Author Topic: Presidential candidate Alan Keyes?  (Read 2823 times)

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Presidential candidate Alan Keyes?
« on: June 08, 2007, 01:19:39 AM »
'We Need Alan Keyes for President' Website Launched
Aims to inspire grassroots support for moral conservative leader

Contact:  Stephen Stone, President, RenewAmerica, 801-494-1412, [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA, June 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- An organization calling itself "We Need Alan Keyes for President" has launched a website to press the former Reagan administration diplomat to enter the field of Republican presidential contenders. 

According to a statement at the website -- -- the organization's purpose is to "determine and rally support for a presidential candidacy by Dr. Keyes."

The statement adds, "We Need Alan Keyes for President, Inc., is a political action committee . . . not managed by Alan Keyes."

The effort is spearheaded by several individuals at RenewAmerica, a grassroots organization affiliated with Keyes.

Stephen Stone, president of RenewAmerica, said, "At this point, Alan has not indicated that he will run.  In fact, he has said that he would run only if enough people at the grassroots come forward to say they want him to run.  Our job is to give them a chance to do so."

Added RenewAmerica's legal counsel Steven Voigt, chief of staff to the draft Keyes movement:  "Alan believes that the American people, themselves, are the key to restoring the values that are essential to the future of our nation.  He has therefore stressed that it's ultimately up to grassroots Americans to decide who they want in the arena.  If enough moral conservatives want him, he's indicated he will run."

Stone commented, "We receive e-mails almost daily at RenewAmerica encouraging Alan to run.  The writers are moral conservatives disaffected with the current candidates.  These messages share a common belief that none of those running truly represents the moral conservative base of the Republican Party." 

Stone cited an e-mail from a Florida Young Republican he said was typical of the messages RenewAmerica receives:

"It's time that a true conservative stepped to the plate to combat the left.  No one in the field of candidates, Republican or Democrat, has more experience in the realm of foreign policy than Mr. Keyes.  No one is more qualified to lead this nation in the war on terror than Mr. Keyes.  No one is more qualified to lead this country in protecting the right to life than Mr. Keyes.  I'm confident that he is the best candidate for the job.  I really hope to see him run."

Stone noted, "We plan to show that there are literally millions of grassroots Americans who feel the same way."

"The bottom line," continued Stone, "is that a lot of people are waiting for a moral conservative leader to stand forth and represent them, and to date, no one appears to be doing so.  This is not to question the integrity or credentials of several fine individuals -- mainly among the so-called 'second tier' GOP hopefuls.  But moral conservatives appear to see no outstanding leader among the current candidates who energizes and inspires them."

Keyes served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under President Ronald Reagan.  Previous to that, he served as Reagan's ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.  He spent 11 years in the U.S. State Department, before being drafted to run for the U.S. Senate from Maryland in 1988.  At a fundraising event for Keyes, President Reagan said the diplomat "reflects the values and bedrock principles of this great nation."  Keyes also won the Maryland GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate from Maryland in 1992, defeating a primary field of 13 candidates.

Ambassador Keyes ran for president in 1996 and 2000, on a pro-life, pro-family, tax-reform plank.  In 2004, he responded to a call from pro-life conservatives in the Illinois Republican Party to challenge Barack Obama for an open Senate seat, replacing Jack Ryan, who dropped out three months before the election.

In recent years, Stone said, "Keyes has stood fast in support of moral conservatives who were battling to defend traditional marriage in Massachusetts, save Terri Schiavo from judicial murder in Florida, restore protection for the unborn in South Dakota, and stop the abuse of federal judicial power against Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama."

"Keyes has also made countless appearances before moral conservative groups, championing the work of crisis pregnancy centers, encouraging the role in politics of Christian believers, and calling for the establishment of secure U.S. borders," added Voigt.  "He has ceaselessly advanced the need to give top priority to restoring America's moral principles -- by observing the Constitution's protection for the life of our posterity in the womb, and by restoring respect for the procreational family, based on the union, by marriage, of one man and one woman."

Keyes also writes columns that appear at and

Link to article.

Offline Duncan

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Re: Presidential candidate Alan Keyes?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2007, 12:00:48 PM »

I'd have to say no, Former UN Ambassador Keyes is another globalist

Alan Keyes  - CNP 1996, 1998, 1999; Founder & Chair, The Declaration Foundation public policy organization, 1996-present; Founder & Chair, 3  Black America's Political Action Committee (BAMPAC), 1993-present; Chair, Life & Liberty PAC. Unsuccessful candidate for the GOP nomination for President, 1996. Unsuccessful GOP nominee for US Senator, 1988 and 1992;  served in the U.S. Foreign Service and on the staff of the National Security Council before becoming Ronald Reagan's Ambassador to the U.N. Economic and Social Council as deputy to Jeanne Kirkpatrick (1983-85), representing the United Sates in the U.N. General Assembly. He was then appointed Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (1985-87).; speaker at Israel's Jubilee Celebration 4  [See: EJECT]  Host of The Alan Keyes Show: America's Wake-Up Call, a nationally-syndicated call-in radio talk show; President of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW)1989-91 5, founded by J. Peter Grace, CFR.; served as Interim President of Alabama A&M University in 1991. Founder of CAGW's National Taxpayer's Action Day 6;  scholar/fellow at American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy 7 , AEI in 1988 to 1989.

