Author Topic: nikmatdam update... i really screwed up this morning... forgive me...  (Read 5947 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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i really messed up this time good... i'm so stressed out over the kapo issue that i lost it this morning and didn't recognize my own post... please forgive me... read my final message to revava... it still applies despite my error and mess up... take care... nik.

this was written over at the revav site and appears again below in its proper sequence...

here's the original thread... (to follow below)... it was here all along and this morning i hit the wrong archive... so i did write this... and i did change my own m.o. for this time out... what can i say...? i'm seeing red over this kapo issue and i just went ballistic... and missed the right entry... doesn't matter though because i'm not sticking around here unless my entire "volunteer kapos" piece is restored in full... so i guess i'll never "see" you guys again... that's fine with me... i'm moving on... if one is not allowed to express his true convictions no matter how fiery... than what's the point...? if one is not able to sit and communicate without worry of censorship and/or banning... than why bother...? and of course the answers are... there is no point in doing so... and i absolutely will not bother any longer to try and get my message accross here... nuff' said... ta... nik.   
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"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
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Hello nikmatdam  June 28, 2007, 04:25:40 AM   
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Revava Discussion Board > General Category > General Discussion > New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
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  Author Topic: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!  (Read 1574 times) 

Hero Member

Posts: 4366

     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #75 on: February 13, 2007, 11:07:46 AM » Quote 

Quote from: menachembenyakov on February 13, 2007, 07:43:22 AM
" Only time will tell... It certainly made Olmert think twice though. "

 There is no evidence that Olmert has thought at all.

Like olmert cares about the trauma!   What olmert and company learned about amona is that they can do whatever they want and no one will lift a finger and that he will not have a hard time finding Jew haters to carry out his gov's dirty work. Best not to be ignorant and think that amona has disuaded the gov from further expulsions. 
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
Hero Member

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     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #76 on: February 13, 2007, 06:18:03 PM » Quote 

Not "dissuaded," neccessarily, but certainly it made them tink twice. The mess from that incident alone took months to get cleared up (and people still aren't over it), and recruited more "right wing extremists" to "our" camp than ever before. And why do you think Olmert and Peretz haven't uprooted any other communities for so long (I hope I'm not speaking too soon though chas vechalila)?
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"The Land will not be atoned for the blood which has been spilled upon it, except through the blood of those who spilled it..." (Bamidbar 35:33)
David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1339

      Monday February 19, 2007 - Protest rally for Jonathan Pollard
« Reply #77 on: February 15, 2007, 01:56:31 AM » Quote 

Monday, FEBRUARY 19, 2007  Adar 1, 5767, 6:00 pm
Protest rally for Jonathan Pollard opposite the Prime Minister's residence at Kikar Paris, Jerusalem

Prime Minister Olmert is scheduled to meet with American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Abu Mazen next Monday February 19, 2007, at his residence in Jerusalem. Olmert's invitation to Condoleeza Rice and Abu Mazan has been set to coordinate the release of thousands of PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi terrorists and murderers from Israeli prisons, at the explicit request of the Americans.

invite you to join our protest.  Esther Pollard will be there. She and Jonathan need your support.

For further information call 054-6437218 or visit our web sites: (Hebrew)   and (English)
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
Jr. Member

Posts: 82

     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #78 on: February 15, 2007, 08:26:33 AM » Quote 

The facts are there.. 21 years of vigils and singing and letters have acomplished NOTHING.

You can argue what you want about legalities etc.. but if you call yourself as kahanist.. then the road blocking is the answer.
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David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1339

      Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #79 on: February 15, 2007, 12:09:39 PM » Quote 

Quote from: elchonon on February 15, 2007, 08:26:33 AM
The facts are there.. 21 years of vigils and singing and letters have acomplished NOTHING.

You can argue what you want about legalities etc.. but if you call yourself as kahanist.. then the road blocking is the answer.

Elchonon this one is for you, Enjoy.

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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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Posts: 4366

     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #80 on: February 15, 2007, 01:13:53 PM » Quote 

thats why I dont call myself a "kahanist"   (dont like to block roads)   
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
Hero Member

Posts: 792

     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #81 on: February 15, 2007, 04:49:52 PM » Quote 

Quote from: David Ha'Ivri on February 15, 2007, 12:09:39 PM
Quote from: elchonon on February 15, 2007, 08:26:33 AM
The facts are there.. 21 years of vigils and singing and letters have acomplished NOTHING.

You can argue what you want about legalities etc.. but if you call yourself as kahanist.. then the road blocking is the answer.

Elchonon this one is for you, Enjoy.

I don't get it.. it's US Marines in Iraq on their daily business.
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Due to popular demand, my last signature is replaced by a very important dvar Torah that will only be visible to truly observant Jews. The dvar Torah is:
David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1339

      Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #82 on: February 16, 2007, 01:14:10 AM » Quote 

Quote from: doom777 on February 15, 2007, 04:49:52 PM
I don't get it.. it's US Marines in Iraq on their daily business.

Right "the Few and the proud", listen to the music in the background.
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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Posts: 125

     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #83 on: February 18, 2007, 12:55:51 AM » Quote 

Well we are preparing for round 2!

Another round of protests are being planned for one month from tomorrow. March 18th - 28th of Adar.

Hopefully this will draw bigger crowds than the last time.
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Hero Member

Posts: 1141

     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #84 on: February 19, 2007, 01:20:08 PM » Quote Modify 

Hello kiddies, well it's been 21 years, true. However, poor Jonathan, a true patriot, is languishing in jail for one and only one reason, HE"S A JEW - like me and you! We'd get the same treatment and nothing more. Doesn't anyone realize that all the presidents in office since Pollard was incarcerated are all tied to the CFR and Vatican cabal who wield the sword (or Yedayim shel) of Esav in the world!!   The pitiful reality is that anti-Zionism and it's snif, anti-Semitism, has been the sine qua non of the nations since 1975. They feel very comfortable relating to us in that way. No way in the world is there any compulsion for the facist illegally-elected, nazi-descendent King George to grant amnesty to a lowly Jew.

No, holy brothers and sisters, as heartrenching as it seems, justice for one of our own does not exist in this un-promised land (nor in our own land for that matter). Only Moshiach can extricate us from this reprehensible, humiliating, oppressive situation us Yankeles find ourseleves in during this long Golus. By all means, please continue to pray, send letters, call the White House, or whatever. But know, it's more for us than it is for him.

To recap, there are only three ways Jonathan is going to leave prison:

1. In a coffin
2. Through a prison break (isn't that a great Fox 11 show?)
3. Moshiach

I'll take #3.

With Ahavas Yisrael,

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"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
Hero Member

Posts: 4366

     Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!
« Reply #85 on: February 19, 2007, 03:47:06 PM » Quote 

Nik, IMHO you are wrong. I think Bush would free him if Olmert would have asked or if piglet would have asked, Clinton would have freed him if barak or bibi would have asked (under the table release of course) but truthfully no Israeli politician wants Pollard out or back cause he'd be a detractor and a snitch in their eyes. If Pollard were released publically the shabak would probably eliminate him in a matter of weeks kinda like they did with B. Kahane (you know "died in terror attack"-read state helped terror attack)
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
Hero Member

Posts: 1141

     Re: i screwed up...
« Reply #86 on: Today at 04:15:03 AM » Quote Modify 

just delete or move after it registers in my archive... i will be back in a moment with a further piece and from now on i am here to stay... please G-d... i gave revava the benefit of the doubt after my last banning... but not this time.... and never again... nik. be back in a sec. here...

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Hello nikmatdam  June 27, 2007, 12:57:48 PM   
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1   General Category / General Discussion / Re: censored and banned yet again...  on: Today at 10:25:12 AM 
menachem... first you write me privately saying you are reading my posts with interest and now youtell me publicly to go away... you are a hypocrit my friend... and a plant... nik... 
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2   General Category / General Discussion / Re: censored and banned yet again...  on: Today at 10:23:33 AM 
when you can remove by fiat the hottest topic going on your board it only harms yourselves... it exposes you all for the utter frauds that you are... nik. in defiance... out!!!!
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3   General Category / General Discussion / censored and banned yet again...  on: Today at 10:20:25 AM 
are you kidding me...? this i must have really struck a chord and a very sensitive nerve at that... now i know the truth david...  c'est la vie... aurvoir... i wear your unfair treatment and scornful silencing like a badge of glory... ta... nik. proudly...over and out!!!!
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4   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here  on: Today at 01:32:19 AM 
and you have much too much faith in the slime who rule over our land... nik.
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5   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "Jewish" Agency should be renamed to Capo Agency  on: Today at 01:31:00 AM 
he was the next false messiah after shabatai tzvi... he also went to turkey... i don't think he converted to islam... but many of his family later converted to catholicism... but he and shabatai tvi are the precursors of the jewish-european reform judaism movement... he lived in the 1700's... shabatai tzvi was in the late 1600's... look them up on line... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed to both of these slime... nik.
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6   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here/and not going nowhere...  on: June 26, 2007, 03:10:16 PM 
and soon the slime in israel will be joined at the hip by the forces of the super-slime and go and expel what's left of yesha and throw them all into these huge camps they are erecting which will then be guarded by good ol' uncle sam curtesy of all of our hard-earned u.s. taxpayer dollars... (G-d forbid)... ain't life just grand...? nik. in-the-thick... out...
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7   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here  on: June 26, 2007, 01:32:13 PM 
they already have... fool... n.
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8   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "Jewish" Agency should be renamed to Capo Agency/ of greater rome...  on: June 26, 2007, 01:03:58 PM 
that's right... stop trying to suck-up to the wzo or any other secular zionist organization... joining them or voting in their elections is like working for shabtai tzvi and jacob frank... and feeding into the plans of the vatican... it's satanic like they all are... nik. out...
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9   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here/shhh!!!! not so loud... you might wake someone up...  on: June 26, 2007, 02:36:11 AM 
i know you guys will never do this because you are all so narrow-minded... but barry chamish deals with the presence of american troops in israel on a special enormous base (i forget exactly where) somewhere along the "green line" replete with a huge american flag flying atop it... he has pics and everything in "bye, bye gaza" but none of you super genius' would even venture to take a look-see... you all would rather trash him and pontificate upon what little knowledge you actually have on this subject and not trouble yourselves to go out and do a little digging...  but hey that's fine by me folks... and when armaggedon comes... chas v'shalom... you can all crawl under the covers a little snugger and wish the mean american conqueror away... that's the way guys... atta boys!!! ostrich judaism to the bitter end... good night and sleep tight... i'll turn out the light for you on my way out... shhh! i'll tippie-toe.... ta... nik. (in a whisper... shhhh!!!!) out...
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10   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "the wit and wisdom of rabbi meir kahane..." an unsolicited review...  on: March 11, 2007, 04:33:43 AM 
thank you both... n.
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11   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "let my brother go..."  on: March 11, 2007, 04:31:16 AM 
that's right... and that's because his spiritual descendants rule this land for the last 100+ years at least... nik. out...
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12   General Category / General Discussion / "the wit and wisdom of rabbi meir kahane..." an unsolicited review...  on: March 09, 2007, 02:38:31 PM 
lenny... i just completed your latest offering... great job... good book... there are however a few errors in syntax and missing words here or there... and also that when you quote a chapter of something you should also list the relevant verse or verses referenced... all of which of course are very easily to correct for future editions... but besides these minor flaws and imperfections the book is fabulous... yasher koach...

that said two points need to be mentioned here and now...

first... the book's brief overview and bio of rav meir's life alone is invaluable... however for me the book's few excerpts from rav meir's hy"d knesset speeches were the highlight of the book and underscore how crucial is the vital necessity of getting them out to the english speaking jewish world... i have the hebrew version but i know my hebrew is probably not good enough to really and fully grasp their message and content... please... please... translate them soon... if even the slime (dati mks included in this term) who walked-out on him whenever he rose to speak knew how powerfully great and rivitting his speeches all were that they would listen to them from the hallways... what does that say about the magnitude of the effect they will have upon good and decent jews of all stripes around the globe if only we can get them into their hands...?

secondly... there needs to be a vol.2... a sequel... this is much too precious a legacy to let lay with just one volume... there must have been plenty of other anecdotes which you left out for whatever reasons... here are 11 more which i know of... two of which i was personally witness to myself (and in one i was even the subject of the maesa as well)...

1) the one about how when he was just 9 or 10 he stayed in at recess and drew a map of aushwitz and the raillines leading into it... explaining to the shocked teacher with tears in his eyes... "if only they would bomb the railways many jews could still be saved..."

2) how when still a boy he already knew he wanted to be prime minister of israel... and his younger brother nachman once asked him: "you're going to be prime minister one day... but what will i do...?" to wit meir responded: " i have a very important job for you to do... you will be in charge of the mimeograph machine getting out all of our announcements!"

3) and the time he came home to find his brother crying on the front step having been bullied by a goy who also then stole his bike from him... meir became angry and proceeded to pummel the poor lad himself saying: "you let a goy do this to you... how could you...? what a chillul Hashem!" and he gave it to his brother for that...

4) next... a rabbi (av-beit din) friend of mine here in l.a. once told me a story which occurred while he was sitting on the beit din of tel aviv... one day he learned that rav meir was going to speak that morning at tel aviv university so he went on over to catch his speech... he told me rav meir came in to unruly hoots and hollers and jeers of derision from both the left-liberal jewish students as well as from the many arab students in attendance... he got up on stage and stepped up to the microphone and said: "boker tov yehudim v'k'lavim!" ("good morning jews and dogs")... and that's all he got a chance to to say because with those opening words he ignited a riot as absolute pandemonium erupted in the hall ending all hopes for him to be able to continue and finish his address... i guess given his audience that morning he felt this riot would be the best outcome he could hope for and so he took his shot and touched it off on purpose... and utilized the ensuing chaos to deliver his message that day... 

5) and while we are on the subject of dogs... rav meir was once interviewed and he was asked if he really believed the arabs are dogs and not human...? he said: "of course not... but i know if i say it i will get front page coverage and thus much greater publicity for my transfer policy (which is the calling for the immediate booting out of all arabs from eretz yisroel and also including the irreversible final annexation of all of the west bank, golan heights and gaza territories)..." he added that it was the same thing as his other demonstration and campaign for the freedom of soviet jewry... "where i knew that resorting to violence against the soviets was the only recourse which would take the news of our protest movement for the release of soviet jews off of the back pages of the ny times and get their plight put onto the first page... column one... above the fold... where it deserved to belong..."

6) and the time when he was enroute by car to or from a parlor meeting or rally where everytime they passed by an arab cemetary the rabbi would shake his head and sigh... saying under his breath... "tch... what a shame..." or "too bad..." until someone with him was finally compelled to ask... "are you so sorry for arab deaths...?" and he chuckled and responded: "no... i'm just chagrined there aren't more of them in those graveyards!" (that then there would be much less terrorism against yidden)...

7) and the one where he was asked by a reporter: "rabbi... it says in YOUR bible that one day the nations will 'beat their swords into plowshares' (isaiah:2:4) aren't you in favor of that...?" to wit he replied: "of course i am... but we're going last!" 

 rabbi tzvi block of Torat Hashem (then aish hatorah of north hollywood)... a long time friend, talmid, colleague and supporter of the rav here in l.a. from whom i got most of these gems... once told me that rav meir was many times his "scholar-in-residence" for shabatonim he held... and that every single time without fail when the rush was on to finish cooking and preparing erev shabat the rav would pitch in... donning an apron and carrying trays from the oven and the like... and on shabat itself he would even assist with the serving and the clearing of the food...

9) as some of you may know... before his death he was interviewed as part of a documentary/drama starring faye dunaway... "double-edged sword..."  roughly the jane peters story... the author of the excellent work and must read... "from time immemorial..." jane came to israel a liberal american civil-rights journalist from toronto, canada... the movie depicts (sort of) the true story of how she came to israel to write about the plight of the "poor" PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis and how monstrous israel was treating them... thinking it was the same kind of story as the abuses the blacks suffered in the american south... she was quickly disuaded from this notion and became aware of all the lies and propaganda being spewed forth by the arab world... in the movie she interviews several major figures right and left... jewish and arab on the issue of the crisis in the middle east... everyone got 4 clips... the rav only three because he was murdered during the making of the film... i'll have to look up the exact transcript to fill-in the details (after shabat) but here are the three superb points i believe the rav made...

a) "the middle east is not the mid-west where people can iron out their differences over coffee, tea and cake... this is a very rough neighborhood and things are decided and resolved here by other means..."

b) "the lesson taught out from the vietnam war is crystal clear... 'if you can't or won't hate your enemy... you can and will never win the war...'"

c) "i am not a racist... i do not hate the arabs because they are arabs... THAT would be racism... i hate them because they hate me and wish to kill me and steal my land from me... this hatred of mine is thus a normal response of self-defence and the presence of a healthy and functional self-preservation instinct kicking in..."

and finally the two that i am a party to myself...

