One of them made a video where they mentioned that thread where you asked if I was ok (because of the tornadoes in Dallas) and I had said that the tornadoes were in Dallas and I was in Houston, but if there was any bad weather I might've slept through it because I sleep during the day for my night shift.
They took that and used that as evidence that I have depression because I'm supposedly "hard to wake". They claim that I "slept through tornadoes". Apparently they missed the fact that the tornadoes were in Dallas and I don't live in Dallas which is what I pointed out.
They also took a cooking video I made and used it as proof that I "turn to food" to ease my depression. 
That video was a really big stretch on all points.
These accusations are insane and ridiculous. How pathetic they are to invent such absurd sounding gossip, desperate to do anything they can not only to harm this movement but also to personally attack members here. Its truly sick.
But set all that aside. Let's assume all those lies about you were actually true, rubystars. Someone's depression is a reason to attack and ridicule them publicly? A person who overeats should be ridiculed in a youtube video for it? What disgusting evil human beings to behave this way and attack people's flaws or personal problems. They deserve the absolute worst.