Save Western Civilization > Save America

Bongo Party at Denny's (The "Civilized Black People" are just WHERE?)

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And they wonder why Africa is a sh*tholeā€¦

These savage sheboons are the case-in-point.

Ephraim Ben Noach:
Man! The forum has a lot of interesting new members lately!

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: Ephraim on June 25, 2012, 11:15:19 PM ---Man! The forum has a lot of interesting new members lately!

--- End quote ---

And let's keep it that way.

Confederate Kahanist:
I never really cared much for Denny's.  Greasy food and this places are so cheap that they attract a lot of low lifes like as shown in the video above.

Who the hell eats at Denny's anyway besides [censored]?


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