Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian parliamentary elections, for and against the EU?

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But both parties are silent on the theft of elections. Dveri had 7.5% of votes  but RIK (Republican Electoral Commission) fit it to be 4.3%! Serbia is occupied !!!!!!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: crnitrn on May 22, 2012, 12:52:36 PM ---Serbia is occupied !!!!!!

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I agree. Lets say that new presidents support Russian interests. That still means he is a foreign agent 8)

serbian army:

--- Quote from: crnitrn on May 22, 2012, 12:52:36 PM ---Dveri had 7.5% of votes  but RIK (Republican Electoral Commission) fit it to be 4.3%!

--- End quote ---
Dveri are awesome. Too bad not many representative from this organization/party will be in parliament.

Khan Krum:
Hopefully whatever ooutcome, Serbs will try to save Europeans from Islam!


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