10) sometime in 1989... i was once driving down beverly blvd. in the fairfax area of l.a. when i looked up at a billboard on the northwest corner of fairfax avenue diagonally across from cbs studios... and the sign read: "rabbi kahane is coming to l.a. next week to tell you why your local jewish federation spends your contributions on arabs instead of on jews in israel..."

and last but certainly not least... (for me anyways)...

11) rabbi kahane did not only win over jews for judaism along his way... his pursuasive and moving addresses got many jews to "convert" politically as well... myself included... i was already a b.t. of some 13 years or so when i heard him speak on the campus i was doing kiruv on... cal state northridge... in may of '88... he came to campus in a swirl of controversy and wild arab and liberal protest... 400 people showed up to hear him speak... i was then (sadly) very misguided and still thought that we should "just all give peace a chance..." and that "all you need is love..." could and would somehow still do the trick... even before i got my chance to face him down that day... a bunch of 5 or 6 arabs in the crowd whom i had been in conference with that year on campus attempting to bring shalom... (it was an utter waste of time... as so many of them could not even look at me... their hatred being so palpable... let alone talk with me about peace and i later found out that all year long they had been ripping down all of my fliers announcing my classes and programs)... anyway... they all stood in the middle of his speech and yelled out to the crowd to follow them in walking out on the rabbi... (no one went with them) but the rav called out after them as they departed... "AH... IT'S SO GOOD TO BE A WINNER... THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO BUT PATHETICALLY STAGE A WALK-OUT... AND YOU BETTER NOT START UP WITH US EVER AGAIN OR NEXT TIME WE'LL LIBERATE EVEN MORE OF OUR LAND FROM YOU ALL!!!"   

MAN... YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE SHOCK ON ALL THOSE YOUNG JEWISH FACES LOOKING UP AT HIM.. THEY WERE STUNNED IN UTTER DISBELIEF AT HIS COURAGE AND MOXIE...WELL! I TELL YOU THEY NEVER KNEW A RABBI COULD BE SUCH A GIBOR!!!... for you see they just didn't make rabbis like him from where they came from.. to put it bluntly... rabbis from their neck of the woods had never demonstrated such cahones in all of their lives!!!... you could see they were just completely blown-away by this exchange...

even still when my turn finally came to speak out and voice my protest... i stood angrily waving in the air a letter i had addressed to him which was printed the next day in the school paper... i challenged him that he was misrepresenting judaism (boy do i have alot of tshuvah to do)... i said in my salvo and emotionally-charged argument... "how can you talk of war and resort to violence and throw all the arabs out of israel... when avraham avinu taught the concept of the brotherhood of man to the world...?" (i recived a loud ovasion).... 

rav meir glowered down at me and rejoined...thundering down at me... his eyes blazing with fire: "AVRAHAM AVINU...? WHEN THEY CAME AND CAPTURED HIS NEPHEW LOT... HE WENT OUT TO.... WAR AGAINST THEM AND DESTROYED EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!"

and with that retort i just sat back down in my chair again... i was through... you could put a fork in me... my premise had just been completely and utterly obliterated... i went up to him later after it was all over and i asked him why the gedolim didn't hold by him... his answer was succinct and exactly to the point and is the absolute truth... emet l'amita... he said: "because they are not zionists..."

and that my friends is the meir kahane i got to know... up close and personal... a few weeks later i attended his forthcoming dinner at the hilton hotel in beverly hills as an uninvited guest... people were talking to me about my stand-off with the rabbi... they were all chuckling over how i had gone from a rabid opponent to a "born-again" kahanist... in truth i hadn't really yet but they were enjoying the moment and the story so much that i just let it go... i let them have their fun... i spoke with rav meir after that briefly... in truth i had been moved... visibly shaken from my previous postions by the debate with him... but i was not all the way there yet... but from that encounter i had gone on to read many of his books and had written him a long letter with many questions for him... he told me he would send me a taped reply to them... but sadly i guess he never got around to it... good shabat all... nik. out...
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13   General Category / General Discussion / "let my brother go..."  on: March 07, 2007, 05:27:11 PM 
last night at a little dive in the pico/robertson area of l.a. called "the joint..." midnight music producer stuart wax hosted a protest concert on behalf of jonathan pollard... it was a small crowd that turned out for the only briefly advertised event... and on a random tuesday night to boot...  but the concert's message still had an impact as a great many of l.a.'s major jewish music talent were in attendance and performed... some penning songs for pollard's release just for the occassion...

david haivri presently in town on a u.s. speaking tour also was there and spoke of the necessity to hold the israeli government and american-jewish "leadership" (sic) accountable for abandoning jonathan... a fallen comrade... on the field of battle... and that by their 20+ years of silence they have done a grave injustice to all jews everywhere as it highlights a callous lack of care, sensitivity and compassion for a true jewish hero... as david phrased it..."our biggest jewish hero alive today..." as he continued... "we in israel all owe our lives to him for what he did for us back in the mid-80's..."

and let's be clear folks... he is innocent of the crimes he was accused of committing... he is currently serving a 23rd year of a life-sentence for having caused the deaths of some 17 or so u.s. agents in eastern europe when all along these americans died because of the seditious espionage of robert hansen and aldridge ames... both now in prison for spying for the soviet union...

also to be thrown into the mix here is the fact that the vital life-saving information about iraqi, syrian and libyan chemical and/or nuclear weapons development and capability in the early 80's ALL was information that was supposed to be passed onto israeli government and military authorities but was deliberately withheld and not exchanged as per a 1983 intelligence-sharing accord signed between then-president reagan and then-prime minister shamir...

the one and only reason that jonathan is still incarcerated for a non-crime done with a supposedly friendly (treatied) ally is because "he knows where all the bodies are buried..." he possesses first-hand knowledge of all the real crimes committed by former and current high-ranking israeli and american government officials... and this is the real truth folks... certainly the pollard affair is one of the greatest travesties and mis-carriages of justice in u.s. history topped only by the rosenberg state-executions and murders in the 50's... (as an aside... you will surely notice that both of these glaring examples of black-eye-giving cases to the reputation of u.s. jurisprudence were perpetrated solely against the american-jewish community and upon noone else)...

and so in conclusion... as david privately summed up for us after the concert... "don't feel that this event was a failure because of the low turn-out... not at all... this event marks perhaps the first protest-concert-demonstration of its kind anywhere in the world outside of israel on behalf of pollard... and for this alone it was a great success... i felt like crying watching these jewish artists and activists perform and take part in this event tonight in such a selfless fashion... yasher koach to all who were involved..." nik. out...

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14   General Category / General Discussion / public apology to david, yisroel and lenny...  on: March 07, 2007, 02:51:00 PM 
i spoke with david here in l.a. last night and he cleared up for me the circumstances of my banning awhile back... he explained to me that he was out of the loop... tied up with serving his community-service rap and had no knowledge of and gave no approval of the action taken against me... i had assumed he and you all had since i did not hear from the three of you when i requested an explanation and/or an intercession...

from that initial misunderstanding on my part i was guilty of opening myself up to believing all of the loshon hora spoken of you three on other sites... really i see now that it was all rechilut and motzei-shem-ra as clearly most of these allegations are just innuendo and pashut untrue to begin with...

to wit i now humbly apologize and ask mechila from the three of you... i said some pretty unkind things against you all and against the revava organization in general on another site by way of registering my shock, outrage and utter dismay over any or all of the things being bandied about there that they just might possibly be true... all of which i now thoroughly regret and see how wrong i was... all of my acceptance of the likelihood of those charges stemmed from my believing that david and yisroel had approved or ordered my banning and that while on previous occassions and at other such unfair and intolerable offences against me they had seen fit to reverse them... but since this time they had not done so and were not even responding to my personal appeals to them to do so i naturally assumed the worst.. that this time the "real truth" was coming out... i just couldn't accept that a rogue moderator or two full of their own sense of power and self-importance were responsible for singling me out for so much grief on their own authority... (and now that this is really the case... this is an issue that must be addressed here... but another time)... otherwise i assure you all that i never... ever... would have entertained such scurrilious slanders against your character and true motivations... which i see now are completely and purely l'shaim shemayim... and have been all along...

so again... please accept my sincere apology...

and everyone here should take further note that i am doing this solely on my own volition for david neither requested this of me nor has had any prior knowledge that i was about to take this course of action... i look forward to further involvement in the revava movement and strongly value my friendship with the three of you... take care... and G-d bless... sincerely... nikmatdam   
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15   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: March 06, 2007, 08:47:10 PM 
kol hator...
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« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 04:44:44 AM by nikmatdam »
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Re: nikmatdam update...
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 01:14:35 PM »
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16   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: March 06, 2007, 12:32:46 PM 
6th perek and they are called yishmael not arabs... nik.
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17   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe: "ship of fools..."  on: March 05, 2007, 04:59:28 PM 
yes we are... everyone here is arguing the point... the original post wanted to make this exact point... that arabs could indeed still someday qualify for ger toshav status despite what they have done as a nation or group to us (a few of them... some of them... most of them... take your pick it is irrelevant)... to think that they could still be considered and allowed by the torah to live amongst us after what they have done to us for over a hundred years now and still counting (as they are still doing this to us even AFTER they supposedly already "swore off violence and recognized the state of israel's right to exisit") is both insane and obscene... despite it all to continue to maintain that somehow they are still not to be included in with the likes of amalek and/or the canaanim is to put it simply as rav meir did so often... "the mercy of fools" rendering us "a very sick and twisted people in desperate and dire need of a collective couch!!!" nik. out...
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18   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: March 05, 2007, 11:42:33 AM 
yes but he the ger toshav cannot come from the ranks of canaanim, amaleki or any other member of a nation at war with us or harboring hatred towards us over ownership of the land... nik.
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19   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: March 02, 2007, 06:07:22 PM 
yby... that does not say they can then be granted ger toshav status... but they can become an eved canaani... as all canaanim may be only eligible for this position if they reject idolatry and recognize the supremacy of jews over the land of israel AND they never as a nation any of them ever attacked us... if one did... they all must leave or die... as i said previously...

also to glenn... we are not obligated to wait for amalek to attack us to fight against them and eradicate them... they already attacked us in the midbar (the desert) on our way out of mitzrayim (egypt) and G-d then and there condemned them to utter annihilation... and commanded us to remember not to forget to wipe them off the face of the earth and to erase their very memory as well... blot out amalek people... we are under orders to get ready whenever Hashem sends us His navi (prophet) to do to them what we did to haman and far worse... to remove everyone of their men, women and children... their animals and their property from existence... good shabat... happy parshat zachor... and a freilechin purim everybody!!!!
"zecher timcha et amalek..." nik. just aching to do this mitzvah... out...   
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20   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: March 02, 2007, 01:57:30 PM 
you must be mis-reading the sefer hachinuch... a canaani could only become an eved not a ger toshav... and that is in itself a machloket... as others hold their only choices were to be flight from the land or death... nik. out...
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21   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: February 28, 2007, 05:17:01 PM 
glenn there is only one difference between us and our commandment by G-d to finish amalek off whenever He next sends us a prophet to tell us that now is the right time to do this... and between the arabs or the christians saying that their gods have told them to kill us for being evil and hated by their gods... and that difference is...

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22   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Sanhedrin leader arrested.  on: February 28, 2007, 05:09:40 PM 
ef you israeli government... ef you... nik.
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23   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: February 27, 2007, 04:58:02 PM 
6th perek of the gra's "kol hator" i showed this to you before and you or someone already posted the entire sefer on this site... yishmael is amalek too... and binyamin kahane quotes the abarbanel in his hagaddah that they have a din of canaanim as well... nik.
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24   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe: in mechiat amalek...  on: February 27, 2007, 03:50:26 PM 
next as for amalek... the torah tells us we are... "to remember not to forget to erase and to destroy even the very memory of amalek (let alone its entire populous... every man, woman and child and all of their possessions) from under the heavens..."

this means and G-d states openly as well that... "Hashem has a war against amalek for all-time... in every generation... until the end of time..." until they are totally eradicated from the earth... all because they attacked us unprovoked when we left egypt and were traveling in the midbar (the desert)... they hated the very concept of kedusha (holiness)... and rejected out of hand the very notion of G-d having a chosen people to carry His torah message of man's true spiritual nature out into the world...

and thus we are commanded to finish them all off as soon as we are able... as soon as we are free from danger and imminent attack by all the other nations of the world... or at least any of those which surround eretz yisroel...

the mitzvah is one requiring a tzivui al pi navi (the command of a prophet) and thus the mitzvah does not apply at the current time... until moshiach comes... however... rav moshe feinstein zt"l wrote that if one knew for sure that someone was from the zera of amalek (the seed of amalek) and further knew that he could kill this individual without creating a chillul Hashem of a jew murdering (because the world does not understand the evil of amalek nor therefore this mitzvah) and thus he knew he could get away with it and not get caught... one would be permitted (not obligated) to kill him and would fulfill a mitzvah thereby... furthermore like applies to canaanim... it is forbidden to allow an amalekite to convert to judaism... and while it is true that if one deceives us and succeeds in doing so... thus avoiding our ever being able to kill him as an amalekite... we still seek a pretext to do so... like david hamelech did to the amalekite ger who brought him the news of shaul hamelech's petirah and when he informed david that he had helped shaul fall on his sword... david rose up and executed him for daring to harm the moshiach Hashem... so too are we bidden to do if we learn of an amalekite ger...

and forget about mentioning from medresh esther that haman's sons or grandsons converted and were learning torah in jerusalem... first of all we hung them all after killing them... and this is a tos sofer... as the medresh really is that sancheriv's grandsons were learning torah in bene brak... after his two sons killed him for having lost his whole entire assyrian army (185,000 strong) who were all destroyed outside the walls of yerushalayim in chizkiah hamelech's time on a pesach seder night... they then fled to israel and converted... so that should read sancheriv's children not haman's... as two great tanoiim descend from sancheriv... shemayah and avtalyon... the rebeiim of hillel hazaken...

and while we are on the subject of sancheriv... we learn in chazal that he was mevalbal all the nations of the world and except for yisroel there are no longer any pure lineages and genealogies anymore... so how can we ever be expected to kill off amalek...? first of all this is why we will need a navi to tell us who they are... second there is a gemora in mesechus megilah that asks this very question... (page 15 i believe)... and the answer given is that there is a tradition among chazal that amalek is or resides in the part of the world known as... "germania shel edom..." (germany)... thirdly the gra writes in "kol hator" that in the end of days amalek will be comprised of all of esav, yishmael and the erev rav unjewish jews ruling over eretz yisroel before moshiach comes..." now "all" doesn't mean everyone as this would mean most of the world is going to be put to death... it was explained to me to be the nobility and upper echelon of the world... that all the evil of amalek will be residing in the places of power all over the world... the kings and queens... their families and their governments and parliaments... the leadership ranks of their armies, industries and media... plus the super-wealthy class...

and thus my fellow jews... i give you amalek... hiding among us right in plain sight... and striving to do us all in with every breath they take and every ounce of energy they can summon... because they know better than all of us... that after all is said and done... it is either all of us or all of them... let's make it them people... let's make it them... happy parshat zachor... "zachor timcha amalek..." amen selah... now onto ger toshav... next... nik. out...   
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25   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:i refuse to believe in arabs living in israel/ the eved canaani...  on: February 27, 2007, 02:56:36 PM 
before i quote you from sefer rayon in a subsequent post... let's review... we were commanded to utterly annihilate the canaanim (the zayin amamim)... "lo techaya kol neshama" ("not to leave alive a single soul from them")... they were too evil and G-d had determined that they were beyond rehabilitation...  He also warned us that if we did not remove them all in their entirety they would be a source of bitter vexation to us... they would influence us especially our youth to avodah zara and to zenut (idolatry and immorality)... the abarbanel also comments that they would always harbor resentment and hatred towards us for having "stolen their land" from them and that they would bide their time waiting for the opportunity to strike back at us and undo our conquest of them and "their" land which they had previously stolen from shem (malkei tzedek) right after the fall of the tower of babel (migdal bavel) in 1996 fc (from creation)...   

