told him was that, you know, things happen, I've been at this 30 years and I don't want a career, so look things could happen. So I gave him a heads up, I guess you could call it that."

Ackerman said that he was prepared to fight in the redistricting process, and in any primary battles, but once both those hurdles were cleared, "sometimes you see things more clearly when there is no fight. I saw that there were still other things I wanted to do. Politics was my third act. But I could have a fourth. I don't know what that will be yet, but there will be one."

Here's the full statement from the office of Ackerman (who, I might add, recently said he was full steam ahead with a campaign, redistricting or no redistricting...):

U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Queens/L.I.) today announced that he will not seek re-election to the United States Congress.

On the eve of the Federal Circuit Court’s approval of Congressional district lines that were seen to be extraordinarily favorable to Ackerman, and with the primary-free backing of the Democratic Party virtually assured, Ackerman has informed his family, staff, friends and party leaders that he will not seek a 16th term of office.
“The residents of Queens and Long Island have honored me with their trust and support for the past 34 years, first as a New York State Senator, and for the past 15 terms as a Member of Congress,” said Ackerman.

“I’ve been truly privileged to have had the opportunity to fight for the beliefs of my neighbors in both the State Capital and in the halls of Congress. During my years in Congress, it has been my pleasure to address the needs of thousands of individual constituents and to influence domestic and global policy while serving on the Financial and Foreign Affairs Committees in the House. I am most thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to serve my country and my community.”

Congressman Ackerman went on to say that he remains extremely passionate about the causes related to his Congressional activities and expects that he will continue to be aggressively involved in many local and global issues as he moves into his role as a private citizen.

Update: Here's a statement from DCCC Chairman Steve Israel (who, of course, is a Long Island rep):

“For nearly 30 years Congressman Gary Ackerman has served the people of New York and worked tirelessly in their service. From his early days fighting for family leave in New York, through his legislation that mandates HIV testing for newborn babies, there’s never been a moment where Gary hasn’t put the people of New York first.

“He’s been a leader on the Foreign Affairs Committee, particularly when it comes to the Middle East, and been a staunch and steadfast ally for Israel. For me, Gary has been a good friend for a long time and we'll miss his New York deli event.”

“On behalf of the DCCC, I thank Gary Ackerman for his distinguished service in Congress and wish him and his wife Rita all the best in their next phase of life.

“The Queens and Long Island areas that he has represented supported both President Obama and Senator John Kerry. We look forward to electing a Democrat in November who will work to rebuild the middle class and protect New York seniors.”

Update: Mayor Bloomberg says in a statement, “When Gary Ackerman and I visited Israel at the start of Operation Cast Lead in January 2009, rocket alarms went off as we visited the police station in Sderot. As everyone scrambled into the bomb shelter, Gary was cool and collected, which is exactly how he went about business in Congress for more than three decades. The borough of Queens – and the people of Israel, Africa and so many other areas of the world – have rarely had a stronger ally in Congress, and our entire nation will miss Gary's encyclopedic knowledge of foreign policy and so many other issues. I wish Gary, his wife Rita and his entire family all the best."

Update: City Comptroller John Liu of Queens says in a statement, "Congressman Gary Ackerman has been an exemplary public servant for three decades and his decision to retire will be a loss for his constituents.  As a constituent myself, I wish him the very best. Gary will be a tough act to follow."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 06:25:25 AM by cjd »
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