Chairman of Declaration Foundation: 8 Restoring America." ..."dedicated to restoring the principles of the Declaration of Independence to their rightful place in American life. It is not a political organization, and takes no position on candidates or elections. Rather, it aims to educate Americans of all parties and persuasions about the God-given rights that underlie our republic...." Dr. Richard Ferrier, President, served on the CA Steering Committee for the Keyes for President campaign in 1996, and worked on the Keyes2000 team as well. Dr. Ferrier has taught at Thomas Aquinas College since 1978.

Alan Keyes was/is a member of the South Africa Lobby in the United States, a group supporting the pro-apartheid administration in South Africa. He left government service to join the public relations firm of Black, Manafort, Stone, and Kelly to assist in preparing for Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi's tour of Washington DC... Keyes served on the World Freedom Foundation's Bi-Partisan Commission on Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua. The World Freedom Foundation (WFF) is a stridently anticommunist group and its representatives were denied visas to enter Nicaragua to observe the 1990 elections because of their strong pro-contra bias. 9

Freedom House 10 > and it's history/associations: Alan Keyes received his Ph.D. in Government Affairs in 1979 from Harvard, where his roommate was William Kristol, [Bilderberger] editor and publisher of The Weekly Standard, an influential journal of politics and ideas published in Washington, D. C. William Kristol ran Alan Keyes' 1988 Senate Campaign in Maryland. The Weekly Standard Deputy Editor is John Podhoretz. John's dad... Norman Podhoretz is a member of the CFR and his mother, Midge Decter, is a vice president of the Socialist League for Industrial Democracy. 11 

In 1985 William Kristol was hired by Bill Bennett 12  to serve in the federal Department of Education, where he quickly rose to chief of staff. He has served as chairman of the Project for the Republican Future from 1993 to 1994 and as the director of the Bradley Project on the '90s at the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation in Milwaukee in 1993. (from Board of Visitors page at George Mason University. 13

William Kristol's father, Irving Kristol, (CFR-lifetime member) joined the Young People's Socialist League in the 30s. 14

In 1953 Irving Kristol founded and was editor of  the magazine "Encounter" in England, which was secretly supported by the CIA. It ran articles for Fabian Socialist and Bilderberger Huge Gaitskell, head of the Labor Party. 15  Irving co-founded, in 1965, with Daniel Bell, (CFR) "The Public Interest." Magazine. 16  This was a publication of "Freedom House.", which has received major support from The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and has such as Jeane J. Kirkpatrick as a trustee and CNP's Alan P. Dye .

For Fabian Society See: The Clapham Sect & The Socialists ; The Cecil Rhodes Connection; The Clapham Sect, The Ghost Society & The Word of God; World Vision: Institute for Global Engagement & Eastern College

Kristol was co-founder of Coalition for a Democratic Majority (CDM) who also has Kirkpatrick as a member. 17 

Freedom House was run by George Field who was chairman of the Rand School for Social Science owned by the American Socialist Society. 18

Daniel Bell, Kristols partner, also belonged to the Young Socialist League 19 and was a director for the League for Industrial Democracy , which was the American equivalent of the Fabian Society. Previous to 1921, it was named the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 20  it's goals to advance the ideas of Marxism.  Upton Sinclair and Jack London founded ISS in 1905 and Upton later founded the American Civil Liberties Union of California. Among the activities pursued by the League were research, lecture and information services, and development of plans for increasing social control. Jeane Kirkpatrick's name was on the letterhead of the League for Industrial Democracy until recently.

Intercollegiate Socialist Society, as stated, was organized by Upton Sinclair, Jack London and also Clarence Darrow, John Dewey and others. It's permanent headquarters was at the Rand School of Social Science in 1908, with the name changed to League for Industrial Democracy, and whose 1935 president was John Dewey. 21 

source http:// www. seekgod. ca/cnp.ken.htm#keyes (posted cold link)

Proverbs 1:22 - “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge."



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Re: Presidential candidate Alan Keyes?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2007, 03:29:09 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Presidential candidate Alan Keyes?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 08:39:21 PM »
I like Keyes, but he's got no chance.
Used to watch his show on MSNBC. I think he's a good man.

Offline ScotcH

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Re: Presidential candidate Alan Keyes?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2007, 11:07:44 PM »
Good Post.

Now, if we were living in a parallel universe where we could even pretend that Keyes could garner any decent support among distraught GOP voters, we might as well run CONGOlezza Rice with him !!  Umm-hmmm... 8)

However if this were to ever happen you better hope Christo-FASCIST Pat Buchanan isn't around because he would tear the GOP to shreds and the next thing  you  know we'll have the terrorist duo Hillary ARAFAT and Barack OSAMA in the oval office with a dreck-filled cabinet.

So no thnx ! 

Offline Shoshana

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Re: Presidential candidate Alan Keyes?
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2007, 11:14:02 PM »
I used to watch his show on msnbc and loved him. I don't agree with him on everything but the majority of issues I certainly do. I don't think he could win though.