of course they were free to quit the land and if willing to depart they would be spared death... there is a machloket in the gemora (based upon the story in sefer yehoshua {the book of joshua} about how the canaanite nation the givonim tricked us) and tosafot brings in the first or second perek of kiddushin (i believe)... and they held similarly that if a given nation of these 7 canaanite nations surrendered immediately without "firing a single shot" (and it had to be the entire nation without any exception)... they could remain in the land... renouncing idolatry and swearing allegiance to the jewish hegemony over the land and then become our utter and abject slaves forever... hence the term "eved canaani" which subsequently applied to any non-jew from any nation who became enslaved to us... of course there were rules of engagement here... they were never allowed to be freed... it was a bitul mitzvat aseh to free them... because the torah says "they shall be your slaves forever and you shall cause them to be inherited from you by your children..." (they had a din of karka... they were considered as landed property)... they also were not permitted to become our slaves unless they would accept more than just the sheva mitzvot b'nai noach which a simple ger toshav was supposed to accept in order to be allowed to reside in eretz yisroel... these slaves had the status of quasi-jews as they had to convert in part thru milah and mikvah and were subject to all non-time-oriented mitzvot and exactly as jewish women are commanded...

albeit for different reasons and purposes as a jewish woman or for that matter a full convert ~ a ger tzedek as well... are both absolutely equal in status to a jewish man or to a native-born jew... jewish women just have differing obligations and responsibilities so they are patur from mitzvot sh'hazeman grama... in order to be able to accomplish these different goals... (most of which revolve around giving birth and rearing infants)... so a jewish woman's exemption from certain mitzvot resulting in their having the same mitzvot as an eved canaani does not render them less than a free jewish man like this does to the willingly enslaved non-jewish man... also if the eved is ever freed... he becomes automatically a full-fledged jewish man with the same level of any native or converted jewish man... he is in fact then considered a ger tzedek... however meanwhile as long as he remains a slave and because he can only be one if he agrees to quasi-semi-jewish status he has to take on the mitzvot of the torah the same as any other jew but on the otherhand due to the fact that his persona and his time were not his own and he was bidden to serve his jewish master thus he had to a only to observe the same commandments of nashim... and if these prospective jewish converts/non-jewish slaves were not willing to undergo this semi-conversion and accept upon themselves these restrictions and requirements... it then became forbidden for us to keep them as our servants and we must then either release them or sell them to goyim... but also then if they were actual canaanim by lineage they could not  remain in the land of israel... as they were never allowed to be considered for ger toshav status and remain in the land as a goy... a gentile... that was reserved solely for other goyim who were (are) not members of the 7 canaanite nations...

so if the canaani in question refused the torah terms of his/her enslavement... they would have to leave eretz yisroel or die if they refused to do so... and it goes without saying that we are not mekabel garim (we do not accept converts to judaism) from these canaanite peoples... and one final point about the eved canaani... i have repeatedly informed you that rav meir and binyamin bring down the abarbanel to teach us that any soneh yisroel nation living on the land have a din of (a status of or an halachic ruling of) a canaani... because they resent our stealing "their" land from them and they like the canaanim which Hashem warned us about will always hate us and look for the opportunity to avenge their loss and dead-conquered predecessors... and thus they must all go... period end of discussion... it is a sevora... pure logic and common sense not even requiring a pasuk... only in our sick, twisted and demented times do we need to be told what any normal people would instinctively know is true and act upon accordingly in self-defense and for self-preservation to avoid annihilation... we are indeed a very ill people and nation... in need of much therapy and meds... nik. in disgust... out...     
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26   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe:  on: February 26, 2007, 06:33:04 PM 
gra kol tur last perek... says that yishmael will have a din of amalek in the end of days... same for esav the gra syas... so based on that virtually all goyim are excluded from ger toshav qualification...

as to sefer rayon i will have to get back to you on that... nik.

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27   General Category / General Discussion / Re: I believe: believing doesn't make it so...  on: February 26, 2007, 03:34:03 PM 
bully for you... you can believe all you want that goyim can live in eretz yisroel and be granted ger toshav status... but that doesn't mean you are halachically correct... in sefer rayon rav meir quotes the rambam that the rights of ger toshav status cannot even be petitioned for by goyim until the mitzvah of yovel is reactivated... why...? because that would mean that then a majority of the jews in the world (50% + 1 jew) would be living in eretz yisroel and the land would be safe from an internal goyish majority taking it over and because the geulah shelaymah would then be imminent...

also goyim being granted ger toshav status does not to apply to any member of any nation who hates jews and the concept of a torah-state in eretz yisroel... and that pretty much eliminates everyone worldwide... but at least it excludes any arab from ever being allowed to live in eretz hakodesh once this law is reactivated...

so while most of what you believe is right and good and true to torah that one is wrong... so please give up your fantasy that one day we can make peace with the arabs by giving them ger toshav status... "lo haya v'lo nivrah" this will never happen... it will never occur... they are going... all of them... one way or another they will never be allowed to remain... so this one of your new "ani ma'amins..." is totally incorrect and should be altered to fit the will of G-d... nik. out...   
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28   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Temple Mount "Re-Opened" to Jews  on: February 25, 2007, 02:57:20 AM 
the rebbe is definitely not either of the two mashichim... he can't be moshiach ben yosef because either mby will accomplish his goals or be killed trying... the rebbe had neither happen to him... we're still in golut and he was not killed by armilius... the leader of amalek... rav meir kahane on the other hand was killed al kiddush Hashem while trying to do these messianic things and so he qualifies more than the rebbe for this mashichut...

the rebbe is also not moshiach ben david... because mbd will ingather all the remaining exiles, fight the wars unfinished by mby and will build the beit hamikdash hashlishi... the rebbe did none of those things... and the rebbe's not coming back from the dead to do these things either... because this is not christianity... this is judaism which we are referring to... and in judaism... see the rambam hilchot melachim where he states that if someone fails on his "first" attempt to do all of the above three criteria and dies... he is either a failed moshiach or a false one... each claimant gets one chance and one chance only during his lifetime... sorry no second comings... also according to the rambam's shita of... "in the natural order of things..." (see above)... after accomplishing all three things moshiach ben david will live, rule and eventually die and his son will take over from him... and in turn his son after him until the time for techiat hamatim arrives and then david hamelech himself will return and rule forever... the rebbe didn't do the three things... nor did he leave a son behind to rule in his stead... see perek chalek... the last perek in sanhedrin...

sorry to have to be so brutally honest... but this is normative torah judaism... chabad is no longer in this fold... so stop worshipping the rebbe and start worshipping Hashem!!! nik. out...   
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29   General Category / General Discussion / moshiach will be "the bomb" dudes!!!  on: February 23, 2007, 07:09:53 PM 
yeah... the rambam said that... but look what moshiach will be able to do "in the natural order of things..."

1) usher in an era of universal peace for all mankind... one which will endure all over the world forever...

2) bring all the jews scattered to the four corners of the globe back home to eretz yisroel...


3) build the 3rd and eternal beit hamikdash and restore the avodah...

which means...

4) he will have enough power to defeat the slime worldwide... he will be able with Hashem's help of course to fight any wars of resistence to his and Hashem's version of the new world order coming to pass...


5) he will be able to protect all of us or most of us or some of us (depending on what we deserve at the time) from the reprisals of the about to be vanquished and eradicated evildoers of this planet (i.e. amalek which according to the gra at the end of days will {does}comprise yishmael, esav and the erev rav unjewish jews who will {who are} now running eretz yisroel for those above two slime who are these "jews" masters and who have themselves been running the entire earth for at least the last 2000 years)...


please G-d soon... amen selah...

so good shabat and happy parshat zachor...

nik. always with hope... out...
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30   General Category / General Discussion / Re: wife of Rabbi Kahane  on: February 23, 2007, 05:06:13 AM 
who's the pic of abu...?
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The Wit and Wisdom of
Rabbi Meir Kahane
You Must read this Book
Reclaiming the Temple Mount
Informative book on Har Habayit
By Activist David Ha'Ivri 
Plant Trees in Israel
Trees Beautify the Land
A living memorial that grows
Uncomfortable Questions
For Comfortable Jews
Rabbi Kahane asks the
questions that others are afraid

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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: nikmatdam update...
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 01:33:25 PM »
this page somehow includes a forgery of my work... someone wrote in and penned something... i do not know how or why... but it's about jonathan pollard... (#35 below)... i haven't read it completely... and i may not even disagree with it... i'll get back to you later on that one... but i categorically deny writng it and the proof is it looks different than all the other ones... i do not capitalize my work or punctuate except for ... and an occassional !!!!! or two or three... so this one signed NIK is a fraud!!!! i do capitalize occassionally  as well for extra added emphasis or show of emothin but never my name... because only Hashem is the ultimate NIKMATDAM... i only try to emulate Him in my very humble and too imperfect way.... because i care for all of our fellow brothers and sisters who have died and been martyred or have been hurt and maimed thru the actions of the world-wide slime... and this is my life aim and goal to find justice and vengeance for them not by violence (which will not work or do any good until moshiach ben david arrives and i am not him)... but i strive by by word and chesed and tefilah... etc... to do what i can for them so that they will not have died or have been hurt in vain and so that they shall no be forgotten... this is my goal and my life offering in service to Hashem... and ialways sign out either with a ta... nik. if i'm being snide, ironic or satirical or with a nik. out... if i am in "deadly earnest" about some matter i have just talked about... once in awhile i sign out with an extra phrase or two but never the way that guy did it... and i usually don't space myself to sign my handle away from the body of the text... because i am not trying to call attenmtion to myself persay... this work of mine is not about me... it's about torah and Hashem... the jewish people and eretz hakodesh... and never... ever... just about me... if i fight back or get upset it's for the cause not for the sake of my honor or kavod... never... chas v'challilah... i labor in the love and service of Hashem and for Him alone... i could care less about myself... this is what i learned from my teachers and guides... especially from rav meir and rav binyamin... so suffice it to say that i'll have to look into this one further to be sure... nik. out...   
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31   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Temple Mount "Re-Opened" to Jews  on: February 22, 2007, 10:43:43 PM 
just the headline in and of itself is a monstrous chillul Hashem!!! nik. in disgust... out...
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32   General Category / General Discussion / Re: A open letter..  on: February 21, 2007, 01:46:51 AM 
upon further reflection consider my comments and criticisms withdrawn... sorry... nik.
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33   General Category / General Discussion / Re: A open letter..  on: February 20, 2007, 01:57:22 PM 
this space's message has been deleted by the author not censored by the moderators... nik.
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34   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?  on: February 19, 2007, 03:00:21 PM 
well we know this much for sure... to get to where he has gotten... he's got to be a hell of a lot closer to henry kissenger's worldview than rav meir kahane's... so don't get your hopes up and don't go looking for the yeshua we need to come from him... Hashem can use anyone... anywhere... so what i mean is... don't look for jeremy-baby to do Hashem's bidding willingly as if it were his own will... nik.
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35   General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!  on: February 19, 2007, 01:20:08 PM 
Hello kiddies, well it's been 21 years, true. However, poor Jonathan, a true patriot, is languishing in jail for one and only one reason, HE"S A JEW - like me and you! We'd get the same treatment and nothing more. Doesn't anyone realize that all the presidents in office since Pollard was incarcerated are all tied to the CFR and Vatican cabal who wield the sword (or Yedayim shel) of Esav in the world!!   The pitiful reality is that anti-Zionism and it's snif, anti-Semitism, has been the sine qua non of the nations since 1975. They feel very comfortable relating to us in that way. No way in the world is there any compulsion for the facist illegally-elected, nazi-descendent King George to grant amnesty to a lowly Jew.

No, holy brothers and sisters, as heartrenching as it seems, justice for one of our own does not exist in this un-promised land (nor in our own land for that matter). Only Moshiach can extricate us from this reprehensible, humiliating, oppressive situation us Yankeles find ourseleves in during this long Golus. By all means, please continue to pray, send letters, call the White House, or whatever. But know, it's more for us than it is for him.

To recap, there are only three ways Jonathan is going to leave prison:

1. In a coffin
2. Through a prison break (isn't that a great Fox 11 show?)
3. Moshiach

I'll take #3.

With Ahavas Yisrael,

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36   General Category / General Discussion / Re: One of the Scariest Things I Have Read for a Very Long Time  on: February 16, 2007, 04:16:41 PM 
depends where... men are allowed to wear t-shirts and shorts... maybe not to shul but it is not un-tzniut for us to do so... even around women...

as to kippot... it is a minhag yisroel to wear them... not a requirement... however... the wearing of a headcovering of somekind (like a hat) IS an obligation in halacha... at least for the following four activities...  while eating (for making brachot and bentching purposes as well as for general yirat shamayim reasons while so involved)... for davening and the learning of torah... (out of respect and reverence for Hashem and on account of the special nature of His torah)... and finally whenever walking daled amot b'rishut harabim... (walking around out of doors a headcovering is worn for reasons of anavah {humility} and proper kavod and yirat shamayim {honoring and fearing of G-d})...

chabad has another problem i forgot to mention previously... the last time i was in a chabad shul for shabat... there was a a mazel tov... and after the guy's aliyah they were dancing around the bimah singing the usual... "ha rebbe shelanu" zemer but this time i heard a new twist to it... no longer is it like the "yechi" yell of theirs... or the techiat hamatim reference of the above mentioned rephrasing to the old "david melech chai v'kayam" niggun...

this time everytime they mentioned the rebbe in the song alot of them added the phrase "shlita" onto the end of it... now "shlita" is a term used for still living rebbeiim and tzadikim... and it is hebrew for "sh'yichyeh l'yomim tovim aruchim" ("may the rav live on for many long and good days" {meaning: many more years of good and long life})...

now of course this is an absurd statement to wish someone who has already passed away... and even for yaakov avinu... of whom it says in medresh... "yaakov avinu aino mait"... when we speak of him we do not say "shlita" about him... so this is a new low reached within the chabad movement... the insanity is growing and deepening and worsening and it is very sad and very tragic to witness...

another objection i have which i forgot to mention is that many of them hold that anyone who was not a a fanatic follower of the rebbe's meshicutkeit will be punished when he shows up finally and redeems us... and they of course will all be richly rewarded for their faith and become his closest subjects (and then they will be the new "chosen" ones) and form and comprise his elite inner-circle... and the rest of us will all be left out in the cold, holding the bag, just looking in...

this of course is disgusting and is nowhere brought in mainstream authentic judaism... in fact... the maharal when he mentions the fact that perhaps like in mitzrayim a large contingent of jews will not want to accept torah dictates even when moshiach arrives... he doesn't say they will all be destroyed... but that the moshiach "WILL COMPEL THEM TO ADOPT TORAH AND MITZVOT AND THEY WILL THEN COMPLY..."

now this is referring to non-frum and unobservant jews who will be a problem when moshiach arrives... but even they will not necessarily be punished or destroyed or not allowed to participate in the joyous celebration of our final redemption... (i know rav meir and some others have said that many jews will perish... like the 4/5ths in egypt... but not everyone agrees with this and anyway according to everyone especially the maharal this does not have to be the case even if most jews do not do tshuvah prior to moshiach's coming)...


this is sheer stupidity...  this is pure am haratzet... and a deep pathological lack of ahavat yisroel... and this is coming from the one group in k'lal yisroel that everyone praises for having the most ahavat yisroel ~ love for fellow jews!!!! so because of this selfishness i now call into question the validity of this accolade for chabad... i see all of their good work now as nothing more than missionizing zeal for the rebbe's malchut and no longer great acts of ahavat torah and yisroel... sorry... but chabad is no different than "jews for jesus" or any other cult or missionary group out there... this is just the way i feel and the way i now view things by them... someone prove me wrong!!!! i don't really hear them speaking about Hashem at all... i only hear them speak about the rebbe... it's always... "the rebbe this..." and "the rebbe that..." never "Hashem says..." or "Hashem is wonderful..." etc.

