Noam Schalit is a nasty peice of work, the kidnapping of his son Gilad, seems to have had no effect on Noam, what normal person would say such a thing after what has happened? I highly doubt he would say this if it was him kidnapped by Hamas and held in Gaza for 5 years, absolute fool.
Gilad has hardly been seen since his release from captivity, when he was first interviewed when released, he stated "I hope this deal will lead to peace between Palestinians and Israelis and that it will support cooperation between both sides." ... I wonder if Gilad has taken to many knocks to the head here?
I also start to wonder if releasing 1077 Palestinian terrorist vermin from Israeli jails to free him was actually worth it, Because how many Israeli lives have now been placed in severe danger for somebody who thinks you can "make peace" and "Co-operate" with a horde of bloodthirsty Arabs who are simply squatting on Israeli land!
I thought the release of Shalit would have been be a proud day, but his statement and Noam's Twisted views have turned it very sour..