To all friends of Israel in Ireland and all who support free expression and the spread of support for the Jewish Nation and State.
This email is to inform you that Foley's pub, Merrion Row, Dublin 2 (near St. Stephen's Green) has been flying the national flag of Israel from its upper window for the past week. (Click Picture To Enlarge)
The move began when the proprietor learned of the annual celebration of Israel's Independence Day, Yom Hatzmaut, which this year fell on 26 April and was celebrated in Dublin on Minday 30 April, and decided to fly the blue-and-white Star of David flag of Israel in honour of the occasion.
Despite pressure from some the predictable whining Pro-Palestine and Leftist groups to remove the flag, the pub has courageously continued to fly it.
If you happen to be in that part of town and are considering where to have lunch or are planning a meeting, a dinner or a social evening, we strongly recommend that you consider Foley's as a venue and, if you feel like it, express your support to the management.
If you cannot go there, an email of support would also be good; send it to