"DAYENU!!!" i've had enough already!!! "i'm going to just say it like it is..." "call it the way i see it..." all of this "rebbekeit" stuff is not authentic, torah-true judaism... it is just shtut... very dangerous narishkeit... as it is nothing more than just yet another case in our history of false-messanism run amok... and as such... simply put... what it constitutes is just pure, unadulterated hero-worship gone absolutely bezerk!!!! nik. out...           
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37   General Category / General Discussion / Re: One of the Scariest Things I Have Read for a Very Long Time  on: February 15, 2007, 05:04:03 PM 
and of course all of this messanism was around long, long before any of you chabad guys are owning up to... i was a b.t. in 1975 and i was here in l.a. and in yerushalayim hearing already back then how the rebbe was a navi and moshiach... so don't give me any of this... "only after the stroke" b.s. he could have quelled it and i heard he tried several times to do so over the years in the 80's and early 90's... (is this really true...?)...

i also know that this techiat hamatim moshiach stuff from sanhedrin 95a or b only started AFTER HE DIED... but now we see it has progressed to "he never died..."

furthermore... he could have saved his chassidim from disintegrating into just another play-on-theme of the old yashka-cult heresy by APPOINTING, WHILE STILL LUCID, A WORTHY SUCCESSOR... (something he never attempted)... someone like rabbi steinsaltz would have been more than adequate and more than deserving... now perhaps none of you guys would have accepted a successor but he still should have tried to make you accept one... that would have been in my humble opinion the best thing that could have ever happened to stop the meshichus madness from getting out of hand as it long has already ever since his petirah... it was also irresponsible of the chief associates of the rebbe not to attempt to find someone to assume the helm even if only under the guise of a temporary fill-in... something then could have developed by his leadership to steer chabad clear of the avodah zara that it HAS been engulfed in for at least a decade now... and things are getting worse and worse and the idolatry is spreading deeper and deeper... everyday now...

i can't believe what i read in that article... i never thought things had degenerated this much... this fast... i had heard of a few screwballs in eretz yisroel... known as elohists for deifying the rebbe... but i thought they were only few and far between... but what they just reported to be going on... on a daily basis everyday at mincha INSIDE 770 is beyond the pale... and all of this occurring AFTER they kicked out all of the mashichists... is just frightening and absolutely shocking to me...

this movement is hurtling at breakneck speed now... headlong toward disaster... and i am not being ugly, vicious or hateful... i am being compassionate... i want to see these jews saved and preserved for true, authentic judaism... but many of them are heading for certain ruin if things are permitted to continue to deteriorate in this horrible fashion...

and all of this insanity IS NOT JUST EMANATING OUT FROM THE chabad b.t.'s... i've seen some of this untoward stuff from the movement's rebbeiim as well...

lastly... what is this new item of news that while the rebbe was living in france... and going to school that he was not wearing a headcover...? is this said to indicate that he was not even observant back then or that he was using the heter to not wear a kippa for business purposes, etc. or because of anti-semitism, etc.? if it is the latter... why even bring it up...? this is legitimate halacha... in such situations... one is ALLOWED to walk around bareheaded... so why mention it at all...? and so if that was why he was not wearing a kippa and if he really wasn't wearing one... but only for the above two reasons... then reporting it was totally unfair and a cheapshot... furthermore he probably wore a hat everywhere he went and just took it off indoors... and in that case bidieved the ceiling serves as a headcovering... someone please respond to this last point of contention and clear this misleading matter up... thanks... nik. out...

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38   General Category / General Discussion / Re: O Oh... Looks Like We've Got Competition!  on: February 15, 2007, 03:06:03 PM 
amen selah... kein yirbu... kein yehi ratzon... everyday i pray for both of them having maximum success in slaughtering the other... may they all perish quickly from off the face of the earth... amen... nik.
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39   General Category / General Discussion / time to shun chabad... all of it...  on: February 13, 2007, 02:48:27 PM 
this is truly sick... it's one thing for the torah to call avraham avinu "a nasi elokim" ("a prince of G-d")... or to describe moshe rebenu as "an ish elokim" ("a man of G-d"/or a "G-dly man")... whichever... but to call any man G-d incarnate is of course avodah zarah... and even just to say the rebbe was the most perfect man whoever lived... is in itself also a glaring lie and sheker which smacks in the face of chazal who taught us that the highest man of all time was moshe rebenu and no one not even moshiach will be comparable... in fact moshe is the chief prophet of all-time and the avot are in a tie for second until moshiach ben david arrives and then he will assume second place and the avot will fall to a tie for third... this is straight out of official judaic thought... see the ramchal in derech Hashem on nevuah...

now we see in our day for the first time really how very treif chabad is and has always been... now we see what the gra knew and saw when he put the alter rebbe in cherem... and now we also see that rav shach was not as senile and obsessed with hatred of chabad as he was accussed of being... especially if anything close to all of this madness could occur after the yashka and shabatai zvi movements... and even if this is true only in a tiny faction of said group (and i for one do not believe it is just to be found in a tiny faction of them but in perhaps even the majority of lubavitch) if this is truly so and so wide-spread as this article claims then we must all utterly distance ourselves from these jews and shun them as soon to be, if not already, idolators... to be treated no differently than the likes of the karites, frankist and reform heresies...

this is truly a sad and regrettable development in jewish history poised as we all are on the precipice of the final redemption... but our outrage and united condemnation of their philosophy and hashkafa is absolutely necessary... Hashem echad!!!! not even moshe rebenu tried to pass himself off as G-d or "rebenu Al-mighty..." the gall of these people know no bounds for to say the things they are saying and to believe the things they are believing are both gut-wrenchingly sickening and an obscene aberration and total perversion of authentic yahadut !!!! and for one... because of all the harm and pirud it is bringing to k'lal yisroel... it must be bringing the rebbe nothing but grief in the olam haemet!!!! nik. in disgust out...
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40   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Important poll on the purpose and future of this forum  on: February 13, 2007, 02:06:34 PM 
the question of exclusivity in of itself smacks of fascism!!! nik.
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41   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rudy Giuliani for President  on: February 09, 2007, 04:15:39 PM 
censored and edited yet again... well let me try this again...

anyone who cares about any other issue in american presidential politics except whether a particular candidate is for or against oslo and the road map to oblivion is hurting jews and is contributing to the rise of gog u'maygog and is thus directly complicit in the slime's threatened and planned destruction of eretz yisroel... period... end of discussion!!! nik. in disgust... out... oh yeah... y'all have yourselves a very merry shabat now... n. 
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42   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rudy Giuliani for President... not on my watch...  on: February 07, 2007, 01:56:33 PM 
why are you all avoiding the issue...? the issue isn't his stand on things like abortion or gay marriage... the only issue for us is his stand on jews and eretz yisorel... if he's for "the road map to gehenom and aushwitz"... then he is pasul plain and simple... nothing else at all should matter to us... what's the matter with you guys...? nik.
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43   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "unchain my heart..."  on: February 02, 2007, 12:34:18 AM 
first i must apologize... i of course do not speak for G-d... and i retract what i said... secondly... even if i did i would wish to ammend that and make "His statement" something a bit more Divine and far-seeing... and more along the lines of... "well... at least poor bedraggled izzy still hasn't caved-in all the way yet... at least he won't deify the pope... now we're getting somewhere... there is still something positive for Me to work with..."

and with that said... i bid you all adieu... nik. out... 
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44   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 28, 2007, 02:56:01 PM 
and right you are of course... kein yehi retzon... nik.
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45   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "unchain my heart..."  on: January 28, 2007, 03:41:59 AM 
thanks... sad but true caricature of our people and our land and our "leaders" (sic)... nik.
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The Wit and Wisdom of
Rabbi Meir Kahane
You Must read this Book
Reclaiming the Temple Mount
Informative book on Har Habayit
By Activist David Ha'Ivri 
Plant Trees in Israel
Trees Beautify the Land
A living memorial that grows
Uncomfortable Questions
For Comfortable Jews
Rabbi Kahane asks the
questions that others are afraid

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« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 01:35:17 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: nikmatdam update... (important warning l'kulam)...
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46   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Request for comment  on: January 28, 2007, 03:36:29 AM 
that's my point... it is hard to call them in exile... however since they call for and lead toward a torah state in israel which does not exist just yet... it is like they are a gov't.-in-exile... nik.
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47   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 28, 2007, 03:33:11 AM 
doesn't matter... any one who hurt us during the golut... will not be allowed to live anywhere in moshiach's rule which will be total... worldwide... all our enemies... anyone who shed our blood... will be dead... nik.
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48   General Category / General Discussion / "unchain my heart..."  on: January 26, 2007, 12:28:16 PM 
we are a very ill nation... turn the west bank over to europe until the arabs settle down enough to take it over and make a terrorist state out of it sometime down the road...? are you kidding me...? my G-d...

well at least we won't have to shoot at jews when we oppose this madness and we will!!!

but my dear friends you know what all of this means don't you...?

yes sir... just one thing...

it's time again for another special episode from the vault of nikki-pooh and goodnight productions... this one's a classic... i know you're just going to love it... and so without any further ado... away we go...

"unchain my heart..."

europe: "hey boy... give ME the disputed territories and i'll make sure the plo has a state..."

israel: "yessa massa... right away... jez az long az u lub me..."

europe: "that's a good lad... now run along and go play in your concentration... er... i mean... your summer camp...."

israel: "ah... yessa massa... bu... ken u loozen my cuffs a mite they shore iz a' hurt'n...?"

europe: "izzy... you know i can't do that... you know how you get when you don't wear your shiny arm and leg bracelets... each time i've tried to lighten up on you before... you've always gone off somewhere half-cocked and done something 'stupid' to try and protect yourself and increase your chances for survival... we can't have any of that now... not when we're this close to your extinction..."

israel: "sigh.... yessa massa... i understanz... bu eury you dun promist me 'afore... d'at... i... i... i'd... git me some free time... and a hot bowl of supe too..."

europe: (affected sigh to make izzy think he really cares)... "sigh... i know izzy... i know... but the time is just not right... but maybe just after your chores are done at the the nuclear... i mean... the superbowl party... we'll see then o.k.?"   

israel: (chagrined) "yessa massa..."

europe... "come on izzy... don't take it so hard... stiff upper lip man and all that rot... that's a good sucker... er... fellow... you know you brought all of this down upon yourself... things could have turned out so much differently if at any time during the past 2000 years you just would have come on over to our side... but you were just too damn stubborn... would it really have killed you to bow down to the pope and accept him as your god...? he's really a great guy when you get to know him...

israel: (head down in dejection)... "no massa... i canzt..."

europe: "well then... 'you've made your own bed and now you'll just have to die... er... lie in it'... now run along i say or i'll give you a swift kick..."

israel: "yessa massa... but ken i getz me a li'l hug furst...?"

europe: "oh alright..." (hugs him)... "there... now off you go..."

israel: (cheered and brightened up)... "oh... thankz u massa... thankz u.... i lub u massa... i lub u..."

europe: (smiling sinisterly)... "so do i izzy... so do i..." (love me)... (winks to the camera)... "when you... behave... er... act like this... so do i..."

(israel chained hands and feet but grinning from ear to ear slinks off into the sunset)...

Hashem:  (k'v'yachol saddened... and shaking his head in a mixture of anger, pity and disgust)...

"pathetic... just pathetic..."

the end...

this has been a nikki-pooh and goodnight production... all rights reserved... nik. way... way... out there... out...
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49   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 25, 2007, 11:09:43 PM 
it's brought down in the rambam i don't have one at hand... but rav meir brings down the halacha in sefer harayon... look it up... nik.
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50   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Request for comment  on: January 25, 2007, 11:08:39 PM 
i think this is great... at least someone is trying to form a gov't in exile... even if they are exiled within their own country... more power to 'em!!! now all they have to do is appoint or elect a temporary king until moshiach arrives and we would be set to try and win over the idf for a coup!!! coup now!!! coup now!!! nik. encouraged a tad... out...
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51   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 25, 2007, 11:05:23 PM 
never have i read anything so sick in my life!!! what a bunch of reshayim... i hate these people... may Hashem strike them dead min hashamayim tonight!!! nik. out...
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52   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 25, 2007, 04:51:44 PM 
because he the arab is from a nation or a people who are hostile to us... therefore they do not qualify for ger toshav status... irregardless of what the rambam holds in general about islam... even if they do worship our Hashem (i'll never believe that or accept that about them)... but for argument sake even if it is true (it isn't)... they still are not allowed to live among us anymore...

but even according to the rambam... ger toshav social rights are not claimable from us until the 50-year yovel cycle is back in operation... why? because yovel does not kick in until the majority (50% plus 1 more jew) of k'lal yisroel reside in eretz yisroel... which then means obviously that we are back at least for the most part and the land is securely in our hands and we are the vast majority over whatever contingent of goyim are also to be found b'aretz and so we have full control and they will either understand their place and limited role and rights or they are invited to leave... no ifs, ands or buts... total jewish dominance... unquestioned torah hegemony... and judaism is the only religion practiced... a goy practices torah-true judaism by adhering to the sheva mitzvot b'nai noach... nik. out...
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53   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 25, 2007, 02:11:25 PM 
yeah i know... but save for the slime... i do care about the rest of the israelis even if they are presently anti-torah... all except the slime... from whatever part of society or from whatever part of the world they come from... these slime... jew and gentile alike... i want them gone... i hate them with every fiber and sinew in my body... nik. pining for justice and aching for vengeance... out... 
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54   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 25, 2007, 02:08:24 PM 
an arab is not even allowed to be our servant ala eved canaani status... they went to war with us repeatedly over the last 100+ plus years... they are pasul for citizenship forever... as to your specific query i'll have to get back to you when i have more time... later... nik.
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55   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 25, 2007, 01:44:25 PM 
no... last summer was drubbing enough... anything worse and we are likely to cease to exist... G-d forbid... nik.
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56   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 25, 2007, 01:38:06 PM 
no you're thinking of a ger toshav... a goy who remains a goy but swears off idolatry and therefore can live in the land and have certain personal rights granted him/her by the torah gov't. but the arab cannot qualify because he has attacked us... any arab anywhere in the entire world is forbidden to live with us inside a torah-state...

but anyway... anyone who thinks that islam is really monotheistic given the ugly, evil, vile deeds they do is gravely mistaken... their murderous ways prove what they are really all about... and even if their god is one... that one is certainly not our Hashem!!! ergo the meiri says (brought down by kahati in his mishnayot... second perek of avodah zara mishna aleph or bet) they are to be considered idolators because they do disgusting things... "maesim muchraim" (is the exact phrase used by the meiri) in the name of G-d... things which we know He never commanded or permitted us to do nor the b'nai noach world... nik.
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57   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 25, 2007, 01:32:28 PM 
no... in yamot hamashiach (and let's face it the goyim in eretz yisroel ain't goin' nowhere until he arrives) no new gerim will be allowed as then their true commitment will be in question... same as happened in david and sholom's days... it was too good to be a jew so no one was accepted as sincere enough... nik.
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58   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 25, 2007, 02:02:06 AM 
yeah... well... here's praying that someone soon has the guts to stand up... anyone... someone... this just can't continue... WE can't continue like this for much longer... we must rise up enmasse and stop this madness... yes... by any means necessary... whatever it takes... please yidden... wake the hell up!!! nik. out...
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59   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 25, 2007, 01:58:04 AM 
right on glenn... couldn't have said it any better myself... shame though... it really is a desecration of G-d's name that it takes a gentile to tell us jews how we should have total trust in G-d... not shame on you... shame on us!!!! but thanks dude... you're great!!! nik. out...
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60   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 24, 2007, 03:33:53 PM 
yeah well check out arutz7 today and see the news about secret negotiations for the whole west-bank... if we lose the whole yesha the golan won't matter anymore we will all be sitting targets... these bastards just won't stop... so when i ask are we all going to even begin...? nik. out...
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The Wit and Wisdom of
Rabbi Meir Kahane
You Must read this Book
Reclaiming the Temple Mount
Informative book on Har Habayit
By Activist David Ha'Ivri 
Plant Trees in Israel
Trees Beautify the Land
A living memorial that grows
Uncomfortable Questions
For Comfortable Jews
Rabbi Kahane asks the
questions that others are afraid

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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: nikmatdam update... (important warning l'kulam)...
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2007, 01:43:46 PM »
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61   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 24, 2007, 03:29:58 PM 
i will not be censored, edited or lectured to... so do your worst... nik. out...
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62   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 24, 2007, 01:22:08 PM 
they must leave or die... they can no longer remain in the land... one after the other... "o.k. prizi your turn... peace or war...? peace...? then you can stay AS OUR ABJECT SLAVES not as gerey toshav... oh you want war and you have actually fought even a single skirmish with us already...? well then you get to die... all of you... even the most peacable of the lot of you... even if that lot is the majority... we are duty bound by G-d to slaughter you all unless you ALL not just those who opened up on us... you ALL must leave your weapons behind and quit the land immediately... march on out of here now and we guarantee you safe passage... unless you try some guerrila action hiding again behind your women and children as usual... in which case you all better run for your lives 'cause all bets are off... and we will mow you all down... every last one of you... every man, woman and child... o.k prizi we are done with you... NEXT!!! o.k girgishi... what say you...?"


now the rav says by way of his son rav binyamin that the abarbanel declares this law of the canaanim at the conquest of the land to be applicable for all time... "b'chol doratecha"... meaning that we have to always endeavor to reclaim as much of biblical eretz yisroel as we can... the rambam says this as well... but the abarbanel goes even further... the rambam is talking about individuals during golut who make their way back to the land of israel and not the whole people until the yamot hamoshiach... and well since these are those days (we are being redeemed "b'ito" and not "acheshena" so the process of redemption is a long one which was begun in 1948)... and the abarbanel says this halacha works forever because...

