The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Is Jizzlam the false gospel of Satan ?

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Enoch Powell:
By asking this question,you can take it that I believe this is the case.

'Prophet' Mohammed (piss be upon him) was a caravan thief who up until his forties had no spiritual leanings whatsoever before the 'Angel Gabriel' told him otherwise.

'allah' is satan...........discuss.

I think he was a deranged liar who came up himself with the Quran from the depth of his madness.

Enoch Powell:
Yes,indeed,the man was a headcase,but what I'm trying to get at is the fact that this hatred coupled with what is essentially,wickedness,can have come from only one source.

I think man is perfectly able to be evil on his own.

Look Jews don't believe in the Christian concept of the devil so Jews don't think that it was satan who dictated the quran to Muhammad.

Enoch Powell:
Thanks for the heads up;I'm not that familiar with Jewish doctrine,but whilst I'm posting here I will listen and learn.


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