Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

9/11 nuclear demolition of the WTC

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--- Quote from: Slobodan on July 05, 2012, 08:19:34 AM ---Па, прво сам је поставио у америчкој секцији форума, али тамо су све сами идиоти...

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Sto ti brines brigu tudju o ovakvim stvarima mozes da pricas samo sa ljudima koji imaju taj nivo svesti! Zaro ti kazem mani se corva posla!


--- Quote from: cjd on July 05, 2012, 08:07:14 AM ---Sometimes the people who are attacked need to be attacked  :::D You should always look at the situation... You will never be satisfied until you get a few members here to agree with you that it was the evil United States Government that killed it's own people... America's government has a lot of problems however what your selling is just not possible... This sort of garbage can happen in Russia and in Serbia but even there something of that magnitude would really be pushing the limits of what the population will absorb from their leadership... As I said you can believe what you like it makes little difference to people here in the United States that saw with their own eyes what actually happened.

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So USA are better than rest of world only stupid and dirty Slavs can do something like that, is that you trying to say!?

The first country in the world to publicly and openly supported the creation of Israel was Serbia (Balfour Declaration). The only country in the world in which all nations and religions, especially Jews, have all their civil rights as well as its majority population is Serbia. Jews in Serbia called themselves Serbs of Moses called faith! So do not you talk to me about democracy and human rights and humanity and courage, you who at that time persecuted Native Americans - Indians and kept dark-skinned people from Africa as slaves! You did not even exist when we are defending the Jews. Every sane and honorable Serb knows that Jews are brothers, the same is with true and honest Jews -  Serbs are great friends! You who have had a quarantine for Jews, want us to hold the lecture! Please do not talk about something you have no idea!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: crnitrn on July 05, 2012, 10:09:48 AM ---So USA are better than rest of world only stupid and dirty Slavs can do something like that, is that you trying to say!?

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I don't think you understand his post. Please use Google Translate in future.

serbian army:

--- Quote from: crnitrn on July 05, 2012, 10:37:34 AM ---The first country in the world to publicly and openly supported the creation of Israel was Serbia (Balfour Declaration). The only country in the world in which all nations and religions, especially Jews, have all their civil rights as well as its majority population is Serbia. Jews in Serbia called themselves Serbs of Moses called faith! So do not you talk to me about democracy and human rights and humanity and courage, you who at that time persecuted Native Americans - Indians and kept dark-skinned people from Africa as slaves! You did not even exist when we are defending the Jews. Every sane and honorable Serb knows that Jews are brothers, the same is with true and honest Jews -  Serbs are great friends! You who have had a quarantine for Jews, want us to hold the lecture! Please do not talk about something you have no idea!

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Indians were murdered in numbers but I am sorry to tell that majority of slaves in those day were white folks from Ireland. White slaves outnumbered black slaves by wide margin.


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