"any people we find there when we return and we displace them are going to hate us and harbor revenge in their hearts and bide their time until they can act... and so we must get rid of them all... and if even one of them attacks us... they all must go..."

and we don't even need a pasuk for this... because it is a savora... they will hate us and so it is logical, common-sense, self-defense to get rid of them and not take jewish life lightly and take a chance that they will be peaceable...

and since the arabs are all one people anyway... there are no syrian arabs and egyptian ones... they are all just arabs... then they are all  forbidden to ever live on our land again... (since they have already attacked us even once) and there certainly were never any such animal as palestinian arabs and so they need to go first and foremost... pronto!!! like decades ago already!!! and the longer they are here... the more we will suffer...

like the pasuk says by canaanim... "they will be a thorn in your sides and a [censored] in your eyes..." (not that kind of "[censored]")... it also openly warns us of what will occur if we do not listen to this mitzva ~ command... we will fall into intermarriage (zenut) with them and into avoda zara as well with them... this is what is meant by the "thorn in your eyes"... our "eyes" being the mind and heart which could be led astray into idolatry and immorality as we are also warned in kriat shema twice everyday... but this reason given us by way of warning us not to leave any goyim in the land next to us... only accounts for the "thorn in our eyes" part of the verse... what about the one "in our sides"... this is the sevora part... not needing any explanation b'ferush in the pasuk because it is pashut that whomever we displace (not just the canaanim but anyone throughout history) (and not just once in our history but because of our sinfulness and thus the necessity for golut as punishment it is advice to us for all-time.... until the end of time) this pasuk remains valid and applicable to whomever we find on our land when we return in the end of days... and it is pashut that they will hate us and so Hashem hints at this but needs not explain it explicitly to us if we are a normal people (which we most assuredly are not now)... and thus the "thorn in our sides" reference and remez should be sufficient to us to protect ourselves and throw these bastards away... and toss them out of our midst because of the pure threat to our lives that they represent... Hashem only needing to deal with the peaceful ones of them in our midst who will tempt us to defect from torah into zenut and avoda zara... only the peaceful ones need a warning like this from G-d... of the haters "a word to the wise should be sufficient" and therefore we should not require Hashem to go out of His way and warn us... if we are normal we will recognize the obvious sekana (danger) that they represent and be able to feel their hatred and know that we have to kill them or remove them from our land for our own self-preservation... (but i don't think we have this instinct anymore)...

anyway... this is the law... damn it!!!! so stop mind-efing yourselves  trying to come up with ways to allow the arab scum to stay... or is that really none of you are man enough to face them...? nik. sick to my stomach... out... 
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63   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 24, 2007, 12:57:49 PM 
it's worse than all of that... olmert, bushy and the gang are all working for their masters to let israel die so that rome can build the third temple and the church rule the whole entire flippin' earth from there... another holocaust is coming... G-d forbid... and it won't just be in israel... G-d forbid... but here in america as well... G-d forbid... we are all like that deaf, dumb and blind kid from "tommy" 'cause... we "sure play a mean pin-ball"... but we don't know how to be adults and stand up like men in this world and face our enemies straight on... and this is now true...EVEN WITH AN ARMY THAT'S 3RD BEST IN THE WORLD!!!! so go figure... what a stupid people we are... nik. in his usual state of rage... out
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64   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 23, 2007, 08:46:16 PM 
true but the point rav meir was making is even if it can be determined that the particular arab (in this case) is friendly and supportive of our cause still he can not be allowed to remain in eretz yisroel and any befriending of him or accepting his aid has to take place with him outside the land... nik.
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65   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 23, 2007, 06:19:49 PM 
it does not matter... since rav meir taught us that the halacha is that if a portion of an am (a people) even a minority of them attack us we are bidden to go to war with all of them and certainly never allowed to make a separate peace with a faction of them even if they constitute the vast majority of that people... this is a wise and far-seeing halacha and not that it needs my concurrence... but it is dead-on prescient and righteous!!! nik. out...
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66   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rabbi Kahane and Lubavitcher Rebbe  on: January 23, 2007, 12:02:15 PM 
thanks krep... nik.
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67   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 20, 2007, 11:10:49 PM 
well strictly speaking just for myself... i think if they go thru with this obscene outrage against justice and decency and release those animals to ransom our boys... the entire efing slime gov't. should be brought up on murder charges... because they were given this option by hez. before the war stated and they flatly (rightly) rejected the offer and went to war... but if they did that disgustingly "both-hands-tied-behind-our-back" war just for show and always intended to take this deal then they are murderers of their own people and are the lowest of the low scumbags and they are all wanton killers and should be given the death penalty for treason, sedition and murder (after a proper trial of course)... i know this is what that filth did... i know they are guilty...  i hate these slime with every fiber in my body... nik. in a rage... out... 
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68   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 20, 2007, 10:52:27 PM 
if you read the book you will see it is mindblowing how true this all is... the vatican killers of the jesuit order are for real... they really exist and their history as told by phelps is amazingly sinister and the weight of the historical legacy brought in the book replete with quotes pro and con-jesuit from 1540 on is the story and the proof that the author is correct... you must all see and read this book... only problem is you can't touch this book on amazon for under $500... my zeroxed copy was $150 on e-bay... proof of suppression going on right there... of course the author if he's righteous should put his entire book up on the internet and not just 50 or so pages of excerpts... read his interview... just type in "black pope" and there it all is... but the book is even more intense than the interview and excerpts... i really didn't know what to expect but when i started reading... i said to myself... "oh my G-d... they're behind all the bloodshed of history... billions of mass-murdered human beings on their heads..." it has been them and only them... and it still is them and only them... all the wars of the 20th century none were righteous they were all manufactured to send armies clashing together to genocide the planet... a planet filled with jews and buddhists and protestants and muslims who absolutely will not accept the authority of those disgusting pedophiles and faggots in rome... and so as "heretics" we all must be slaughtered... G-d forbid... and G-d destroy these efing bastards once and for all... nik. out... 
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69   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 19, 2007, 06:07:52 PM 
i can... about his p'sak over "land for the peace of the grave"... rav meir tears it apart in the idea, why be jewish... and a host of other books and writings... rav... yosef is dead wrong and has no leg to stand on... his other learning is legitimate but it all loses my respect due to this open fraud, lie and canard... nik. out...
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70   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 19, 2007, 06:04:44 PM 
all well and good... i used to think the same way and the same things... leaving Hashem out of the equation for the moment (i realize He really runs everything)... but the a-rabs are being pushed by the vatican... they don't know it... they think they are lining up to fight both us and them... both judaism and christianity... but in reality all the wars and all the bloodshed in world history for the last 2000 years emanantes out from the roman empire... and for the last 500 years almost that means from the vatican... they want you to think how weak and pathetic they all are... or that they stand with us against nazism, communism and islamo-fascism but the truth is that's just for cover for them... they are the creators of all these movements including masonry and the jesuits and the illuminati.... all in line to do their dirty work for them because a) they have no more standing papal armies and b) they can't get people to do auto-de-fe's for them anymore as the "holy" (sic) inquisition is supposed to be over with... but all along it continues in new guises and under new tyrants, despots, dictators and monsters all over the world... in viet nam it was them doing all the killing... in ww1 and ww2... it was them doing all the killing (planning it, arming it, directing it, paying for it, ordering it, etc) it's always been them and it still is always them... they control it all... they will never abide desenting, free people anywhere on the planet... if they exist and won't heel they go down hard... gov't., peoples, leaders, religions other than their own, you name it... they do it all... mel gibson was right... there is someone behind all the wars... it's just not us... it's rome and the catholic-efing church... i could go on and on for hours but this is enough to digest for awhile... be warned... and go to do your own research here... shabat shalom... nik. out...
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71   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rabbi Kahane and Lubavitcher Rebbe  on: January 19, 2007, 05:49:57 PM 
well put... nik.
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72   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With Rav Ovadia?  on: January 19, 2007, 12:05:35 PM 
he's a plant... there i said it... he sold-out his heritage for his malchut... he is definitely compromised and is in deep with the slime... he is like every other chief rabbi has been... either wittingly or maybe some of them unwittingly... following the dictates of the nwo emenating out from the u.s. or back then from great britain... but as sure as i'm sitting here... all of those marching orders came via the vatican indirectly thru the occupying forces... and none of you should ever again think we are an independent state... america is our captor and occupies us from afar... giving us the mere sham appearance of freedom and our own country... but we are a vassal all the same... nik. out... 
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73   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rabbi Kahane and Lubavitcher Rebbe  on: January 19, 2007, 12:00:27 PM 
i'll re-ask my friend... nik.
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74   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 19, 2007, 03:53:21 AM 
the flippin' plo... they could have taken the deal in 2000 and then gone to intifada with us over anything they chose to dislike and scream bloody murder and jihad over... "we looked at them cross-eyed once..." anything at all... and then they would be fighting from much closer in... and don't give me that state canard... that then they would be a country and we could go to war with them if they attacked...

hello...? anyone paying attention...? anyone heard of hezbollah and a little efing country called lebanon and another named syria...? they've been attacking for years as states and we haven't gone to no efing war yet... so get real!!! nik. out of patience with my fellow jewish brothers and sisters... we've got to be the stupidest bastards on the planet... we're like george mcfly in back to the future... with that "kick-me" sign stuck on our backs... n.   
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75   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rabbi Kahane and Lubavitcher Rebbe  on: January 19, 2007, 03:43:21 AM 
i heard they met at least once... the rebbe told him he was taking care of soviet jewry quietly and that all he was or would do is stir up trouble for them... this is what i heard from a friend of mine who is lubavitch... nik.
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Re: nikmatdam update... (important warning l'kulam)...
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2007, 01:45:07 PM »
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Hello nikmatdam  June 27, 2007, 01:44:15 PM   
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76   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 17, 2007, 07:31:59 PM 
no it started with nimrod... it's just keeps continuing on no matter what the world tries to do to stop it or kill it... and i'm afraid until moshiach arrives we won't see the end of it and no one on the planet is safe from this bloodthirsty monster and it's ravenous appetite for human flesh... nik. out...
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77   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 17, 2007, 07:29:33 PM 
hey i've told u guys all along... "something is rotten in denmark..." and that something is going on underneath the pages of the newspaper and behind closed doors that we are not made privy to... rabin said he would put the golan-thing to a referendum... maybe that's the real reason they killed him... i'm tired of taking flak from you guys... i smell a rat and it's spelled... p-e-r-e-s... as in shimon parasite... he will ram this suicide process down our throats now if it kills us... and it will... G-d forbid... if we don't wake up and start smelling the crematoria...

i know that there is something sinister going on... i've known it now for 16 long years... ever since oslo was signed against our will without a vote or a say... i knew it the first time a jew was killed after that date by "terrorists"... 'cause... if we had just signed it all away against our will even... (or against most of our wills)... especially because of the two secret clauses unwritten ones at oslo... the one's we know about now... that the vatican gets yerushalayim and har hababyit... this is all over the news these last couple of months... and that the filth get 90+% of the west bank in reality and not the 60-65% above board mentioned beferush in the lousy stinkin' document from hitler's place in hell...

and so i know something's terribly wrong here... because given the things i just brought up... if we already lost way back in '93...


why don't they just sit back and wait for it... and then if they want to go to war with us from a far stronger position... then it makes sense to lie to us and renege on their deal with us... but it makes absolutely no sense for them to do so from a weaker position... unless they know or they think that they are going to get it all... and they can keep on murdering and genociding us 'cause we aren't allowed by the world to go to all-out war and exterminate the slime... and nor are we allowed to back out of our end of the deal... so they can have their cake and eat it too and even have gobs of ice cream on top of it WITH a cherry to boot... and in the end they know they are promised by the cabal to be allowed to finish us all off...

you want to talk conspiracy...? well... i'm all in... just step forward... and let's see what you got... give it your best shot... but i got to warn you guys... i'm way... way... ahead of you on all this sewage and rot... nik. in a rage... out...   
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78   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 17, 2007, 10:31:32 AM 
because of the civil war in america israel now faces anihilation... can't explain now or yet... it had dire consequences reverberating to this day all over the world... and so there was a civil war but what it was really all about and what it really did to this country and the world is all a big lie and has been supressed from us knowing about it... thank G-d for the age of the internet and the chance... the one in a million chance... that the truth can finally get out... nik. out...
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79   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Israel signs peace agreement with Syria?  on: January 16, 2007, 07:56:15 AM 
right you are... we have somewhere along the way lost our will to fight... have lost the vision of our minds to perceive properly what is happening to us... i blame the rabbis for this... so many of them have sold out for whatever it is they wanted... mostly i'd venture... safety... in return for getting us to not resist they get protection from the avalanche of blood that is coming to us if we do any part of these suicidal things... Hashem forfend... nik. out...
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80   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 16, 2007, 01:20:28 AM 
not him alone... not him in particular... i've gone back in history (no not by time machine)... and what i found would blow you all away... virtually everything that they have told us... that has come down to us as world history or american history... is a  BALD FACED LIE... ALL OF IT!!!! nik. out for now...
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81   General Category / General Discussion / the road map to gehenom continues...  on: January 16, 2007, 01:10:55 AM 
may G-d have no mercy on our sick leaders... may they all die horrible deaths by His hand (i.e. not by human hands)... may they die like the meraglim that they are... so that the name of G-d may be sanctified throughout the world... this is what they deserve for their cowaradice and perfidious betrayal of us their own people... nik. in extreme disgust... out... 
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82   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 15, 2007, 04:43:48 PM 
you ask what does t.j. have to do with the problems of jews today...? oh if you only knew how much he does... but it would take hours for me to explain and pages upon pages here... and still none of you would believe me.. so i'm not even going to try... for the time being anyway... nik. out... 
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83   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 15, 2007, 05:46:11 AM 
i think so... nik.
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84   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 14, 2007, 08:26:16 PM 
i know when the war began... my point was referring to when the war was supposed to have been "won" and that was decidedly after the dec. of ind. was written...

as for my writing style... here's a little advice... i've said this before and now i'll say it again... if it is too painful for you or too hard to follow or whathaveyou... DON'T READ IT!!! "what you see is what you get..." nik. out...
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85   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 14, 2007, 01:10:13 AM 
no... for the knights of malta and of columbus, ohio commanded by the jesuits and the vatican... nik. out...
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86   General Category / General Discussion / Re: More on Thomas Jefferson's Koran and his war on Islam.  on: January 14, 2007, 12:48:46 AM 
well... thanks for the welcome... as to jefferson... he and his mates really pulled a fast one on those unsuspecting saps... the colonist minutemen, patriots and revolutionary militias and their puritan clergy and leity...

first they declare their full independence (1776)... then they go out to war to insure it... and supposedly quite successfully do so... and later on they actually codify it and seal it with a constitution (1789) and bill of rights (1791) in order to guarantee it... but in between they sign three treaties in a row to undo, evacuate and viciate any and all freedoms, liberties and rights extended in the other documents and actions... these three being the letters of capitulation signed at yorktown, virginia (1781) between general charles cornwallis and general george washington... next followed that disgustingly perfidious and seditious betrayal of all of their cherished principles that they had been championing all along or so we have all been led to believe down thru the ages... with the paris peace treaty (1783)... followed in short order by the john jay treay (1794)... which when all strung together recast us all as subjects to the throne of britain to which we have all been dutifully and subserviently paying tribute to in the form of our property taxes ever since... tax codes and other financial reference points supplied upon request... so thomas jefferson and his cronies never did anything to help us... true he handled the arab piracy thing adequately... but for whom did he do what he did...? for us...? hardly... we are only abject slaves and insignificant chattel of the crown of england... shipping lanes and markets are not our province and never were... maybe jefferson profited from dispatching the marines to tripoli to fight back the arab menace but none of his armed forces did as individuals in their own right... the same today in iraq... nothing has changed... this is just the way it is... this is just the way it has always been... and nothing will ever be done about it until moshiach comes... sad but true... nik. out...           
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87   General Category / General Discussion / you just got to be kidding... what ho...? hello there revava...  on: January 12, 2007, 12:51:45 PM 
huh...? excuse me... do i have the right place...? is this revava the site from which i was without reason or justice banned from...? sorry... i must have wandered into the wrong site... just a week or so ago when i checked in here i was still on the red-ink special to eternity... anyway... i'll have more to say about jefferson and his cronies another time... suffice it to say that i'm shocked to be back... notice... i didn't say nice or good...

besides being the only place i feel like writing on... i haven't written on the jewish journal, the jtf or kahane sites or anywhere else for weeks and weeks now... still i don't know whether i care to rejoin a group who i distrust so thoroughly now... i mean i'm banned repeatedly for speaking my mind and finally given the ol' heave ho for good (or so i thought) and then i'm unbanned without any notification at all not to mention a response to my charges and challenges to the senior leadership (sic) of revava... hello david...? lenny...? yisroel...? is this thing on...? hello...? (tap... tap...) i gave you specific points of contention between me and you to respond too... months ago now...

