Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

9/11 nuclear demolition of the WTC

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--- Quote from: Baruch Meir on June 25, 2012, 04:45:41 AM ---Are you saying that certain members on this forum are dumb?

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I have to say yes.


--- Quote from: Baruch Meir on June 25, 2012, 09:27:15 AM ---This is the type of crap, that you would see on Alex Jones nazi website,  >:(

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Actualy this topic (I wasnt the one who started it) was locked and the person who started the topic on Alex Jones forum was baned.

Watch at least first two hours, or at least from the first to the second hour of the video. That is when it is explained how the buildings were demolished.

Israel Chai:
Instead of watching this video for two hours to decide it was a nuclear attack, watch 1- 20 seconds of a nuclear bomb exploding video, and decide it was not.

Baruch Meir:

--- Quote from: LKZ on June 26, 2012, 01:44:31 PM ---Instead of watching this video for two hours to decide it was a nuclear attack, watch 1- 20 seconds of a nuclear bomb exploding video, and decide it was not.

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At least someone is making sense here, unlike the crazy Serbs on this forum.  :clap: :clap: :clap:

No offense to Serbs in general!  ^-^ ^-^ ^-^


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