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HI I am a Serb

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My name is Milan like our emperors and kings.
I am a Serb.My grandfather fought ww2 his father fought ww1 and his father fought in Balkan wars.
And so will I if my country demands it.We must stop Muslims.
Did u know that some Americans scientists made some study and movie about Serbia and turks.In that movie the Serbs wouldn't let go of the turks from leaving our lands.
My country has fought in many wars.But did U know that every our war was liberation war.We have never attacked anyone.Just because we are Serbs and Orthodox Christians.Even the Catholics hate us because of that.And now they want to take form us Kosovo?
I am telling u,the second when the independent Kosovo is pronounced we will consider that as an act of war.And I am telling U we will drive Muslims out.One by one.Why do U think NATO forces didn't land on our soil.Because they are pussies.Troughout the ages Serbian warriors were known as good fighters.And we will prove that claim again.

Wel;come ,the only thing Albanians are good at is drug smuggling being nazi collabarators and destroying churchs

Hail Columbia:
Cool, welcome to the board.

Zdravo Milane !
I have been living in America for over 20 years... I am glad you joined this organization !
It's our mission to defend America and Israel from the evil Islamic religion and bring back morality and righteousness in our society!

Indeed, WELCOME !!
Did anyone in your family fight in the Balkan Strife of the late '90s against the "Liberation Coup" !!
Damn those Clintons to high-hell !!


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