anywho... be it understood that if i stay... life has been just fine without you all and i'm sure nobody here has missed me too badly... but just so you all are fair-warned... i am unrepentant and defiant...

i WILL NOT (and never will) refrain from calling the erev rav unjewish jewish israeli government... "slime"... they ARE slime and i will never cease to call them so until they are no more...

i will refrain however from calling anyone of you "plants" since by virtue of the non-responsive nature of the mucky-mucks here (specifically david... yisroel tried to answer my queries once over the phone but his explanations left me thoroughly unconvinced)... so sans david's participation in resolving these issues directly with me... and because he still hasn't done so to date... i can promise you all i will not label you as plants... BECAUSE I BELIEVE THE WHOLE FREAKING SITE IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY PLANTS... SO WHO NEEDS TO WORRY ABOUT THE POSTERS...?

y'all have a nice day now... and a very merry shabat... nik. unbent, unwavering and unbowed... and as defiant as ever... out... 
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88   General Category / General Discussion / Re: What would you say to Dr. Afif Safi if you had just one chance?  on: October 18, 2006, 03:19:44 AM 
it's one thing to give me musar yiss. on how to treat newcomers... it's quite another to take down my legitimate grief with his ideas... so now... "UNFINE..." nik. out...
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89   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "Acco Yeshiva Under Arab Siege"  on: October 17, 2006, 02:24:19 AM 
'... all we are saying... is give war a chance..."/// and that is what is called for now... war IS the answer... but the right war... facing down a mob like that and killing as many as possible in a terrible situation like that would go a long, long way in restoring order... settlers rising up and attacking arab villages who occupy our land WOULD BE a G-d send... and of course the right course to take... re-taking gaza, lebanon and kever yosef and hbron... the right thing to do... bombing and shooting up the "arab street" when they are in the act of riot or lynching jews G-d forbid... or while mourning their "fallen martyrs" (read:murderers) would be the appropriate response to all of their evil deeds and machinations... nuking whomever and teaching them a lesson once and for all... priceless... dragging down those two monstrocities and abominations off of har habayit... would be a precursor to moshiach's very iminent arrival... and of course the opposite or lehefech would apply to not doing any and all of these things... nik. out...
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90   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Is the "Kahane Movement" Torahdik enough??  on: October 16, 2006, 01:05:23 AM 
rav meir said nothing of his movement was or is just politics... it is all torah and the effort to bring torah law to the fore... it is the torah which mandates the actions and policies of the movement and therefore your critique is mistaken and stems from a lack of understanding about the real struggle and goals of the movement... might i suggest you read or re-read "40 years" before you make ridiculous statements like the one above...  while it is true that since the churban Hashem only has the 4 els of torah halacha to reside in but that only means that torah must leave the beit hamedresh and conquer every single solitary daled amot of the world beginning with all of eretz yisroel... and no force on earth must be allowed to impede our march to victory for Hashem for the survival of the planet depends upon our spiritual conquest... and nothing and no one can turn us aside from our making this objective reality... lest we all perish as an am, as a nation and as a religion... this is what we face and our backs are up against it and the wall of hatred and enemies will crush us all if we stay trapped like this and refuse to come out of our shell and fight to the death if necessary against the slime... against the slime erev rav unjewish jews and against the slime american/british/vatican led western world of esav and the eastern world of yishmael... they all constitute amalek and they are all arrayed against us to destroy us and either they go down or we will... G-d forfend... and none of this is politics... all of this is pure torah-true judaism and monotheism and ergo the very essence of our historic mission and destiny for G-d... nik. out...
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Re: nikmatdam update... (important warning l'kulam)...
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2007, 01:46:32 PM »
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91   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "Acco Yeshiva Under Arab Siege"/"...and a time for war..."  on: October 16, 2006, 12:56:36 AM 
next time not one alone but they should ALL shoot their rifles and guns at the mob of sewage-refuse... and not just in the air... shoot to kill... shoot to kill... this is the only way... nik. out...
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92   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rabbi Kahane at Brandeis U  on: October 12, 2006, 10:02:54 PM 
where are the other two parts? nik.
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93   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 12, 2006, 05:33:14 PM 
either buried deep underneath all the rubble or broken down to dust and blown away by the wind... nik. "all we are is dust in the wind..." nik. out...
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94   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 12, 2006, 03:19:41 AM 
again it is revered because it never fell like the other 3 walls surrounding har habayit did... north, south and east... and because legend has it that the 20% remaining Divine presence is lodged there... behind it... and so it is fitting to pray towards it since that is where a portion of the shechina is dwelling... nik.
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95   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 11, 2006, 07:04:02 PM 
again... the kotel was outside all areas of the beit hamikdash... it (was) is just a retaining wall... nik. 
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96   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Kfar Tapuach Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 11, 2006, 06:03:31 PM 
great pics thanks... chag someach... nik.
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97   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 10, 2006, 04:52:08 PM 
no he's not allowed up yissachar... someone who simply goes to mikvah b'zman hazeh is not tahor because we lack parah adumah... and even back then when we had it... you needed parah adumah sprinkled on you on yom shlishi v'shevii plus tevilah plus the eight morning's sunrise dawning to remove completely tumat meit in order only then to be allowed to resume going up on har habayit... to where the kedusha even today still is... the parts which herod built on as an expansion of it have no din of beit hamikdash and thus have no kedusha and this is why we are even allowed up there at all in the first place... and this is l'kulae alma... according to everyone... some of whom maintain that even then we can't go up lest you hit upon a spot that has real kedusha rendering you chayiv meita b'day shemayim for your troubles... a similar siyag to asuring shofar on the first day of rosh hashana which falls out on shabat lest someone carry and defile the kedusha of shabbat... and this was and still is an area entirely behind the retaining wall known as the kotel hama'aravi... the western wall... this was and is not a wall of the beit hamikdash... but only of the har in general... so if herod's stuff was not mikdash then what staus do herod's edifice and grounds have...? is herod's addition at least also called har habayit...? i wonder... i doubt it... because the mountain top of the har where the bayit was is by definition and hence the term for it... "har habayit" which is off-limits for anyone spiritually and ritualistically impure... only starts where the actual beit hamikdash began... access to which is asur for any tamei person... even those tamei by just the lesser kinds than tumat meit... but we are all tamei met nowadays here in this as yet still unended golut... and we are at the highest stage or level of tumah possible and therefore certainly forbidden to tred on har habayit ground which held the beit hamikdash and will again soon even if we go to mikvah prior to ascension... so get your facts straight... nik. out...
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98   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Olmert with a Yechi Yarmulka and Orange Shirt  on: October 10, 2006, 04:28:38 PM 
and what was wrong with my little holiday ditty and kind wishes of cheer for his nibs the efing pm which you pulled...? nik.

anyone wishing to read what they pulled down send me a message and i'll send it right out to you... n. [email protected]
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99   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 10, 2006, 12:09:55 PM 
no genius... your source for the wall being of intrinsic holiness... because if it were we wouldn't be allowed to touch it since we are all tamei matim... nik.
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100   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 10, 2006, 02:00:05 AM 
this is one fight i'm ready for... yiss. proof... bring your source... nik.
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101   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 09, 2006, 03:57:08 PM 
no the wall is not holy... it was just an outer retaining wall and has no intrinsic kedusha of its own... however it is revered because it withstood all that the goyim threw at us during golut and it is still standing... it is a place of prayer because the gemora says the shechina has never departed in total from har habayit and remains at 20% of its glory (as to where this figure came from ~ vais zoch nisht)... but that percentage of the Divine presence is said to lodge behind the kotel and that is why the goyim can huff and puff but they can never quite seem to find a way to blow this one fragile wall down no matter what they do no matter how hard or often they try... and now you know... the rest of the story...

as to this guy's visit... so what...? just another politician jockying for position among the right-wing camp... don't be fooled... and don't get excited... nothing to write home about... nik. out... 
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102   General Category / General Discussion / Re: a message from david hamelech for our time...  on: October 08, 2006, 11:25:24 PM 
what no takers on this piece...? nik.
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103   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 08, 2006, 11:22:04 PM 
yes bk... he started and owns habitat for humanity... you didn't know this...? nik.
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104   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 06, 2006, 05:03:58 PM 
fine but we don't want that slimebucket carter anywhere near our youth... just use the concept for the street kids and that is all... nik.
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105   General Category / General Discussion / Re: a message from david hamelech for our time...  on: October 06, 2006, 05:01:37 PM 
i didn't get to finish late last night... the point of the above is that this is the true meaning of why we say "david... melech yisroel... chai v'kaiyam..." in order to awaken within ourselves a yearning for his malchut so that we can be redeemed... i never knew any of the above nor why this  phrase is said in places like kiddush levana... and it also explains why on sukkot we say... "harachaman hayakim sukkot david hanofelet..." in reference to the pasuk in navi which is talking about the beit hamikdash named for david and not shlomo... because it was david's idea and he put together all the blueprints and source material and funding for the project as well as the music for the various sacrificial services...  of course the two b'm are refered to as sukkot because of their transitory nature and history and they are called "nofelet" because they both fell when they were destroyed...

but the main chidush for me here in all of this is that clearly it teaches us that we have to rebel... we have to announce that we recognize no human authority over us... neither jewish or goyish... only Hashem and His torah and His chosen leadership.... but ultimately only moshiach will have power over us and by our yearning for him now we are bringing him closer to coming at long last... and the more we daven for him and the more we ask Hashem for him the more freedom from the slime we attain for ourselves even if he hasn't arrived yet... this is key to our revolt!!! nik. out...   
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Re: nikmatdam update... (important warning l'kulam)...
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2007, 01:47:41 PM »
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106   General Category / General Discussion / a message from david hamelech for our time...  on: October 06, 2006, 02:59:43 AM 
from the new book just out... "secrets of succos..." by rabbi dovid meisels...

david hamelech asked Hashem: "how can i guarantee myself a place in gan eden...?"  Hashem replied: "live a life of tzar... of anguish and distress..." (of deprivation and adversity)...

from avos d'rebbi nassan he brings the following...

"since david hamelech provided sustenance to the jewish people ~ G-d pledged that He would be at his side wherever he would go... so whoever attacks the kingdom of the house of david... is considered as though he attacked the Shechina (Divine presence) of G-d... so whoever rebels against him incurs the death penalty..."

and from the sefer "sukkot shalom..." comes...

"the jewish people were sent into exile ~ only when they disdained the kingdom of the house of david... and they will not be released from exile until they seek out the Shechina and the kingdom of the house of  david once again..."

hence the first question to every newly departed jewish soul... (along with... "did you set aside time for the regular or daily learning of torah...?" and "were you honest in business..?" "were you mitzapeh l'geulah...?" "did you anxiously await the coming of the final redemption...?"

and so we see... the life of rav meir as possibly that of moshiach ben yosef was to bring "light to david..." moshiach ben david... "meir l'david..." the light of moshiach ben david into this world... to be its precursor... from rabbi meir david (kahane)... this was his job and his given name foretold this... nik. out...

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107   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Jews Prepare: More Amona’s On the Way?/ cutting it up...?  on: October 06, 2006, 02:02:17 AM 
unless of course it's not... nik.
Quote from: YBY on October 05, 2006, 09:17:15 PM
olmert is hanging on by a thread. Another expulsion and the thread is cut.

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108   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 06, 2006, 02:01:17 AM 
leib... talk about provocative... how do you know his "eyes" are upon us...? nik. who regardless will never back down until justice is served on the slime... out... chag someach everybody!!!! gog's gonna take it hard on the chin again in navi during the last days of yom tov... here's hoping bush and blair and olmert are the ones who in the real historical end of days are going to get waxed and soon now... very soon... please G-d... n.
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109   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 05, 2006, 11:23:22 AM 
don't be so sure that all we are is talk and that nothing will get done here... nik.
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110   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 05, 2006, 12:38:28 AM 
just as long as we are on the same page for once... chag someach... ta... nik.
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111   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 10:03:14 PM 
agreed... but there are differing ways to help them... no one monolitic huge rehab center or detox or deprog. unit is going to work for all of them... because they each need different things... so they each require a differing approach... the hilltop youth need renewed faith in themselves and their cause... the russian jewish kids need tough love... and the goyish vermin need the orkin man... nik. out...
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112   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 09:44:22 PM 
you are the one who is so amused... i thought you got it... my point is i wish to save the hilltop youth among that rabble first... then worry about the russian jewish kids... the goyish ones should be rounded up and summarily thrown out of the country with yesterday's garbage... and the remaining russian jews should be offered a broom to help work in the country cleaning the streets until they can get off of them and become more productive... they can sweep fine while high and/or drunk... and if they refuse they get a jail cell on the house until they complete rehab... no other choices just these two options... that's it... end of problem... next issue!!!!!. (oh and that sound you may hear in the background is me rubbing my hands in a dusting-off motion)... nik. out... 
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113   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 09:25:09 PM 
be amused all you want... i'm serious... i'm not joking around... nik. out...
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114   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Jews Prepare: More Amona’s On the Way?/wartime...  on: October 04, 2006, 08:15:18 PM 
i wouldn't put anything past the slime... absolutely not a thing... nothing is beyond the pale for them.... nothing is too unseemingly or beneath them... there are no depths to which they will not sink... there are no evil, sinister... really dark deeds too horrible for them to contemplate... there is no vile act of rishut which they will not run to do with zeal and relish if it will retain them in their power even for a moment longer... (i mean afterall... they've already done the holocaust in their history nd in ours... so tell me... what dispicable act could still be out there worse for them to do...?)... in point of fact this is the very manner in which they got to be slime in the first place... oh how i hate them with every fiber of my being... oh what i would do to them if i only had the power... these murderers of our people... these creatures from the blackest lagoon's of gehenom... as david hamelech once said (and at the time he was referring to reshayim jews... achitofel and doeg both members of our people who had plotted against david and had ergo and thereby sworn all-out war on Hashem's express will as well...and kol shekain (how much more so...?) did he have this fire... this burning passionate hatred for the hordes of heathen, pagan beasts and human scum who were always in a state of frenzy... salivating for their chance to drink our ancestor's rich jewish blood ... "o' L-rd... do i not hate your enemies with a perfect and a complete hatred...?" ditto for me my liege... ditto for me...  (tehilim: 139:22) nik. out...
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115   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 07:56:36 PM 
call in the army and give each one of them a broom or a jail cell... nik. out...
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116   General Category / General Discussion / Re: points to bring up to them...  on: October 03, 2006, 09:18:28 PM 
1) it's not over... we will yet win...

2) G-d is testing our faith... all reversals since rav meir's murder are a last test to see who deserves moshiach ben david's world... mby... died but mbd's first order of business will be to have Hashem revive him... if so... why the gra asks does Hashem let him die...? in order to test us all... to see if we have faith in G-d to save us without any human leader if necessary... so don't give up... and don't give in to despair... Hashem was stronger than paro and he is mightier than the slime...

3) the slime want you to sink into sin and into political apathy and oblivion... they win if you do what they want... and they are utter slime... they have our blood... our innocent blood on their hands... and they are covering up the fact that their predecessors did the 6mil. they did the holocaust as jr. partners and members of the world-wide nazi regime (still extant and doing oslo presently)... get them angry... get them to hate... this is a mitzvah to hate the erev rav just as it is a mitzvah to love the rest of k'lal yisroel... in fact the more you hate those trying to destroy the rest of us and ruin our land and our torah in their satanic rebellion against Hashem... the more they learn to hate them the more willing they will be to self-sacrifice for ahavat yisroel... on behalf of the true jews... the real jews... this is key...

4) they must relearn the lessons and principles of sefer harayon yehudi... all of them...

5) they must have clarity that we are all in this together... and that we all recognize that we are in a yahreg v'al yavor situation and time period in jewish history... one which Hashem has decreed we show the maximum courage to be prepared to sacrifice our lives to save jews and and defend them and our precious homeland... they must be made to understand that we are in a milchemet mitzvah right now and that we have been in one really for quite sometime already (at least from 1977 and onward according to rav meir in "why be jewish")...... and this time they must see that we feel the same way and that we too are prepared to die if necessary... only this true and sincere level of mesirat nefesh on our part can succeed in winning them back...

6) new leaders like rav binyamin and nataniel ozeri (hy"d on both of them) must be found to take their place and guide them 24/7...
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117   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 03, 2006, 08:40:43 PM 
i'm only referring to the hilltop youth among them... the russian hordes are a different equation all together... some of them are goyim and i could not care less about that utter rubbish... the rest of the russian-jewish kids need what kreplach is talking about... however i just care (for now) about the disaffected hilltoppers... they were so pure and good and now they have been deeply hurt and wounded... i wish to help them first and foremost... there are plenty of other people capable of reaching the russian-jews when and if they reach bottom and want a hand up... the goyim among them should simply be deported... all they are are just jew-hating refuse... but there is no one able or qualified to save the hilltoppers except for the likes of the kahanist movement... only we have the answer to give them renewed faith and a reason to live... so let's stop haggling here and splitting hairs over nothing but pure symantics and let's get down to business... shall we...? david...? what do you plan to do...? and how can i help...? i can go to some people to get some money to send for this project... i don't yet know how much... but i'll send something by nov. 1st hopefully... obviously i should be there... i know what to say to them... i know what needs to be retaught to them... but until i am and until others like me who can relate to them are... on second thought my hebrew isn't as good as theirs and none of them speak or understand english am i right...? so i'll send you on a different thread... two or three thoughts which must be presented to them immediately... you can do it... you can round them up and begin reclamating them... until then they should be brought in and cleaned up and the yeshiva should make a program for them... it would be great david if you could take down a few of their complaints or words of harsh criticism which they must be harboring towards us all and post them here so we can get a better sense as to how we have failed them... thanks... nik. out...
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118   General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 03, 2006, 06:06:06 PM 
these kids have damaged neshamot... they went from an extremely high level of commitment and mesirat nefesh and they came crashing down to earth very hard in total disillusionment and from a brutally bitter betrayal ... known as perfidy... drugs or alcohol are not the problem per say... it is repairing their wounded souls and hearts that lie at the center of their critical matzav... they are heartbroken and they have been misguided, misled and let down... disappointment is what ails them not the "medicine" they take to dull the pain... you can not just alleviate the sympton alone... you must get at the root cause of their malaise and provide THE cure... WHICH IS... TO HELP THEM BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES AGAIN... BELIEVE IN TORAH... IN HASHEM... AND IN OUR DIRE CAUSE... THE DEFENSE AND SURVIVAL OF AM YISROEL IN ERETZ YISROEL... ALL OF US... UPON ALL OF IT... nothing else will work... not rehab... not love bombing... not deprograming or detoxing... they need nothing less than the fixing of their very souls... i believe this is what rav meir would say to us about these kids... he would know just what to say and do too to solve the problem... and without him... this fixing will not come easily now... nik. out...
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119   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Who Will Ask Forgiveness? by Shifra Hoffman/they never will/too arrogant!  on: October 03, 2006, 02:41:17 AM 
shifra... you are so right... and we will never forgive them ... or ever forget... so they will never have atonement from Hashem... never!!! not if i can help it... nik. out...
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120   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Reservists: Sorry for trusting gov't, IDF  on: October 03, 2006, 02:38:43 AM 
coup now brothers coup now... nik.
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Re: nikmatdam update... important warning l'kulam... (complete)...
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 02:58:01 PM »
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Hello nikmatdam  June 27, 2007, 02:56:34 PM   
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1   General Category / General Discussion / Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach? (forgery alert)...  on: Today at 02:56:04 PM 
i have to reply... this is not a piece i have ever written on this board... someone else used my name and handle and apparently my access to my password... i don't necessairly disagree with the sentiment of this forger... in fact i fully concur... that jonathan pollard and every jew everywhere on the planet today is in dire straits and in extreme peril... but i did not pen this message to you all... and you all know for certain that it is not my m.o. to capitalize or punctuate anything... this is certain proof that i did not write this... and i wouldn't have done so just to cause a stir and draw attention to myself... you all know me... and like me or loathe me... i'm far from anything as dishonest, egotistical or self-centered that a ploy of this nature would entail and truly be... all just for attention... all that i have done these many years on this site has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to all of you that i would never even think to perpetrate such an outrage against you or against this site despite how horribly i've been treated by some of the administrators here ... i don't why... but i must really hit home to them and frighten or otherwise anger and worry them to pull the plug like this on me so often... to either censor and pull down some of my more controversial posts or on occassion ban me outright... and david... now i know you were lying to me back then when you told me you were otherwise occupied and knew nothing of my mistreatment by your hacks... you are doing this all to me and have done so all along... nik. in great, great sadness and chagrin... out...
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2   General Category / General Discussion / Re: censored and banned yet again...  on: Today at 10:25:12 AM 
menachem... first you write me privately saying you are reading my posts with interest and now youtell me publicly to go away... you are a hypocrit my friend... and a plant... nik... 
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3   General Category / General Discussion / Re: censored and banned yet again...  on: Today at 10:23:33 AM 
when you can remove by fiat the hottest topic going on your board it only harms yourselves... it exposes you all for the utter frauds that you are... nik. in defiance... out!!!!
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4   General Category / General Discussion / censored and banned yet again...  on: Today at 10:20:25 AM 
are you kidding me...? this i must have really struck a chord and a very sensitive nerve at that... now i know the truth david...  c'est la vie... aurvoir... i wear your unfair treatment and scornful silencing like a badge of glory... ta... nik. proudly...over and out!!!!
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5   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here  on: Today at 01:32:19 AM 
and you have much too much faith in the slime who rule over our land... nik.
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6   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "Jewish" Agency should be renamed to Capo Agency  on: Today at 01:31:00 AM 
he was the next false messiah after shabatai tzvi... he also went to turkey... i don't think he converted to islam... but many of his family later converted to catholicism... but he and shabatai tvi are the precursors of the jewish-european reform judaism movement... he lived in the 1700's... shabatai tzvi was in the late 1600's... look them up on line... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed to both of these slime... nik.
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7   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here/and not going nowhere...  on: June 26, 2007, 03:10:16 PM 
and soon the slime in israel will be joined at the hip by the forces of the super-slime and go and expel what's left of yesha and throw them all into these huge camps they are erecting which will then be guarded by good ol' uncle sam curtesy of all of our hard-earned u.s. taxpayer dollars... (G-d forbid)... ain't life just grand...? nik. in-the-thick... out...
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8   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here  on: June 26, 2007, 01:32:13 PM 
they already have... fool... n.
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9   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "Jewish" Agency should be renamed to Capo Agency/ of greater rome...  on: June 26, 2007, 01:03:58 PM 
that's right... stop trying to suck-up to the wzo or any other secular zionist organization... joining them or voting in their elections is like working for shabtai tzvi and jacob frank... and feeding into the plans of the vatican... it's satanic like they all are... nik. out...
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10   General Category / General Discussion / Re: They're Still Here/shhh!!!! not so loud... you might wake someone up...  on: June 26, 2007, 02:36:11 AM 
i know you guys will never do this because you are all so narrow-minded... but barry chamish deals with the presence of american troops in israel on a special enormous base (i forget exactly where) somewhere along the "green line" replete with a huge american flag flying atop it... he has pics and everything in "bye, bye gaza" but none of you super genius' would even venture to take a look-see... you all would rather trash him and pontificate upon what little knowledge you actually have on this subject and not trouble yourselves to go out and do a little digging...  but hey that's fine by me folks... and when armaggedon comes... chas v'shalom... you can all crawl under the covers a little snugger and wish the mean american conqueror away... that's the way guys... atta boys!!! ostrich judaism to the bitter end... good night and sleep tight... i'll turn out the light for you on my way out... shhh! i'll tippie-toe.... ta... nik. (in a whisper... shhhh!!!!) out...
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11   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "the wit and wisdom of rabbi meir kahane..." an unsolicited review...  on: March 11, 2007, 04:33:43 AM 
thank you both... n.
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12   General Category / General Discussion / Re: "let my brother go..."  on: March 11, 2007, 04:31:16 AM 
that's right... and that's because his spiritual descendants rule this land for the last 100+ years at least... nik. out...
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13   General Category / General Discussion / "the wit and wisdom of rabbi meir kahane..." an unsolicited review...  on: March 09, 2007, 02:38:31 PM 
lenny... i just completed your latest offering... great job... good book... there are however a few errors in syntax and missing words here or there... and also that when you quote a chapter of something you should also list the relevant verse or verses referenced... all of which of course are very easily to correct for future editions... but besides these minor flaws and imperfections the book is fabulous... yasher koach...

that said two points need to be mentioned here and now...

first... the book's brief overview and bio of rav meir's life alone is invaluable... however for me the book's few excerpts from rav meir's hy"d knesset speeches were the highlight of the book and underscore how crucial is the vital necessity of getting them out to the english speaking jewish world... i have the hebrew version but i know my hebrew is probably not good enough to really and fully grasp their message and content... please... please... translate them soon... if even the slime (dati mks included in this term) who walked-out on him whenever he rose to speak knew how powerfully great and rivitting his speeches all were that they would listen to them from the hallways... what does that say about the magnitude of the effect they will have upon good and decent jews of all stripes around the globe if only we can get them into their hands...?

secondly... there needs to be a vol.2... a sequel... this is much too precious a legacy to let lay with just one volume... there must have been plenty of other anecdotes which you left out for whatever reasons... here are 11 more which i know of... two of which i was personally witness to myself (and in one i was even the subject of the maesa as well)...

1) the one about how when he was just 9 or 10 he stayed in at recess and drew a map of aushwitz and the raillines leading into it... explaining to the shocked teacher with tears in his eyes... "if only they would bomb the railways many jews could still be saved..."

2) how when still a boy he already knew he wanted to be prime minister of israel... and his younger brother nachman once asked him: "you're going to be prime minister one day... but what will i do...?" to wit meir responded: " i have a very important job for you to do... you will be in charge of the mimeograph machine getting out all of our announcements!"

3) and the time he came home to find his brother crying on the front step having been bullied by a goy who also then stole his bike from him... meir became angry and proceeded to pummel the poor lad himself saying: "you let a goy do this to you... how could you...? what a chillul Hashem!" and he gave it to his brother for that...

4) next... a rabbi (av-beit din) friend of mine here in l.a. once told me a story which occurred while he was sitting on the beit din of tel aviv... one day he learned that rav meir was going to speak that morning at tel aviv university so he went on over to catch his speech... he told me rav meir came in to unruly hoots and hollers and jeers of derision from both the left-liberal jewish students as well as from the many arab students in attendance... he got up on stage and stepped up to the microphone and said: "boker tov yehudim v'k'lavim!" ("good morning jews and dogs")... and that's all he got a chance to to say because with those opening words he ignited a riot as absolute pandemonium erupted in the hall ending all hopes for him to be able to continue and finish his address... i guess given his audience that morning he felt this riot would be the best outcome he could hope for and so he took his shot and touched it off on purpose... and utilized the ensuing chaos to deliver his message that day... 

5) and while we are on the subject of dogs... rav meir was once interviewed and he was asked if he really believed the arabs are dogs and not human...? he said: "of course not... but i know if i say it i will get front page coverage and thus much greater publicity for my transfer policy (which is the calling for the immediate booting out of all arabs from eretz yisroel and also including the irreversible final annexation of all of the west bank, golan heights and gaza territories)..." he added that it was the same thing as his other demonstration and campaign for the freedom of soviet jewry... "where i knew that resorting to violence against the soviets was the only recourse which would take the news of our protest movement for the release of soviet jews off of the back pages of the ny times and get their plight put onto the first page... column one... above the fold... where it deserved to belong..."

6) and the time when he was enroute by car to or from a parlor meeting or rally where everytime they passed by an arab cemetary the rabbi would shake his head and sigh... saying under his breath... "tch... what a shame..." or "too bad..." until someone with him was finally compelled to ask... "are you so sorry for arab deaths...?" and he chuckled and responded: "no... i'm just chagrined there aren't more of them in those graveyards!" (that then there would be much less terrorism against yidden)...

7) and the one where he was asked by a reporter: "rabbi... it says in YOUR bible that one day the nations will 'beat their swords into plowshares' (isaiah:2:4) aren't you in favor of that...?" to wit he replied: "of course i am... but we're going last!" 

 rabbi tzvi block of Torat Hashem (then aish hatorah of north hollywood)... a long time friend, talmid, colleague and supporter of the rav here in l.a. from whom i got most of these gems... once told me that rav meir was many times his "scholar-in-residence" for shabatonim he held... and that every single time without fail when the rush was on to finish cooking and preparing erev shabat the rav would pitch in... donning an apron and carrying trays from the oven and the like... and on shabat itself he would even assist with the serving and the clearing of the food...

9) as some of you may know... before his death he was interviewed as part of a documentary/drama starring faye dunaway... "double-edged sword..."  roughly the jane peters story... the author of the excellent work and must read... "from time immemorial..." jane came to israel a liberal american civil-rights journalist from toronto, canada... the movie depicts (sort of) the true story of how she came to israel to write about the plight of the "poor" palestinians and how monstrous israel was treating them... thinking it was the same kind of story as the abuses the blacks suffered in the american south... she was quickly disuaded from this notion and became aware of all the lies and propaganda being spewed forth by the arab world... in the movie she interviews several major figures right and left... jewish and arab on the issue of the crisis in the middle east... everyone got 4 clips... the rav only three because he was murdered during the making of the film... i'll have to look up the exact transcript to fill-in the details (after shabat) but here are the three superb points i believe the rav made...

a) "the middle east is not the mid-west where people can iron out their differences over coffee, tea and cake... this is a very rough neighborhood and things are decided and resolved here by other means..."

b) "the lesson taught out from the vietnam war is crystal clear... 'if you can't or won't hate your enemy... you can and will never win the war...'"

c) "i am not a racist... i do not hate the arabs because they are arabs... THAT would be racism... i hate them because they hate me and wish to kill me and steal my land from me... this hatred of mine is thus a normal response of self-defence and the presence of a healthy and functional self-preservation instinct kicking in..."

and finally the two that i am a party to myself...

10) sometime in 1989... i was once driving down beverly blvd. in the fairfax area of l.a. when i looked up at a billboard on the northwest corner of fairfax avenue diagonally across from cbs studios... and the sign read: "rabbi kahane is coming to l.a. next week to tell you why your local jewish federation spends your contributions on arabs instead of on jews in israel..."

and last but certainly not least... (for me anyways)...

11) rabbi kahane did not only win over jews for judaism along his way... his pursuasive and moving addresses got many jews to "convert" politically as well... myself included... i was already a b.t. of some 13 years or so when i heard him speak on the campus i was doing kiruv on... cal state northridge... in may of '88... he came to campus in a swirl of controversy and wild arab and liberal protest... 400 people showed up to hear him speak... i was then (sadly) very misguided and still thought that we should "just all give peace a chance..." and that "all you need is love..." could and would somehow still do the trick... even before i got my chance to face him down that day... a bunch of 5 or 6 arabs in the crowd whom i had been in conference with that year on campus attempting to bring shalom... (it was an utter waste of time... as so many of them could not even look at me... their hatred being so palpable... let alone talk with me about peace and i later found out that all year long they had been ripping down all of my fliers announcing my classes and programs)... anyway... they all stood in the middle of his speech and yelled out to the crowd to follow them in walking out on the rabbi... (no one went with them) but the rav called out after them as they departed... "AH... IT'S SO GOOD TO BE A WINNER... THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO BUT PATHETICALLY STAGE A WALK-OUT... AND YOU BETTER NOT START UP WITH US EVER AGAIN OR NEXT TIME WE'LL LIBERATE EVEN MORE OF OUR LAND FROM YOU ALL!!!"   

MAN... YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE SHOCK ON ALL THOSE YOUNG JEWISH FACES LOOKING UP AT HIM.. THEY WERE STUNNED IN UTTER DISBELIEF AT HIS COURAGE AND MOXIE...WELL! I TELL YOU THEY NEVER KNEW A RABBI COULD BE SUCH A GIBOR!!!... for you see they just didn't make rabbis like him from where they came from.. to put it bluntly... rabbis from their neck of the woods had never demonstrated such cahones in all of their lives!!!... you could see they were just completely blown-away by this exchange...

even still when my turn finally came to speak out and voice my protest... i stood angrily waving in the air a letter i had addressed to him which was printed the next day in the school paper... i challenged him that he was misrepresenting judaism (boy do i have alot of tshuvah to do)... i said in my salvo and emotionally-charged argument... "how can you talk of war and resort to violence and throw all the arabs out of israel... when avraham avinu taught the concept of the brotherhood of man to the world...?" (i recived a loud ovasion).... 

rav meir glowered down at me and rejoined...thundering down at me... his eyes blazing with fire: "AVRAHAM AVINU...? WHEN THEY CAME AND CAPTURED HIS NEPHEW LOT... HE WENT OUT TO.... WAR AGAINST THEM AND DESTROYED EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!"

and with that retort i just sat back down in my chair again... i was through... you could put a fork in me... my premise had just been completely and utterly obliterated... i went up to him later after it was all over and i asked him why the gedolim didn't hold by him... his answer was succinct and exactly to the point and is the absolute truth... emet l'amita... he said: "because they are not zionists..."

and that my friends is the meir kahane i got to know... up close and personal... a few weeks later i attended his forthcoming dinner at the hilton hotel in beverly hills as an uninvited guest... people were talking to me about my stand-off with the rabbi... they were all chuckling over how i had gone from a rabid opponent to a "born-again" kahanist... in truth i hadn't really yet but they were enjoying the moment and the story so much that i just let it go... i let them have their fun... i spoke with rav meir after that briefly... in truth i had been moved... visibly shaken from my previous postions by the debate with him... but i was not all the way there yet... but from that encounter i had gone on to read many of his books and had written him a long letter with many questions for him... he told me he would send me a taped reply to them... but sadly i guess he never got around to it... good shabat all... nik. out...
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14   General Category / General Discussion / "let my brother go..."  on: March 07, 2007, 05:27:11 PM 
last night at a little dive in the pico/robertson area of l.a. called "the joint..." midnight music producer stuart wax hosted a protest concert on behalf of jonathan pollard... it was a small crowd that turned out for the only briefly advertised event... and on a random tuesday night to boot...  but the concert's message still had an impact as a great many of l.a.'s major jewish music talent were in attendance and performed... some penning songs for pollard's release just for the occassion...

david haivri presently in town on a u.s. speaking tour also was there and spoke of the necessity to hold the israeli government and american-jewish "leadership" (sic) accountable for abandoning jonathan... a fallen comrade... on the field of battle... and that by their 20+ years of silence they have done a grave injustice to all jews everywhere as it highlights a callous lack of care, sensitivity and compassion for a true jewish hero... as david phrased it..."our biggest jewish hero alive today..." as he continued... "we in israel all owe our lives to him for what he did for us back in the mid-80's..."

and let's be clear folks... he is innocent of the crimes he was accused of committing... he is currently serving a 23rd year of a life-sentence for having caused the deaths of some 17 or so u.s. agents in eastern europe when all along these americans died because of the seditious espionage of robert hansen and aldridge ames... both now in prison for spying for the soviet union...

also to be thrown into the mix here is the fact that the vital life-saving information about iraqi, syrian and libyan chemical and/or nuclear weapons development and capability in the early 80's ALL was information that was supposed to be passed onto israeli government and military authorities but was deliberately withheld and not exchanged as per a 1983 intelligence-sharing accord signed between then-president reagan and then-prime minister shamir...

the one and only reason that jonathan is still incarcerated for a non-crime done with a supposedly friendly (treatied) ally is because "he knows where all the bodies are buried..." he possesses first-hand knowledge of all the real crimes committed by former and current high-ranking israeli and american government officials... and this is the real truth folks... certainly the pollard affair is one of the greatest travesties and mis-carriages of justice in u.s. history topped only by the rosenberg state-executions and murders in the 50's... (as an aside... you will surely notice that both of these glaring examples of black-eye-giving cases to the reputation of u.s. jurisprudence were perpetrated solely against the american-jewish community and upon noone else)...

and so in conclusion... as david privately summed up for us after the concert... "don't feel that this event was a failure because of the low turn-out... not at all... this event marks perhaps the first protest-concert-demonstration of its kind anywhere in the world outside of israel on behalf of pollard... and for this alone it was a great success... i felt like crying watching these jewish artists and activists perform and take part in this event tonight in such a selfless fashion... yasher koach to all who were involved..." nik. out...

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15   General Category / General Discussion / public apology to david, yisroel and lenny...  on: March 07, 2007, 02:51:00 PM 
i spoke with david here in l.a. last night and he cleared up for me the circumstances of my banning awhile back... he explained to me that he was out of the loop... tied up with serving his community-service rap and had no knowledge of and gave no approval of the action taken against me... i had assumed he and you all had since i did not hear from the three of you when i requested an explanation and/or an intercession...

from that initial misunderstanding on my part i was guilty of opening myself up to believing all of the loshon hora spoken of you three on other sites... really i see now that it was all rechilut and motzei-shem-ra as clearly most of these allegations are just innuendo and pashut untrue to begin with...

to wit i now humbly apologize and ask mechila from the three of you... i said some pretty unkind things against you all and against the revava organization in general on another site by way of registering my shock, outrage and utter dismay over any or all of the things being bandied about there that they just might possibly be true... all of which i now thoroughly regret and see how wrong i was... all of my acceptance of the likelihood of those charges stemmed from my believing that david and yisroel had approved or ordered my banning and that while on previous occassions and at other such unfair and intolerable offences against me they had seen fit to reverse them... but since this time they had not done so and were not even responding to my personal appeals to them to do so i naturally assumed the worst.. that this time the "real truth" was coming out... i just couldn't accept that a rogue moderator or two full of their own sense of power and self-importance were responsible for singling me out for so much grief on their own authority... (and now that this is really the case... this is an issue that must be addressed here... but another time)... otherwise i assure you all that i never... ever... would have entertained such scurrilious slanders against your character and true motivations... which i see now are completely and purely l'shaim shemayim... and have been all along...

so again... please accept my sincere apology...

and everyone here should take further note that i am doing this solely on my own volition for david neither requested this of me nor has had any prior knowledge that i was about to take this course of action... i look forward to further involvement in the revava movement and strongly value my friendship with the three of you... take care... and G-d bless... sincerely... nikmatdam   
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The Wit and Wisdom of
Rabbi Meir Kahane
You Must read this Book
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By Activist David Ha'Ivri 
Plant Trees in Israel
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Uncomfortable Questions
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Rabbi Kahane asks the
questions that others are afraid

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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: nikmatdam update... important warning l'kulam... (complete)...
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2007, 03:00:15 PM »
Nik, you are preaching to the choir here. Everybody knows what disgusting rodents the Revava pieces of dreck are. HaIvri rejoiced when Rabbi Kahane was murdered. Now he goes around selling "Kahanist" books and records. Big whoop. Not that anybody buys them or he makes any kind of living off of them. Remember, his job is a Shabak officer.

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Re: nikmatdam update... important warning l'kulam... (complete)...
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2007, 03:04:19 PM »
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Revava Discussion Board > General Category > General Discussion > Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
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  Author Topic: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?  (Read 84 times) 

David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1338

      Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
« on: February 15, 2007, 02:04:01 AM » Quote 

Does anyone know Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach, from Chicago?
This was put out by the White House: "The Office of Public Liaison is pleased to announce that Jeremy L. Katz will be our lead for Jewish Outreach. Jeremy is a Special Assistant to the President for Policy. In this role, he assists in the coordination, development and implementation of Administration policy. Prior to his coming to the White House, Jeremy was at the Department of Commerce as Senior Policy Advisor to Secretary Don Evans. Earlier, he worked in investment banking at William Blair & Company in his native Chicago. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania."

Does anyone know this guy? What's he like? Thx, Susie Dym, spokesperson for Mattot Arim [email protected]  ______________________________________________________________________________
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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     Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 01:27:58 PM » Quote 

 The notice of Mr.Katz' appointment was made in Sept.2006.
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     Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 03:00:21 PM » Quote Modify 

well we know this much for sure... to get to where he has gotten... he's got to be a hell of a lot closer to henry kissenger's worldview than rav meir kahane's... so don't get your hopes up and don't go looking for the yeshua we need to come from him... Hashem can use anyone... anywhere... so what i mean is... don't look for jeremy-baby to do Hashem's bidding willingly as if it were his own will... nik. 
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 03:04:20 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
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Posts: 1134

     Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach? (forgery alert)...
« Reply #3 on: Today at 02:56:04 PM » Quote Modify 

i have to reply... this is not a piece i have ever written on this board... someone else used my name and handle and apparently my access to my password... i don't necessairly disagree with the sentiment of this forger... in fact i fully concur... that jonathan pollard and every jew everywhere on the planet today is in dire straits and in extreme peril... but i did not pen this message to you all... and you all know for certain that it is not my m.o. to capitalize or punctuate anything... this is certain proof that i did not write this... and i wouldn't have done so just to cause a stir and draw attention to myself... you all know me... and like me or loathe me... i'm far from anything as dishonest, egotistical or self-centered that a ploy of this nature would entail and truly be... all just for attention... all that i have done these many years on this site has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to all of you that i would never even think to perpetrate such an outrage against you or against this site despite how horribly i've been treated by some of the administrators here ... i don't why... but i must really hit home to them and frighten or otherwise anger and worry them to pull the plug like this on me so often... to either censor and pull down some of my more controversial posts or on occassion ban me outright... and david... now i know you were lying to me back then when you told me you were otherwise occupied and knew nothing of my mistreatment by your hacks... you are doing this all to me and have done so all along... nik. in great, great sadness and chagrin... out... look at what someone has done... it doesn't appear at all under this thread-heading but it does appear in my archive of posts... what's going on david... setting me up for a fall...? shame on you... i never wrote this and you know it!!! and whoever wrote this did not even bother posting it to this original thread... what gives...? nik.

36   General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!  on: February 19, 2007, 01:20:08 PM 
Hello kiddies, well it's been 21 years, true. However, poor Jonathan, a true patriot, is languishing in jail for one and only one reason, HE"S A JEW - like me and you! We'd get the same treatment and nothing more. Doesn't anyone realize that all the presidents in office since Pollard was incarcerated are all tied to the CFR and Vatican cabal who wield the sword (or Yedayim shel) of Esav in the world!!   The pitiful reality is that anti-Zionism and it's snif, anti-Semitism, has been the sine qua non of the nations since 1975. They feel very comfortable relating to us in that way. No way in the world is there any compulsion for the facist illegally-elected, nazi-descendent King George to grant amnesty to a lowly Jew.

No, holy brothers and sisters, as heartrenching as it seems, justice for one of our own does not exist in this un-promised land (nor in our own land for that matter). Only Moshiach can extricate us from this reprehensible, humiliating, oppressive situation us Yankeles find ourseleves in during this long Golus. By all means, please continue to pray, send letters, call the White House, or whatever. But know, it's more for us than it is for him.

To recap, there are only three ways Jonathan is going to leave prison:

1. In a coffin
2. Through a prison break (isn't that a great Fox 11 show?)
3. Moshiach

I'll take #3.

With Ahavas Yisrael,

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37   General Category / General Discussion / Re: One of the Scariest Things I Have Read for a Very Long Time  on: February 16, 2007, 04:16:41 PM 
depends where... men are allowed to wear t-shirts and shorts... maybe not to shul but it is not un-tzniut for 
« Last Edit: Today at 03:02:48 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

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Revava Discussion Board > General Category > General Discussion > Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
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  Author Topic: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?  (Read 85 times) 

David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1338

      Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
« on: February 15, 2007, 02:04:01 AM » Quote 

Does anyone know Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach, from Chicago?
This was put out by the White House: "The Office of Public Liaison is pleased to announce that Jeremy L. Katz will be our lead for Jewish Outreach. Jeremy is a Special Assistant to the President for Policy. In this role, he assists in the coordination, development and implementation of Administration policy. Prior to his coming to the White House, Jeremy was at the Department of Commerce as Senior Policy Advisor to Secretary Don Evans. Earlier, he worked in investment banking at William Blair & Company in his native Chicago. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania."

Does anyone know this guy? What's he like? Thx, Susie Dym, spokesperson for Mattot Arim [email protected]  ______________________________________________________________________________
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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     Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 01:27:58 PM » Quote 

 The notice of Mr.Katz' appointment was made in Sept.2006.
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     Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 03:00:21 PM » Quote Modify 

well we know this much for sure... to get to where he has gotten... he's got to be a hell of a lot closer to henry kissenger's worldview than rav meir kahane's... so don't get your hopes up and don't go looking for the yeshua we need to come from him... Hashem can use anyone... anywhere... so what i mean is... don't look for jeremy-baby to do Hashem's bidding willingly as if it were his own will... nik. 
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 03:04:20 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
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     Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach? (forgery alert)...
« Reply #3 on: Today at 02:56:04 PM » Quote Modify 

i have to reply... this is not a piece i have ever written on this board... someone else used my name and handle and apparently my access to my password... i don't necessairly disagree with the sentiment of this forger... in fact i fully concur... that jonathan pollard and every jew everywhere on the planet today is in dire straits and in extreme peril... but i did not pen this message to you all... and you all know for certain that it is not my m.o. to capitalize or punctuate anything... this is certain proof that i did not write this... and i wouldn't have done so just to cause a stir and draw attention to myself... you all know me... and like me or loathe me... i'm far from anything as dishonest, egotistical or self-centered that a ploy of this nature would entail and truly be... all just for attention... all that i have done these many years on this site has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to all of you that i would never even think to perpetrate such an outrage against you or against this site despite how horribly i've been treated by some of the administrators here ... i don't why... but i must really hit home to them and frighten or otherwise anger and worry them to pull the plug like this on me so often... to either censor and pull down some of my more controversial posts or on occassion ban me outright... and david... now i know you were lying to me back then when you told me you were otherwise occupied and knew nothing of my mistreatment by your hacks... you are doing this all to me and have done so all along... nik. in great, great sadness and chagrin... out... look at what someone has done... it doesn't appear at all under this thread-heading but it does appear in my archive of posts... what's going on david... setting me up for a fall...? shame on you... i never wrote this and you know it!!! and whoever wrote this did not even bother posting it to this original thread... what gives...? nik.

36   General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Movment for Jonathan Pollard growing!!!  on: February 19, 2007, 01:20:08 PM 
Hello kiddies, well it's been 21 years, true. However, poor Jonathan, a true patriot, is languishing in jail for one and only one reason, HE"S A JEW - like me and you! We'd get the same treatment and nothing more. Doesn't anyone realize that all the presidents in office since Pollard was incarcerated are all tied to the CFR and Vatican cabal who wield the sword (or Yedayim shel) of Esav in the world!!   The pitiful reality is that anti-Zionism and it's snif, anti-Semitism, has been the sine qua non of the nations since 1975. They feel very comfortable relating to us in that way. No way in the world is there any compulsion for the facist illegally-elected, nazi-descendent King George to grant amnesty to a lowly Jew.

No, holy brothers and sisters, as heartrenching as it seems, justice for one of our own does not exist in this un-promised land (nor in our own land for that matter). Only Moshiach can extricate us from this reprehensible, humiliating, oppressive situation us Yankeles find ourseleves in during this long Golus. By all means, please continue to pray, send letters, call the White House, or whatever. But know, it's more for us than it is for him.

To recap, there are only three ways Jonathan is going to leave prison:

1. In a coffin
2. Through a prison break (isn't that a great Fox 11 show?)
3. Moshiach

I'll take #3.

With Ahavas Yisrael,

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37   General Category / General Discussion / Re: One of the Scariest Things I Have Read for a Very Long Time  on: February 16, 2007, 04:16:41 PM 
depends where... men are allowed to wear t-shirts and shorts... maybe not to shul but it is not un-tzniut for 
« Last Edit: Today at 03:02:48 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
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     Re: Jeremy Katz - White House Jewish Outreach?
« Reply #4 on: Today at 03:10:36 PM » Quote Modify 

above this last reply is the only response i ever actually made to this topic of discussion and issue... now i know why you unbanned me at all david... and now i know what you meant by your half-joking statement to me last time i saw you... "you never know what 'they' may have in store for you... ha... ha..."  (something to that effect)... i thought you were trying to fun-me and down-play or allay my suspicions... but now i realize you WEREN'T kidding... and this alone finally confirms it all... wow... i'm nut so nuts as you all make me out to be... huh...? nik.   
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: forgery... perhaps... fraud... no... (sorry for the error)...
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 03:39:44 AM »
i have egg on myself tonite... a little while ago... i did remember writing that piece... i'm sorry... i plain forgot... but... however...

someone tampered with it... i do not capitalize... especially not my name... not ever... find me one other spot where i did...? and even if somehow my mind is faulty and i did capitalize this once... i mean maybe i did... alright...? my memory must not be as good as it once was... i guess i'm really getting old... but check this out... even if it is true... still... as you can plainly see this piece does not appear on the thread with my initial comment a day or so before (or after... i'll check it out for the record later)... anyway it does not appear... it was deleted obviously... and yet surprisingly it's still in my archive... how do you account for that...? every single solitary other occasion where my posts have been removed over the years at revava... every other time without exception... they were expunged as well from my archive for the obvious reason so that upon my noticing the deletion i would not be able to re-post it... but not here with this item... why...?

anywho... i think they are trying to mess with me to discredit me... i honestly don't recall writing in that fashion even once... i purposely write the way i do... for reasons which i have already explained today... and also for the reason that my stream of consciousness flows so quickly sometimes that i found my fingers could not keep up with my racing mind and thoughts... so this is the system i came up with to cope with this problem and assure myself that "no thoughts of mine would be left behind..."   

how or why anyone would want to tamper with my archived posts is anyone's guess... all i know for certain is that this indeed IS what very well may have occured here... take care and sorry for the screw up but the dilemma continues unabated... nik. out...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."