Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Learn some real history my Serbian Brothers :)

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What can I say about this debate, it's some kind stupid.
Serbs and Jews are friends. In the past our blood is the seal that connection. But USA bomb Serbia in 1999 and several times in 1944.  Belgrade was the bombed by the Anglo-American air forces during World War II  eleven times, and 1999. twelfth. Although only the Serbs fought against  the German Nazi and Muslim Nazi. They are not bombing the Croat and other servants of the invaders. America is directly revoked part of Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija. Also most strongly support the Muslims in Kosovo and in Bosnia. Well gentlemen, pull yourself a point.
Did that moves of the USA should come forward to support them?

Ephraim Ben Noach:

--- Quote from: Khan Krum on July 08, 2012, 04:11:42 AM ---Why the hell do some people here hate Serbs so much? They are good G-d-loving people.

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NO ONE HATES SERBS! This pot stirring is not needed right now!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Khan Krum on July 08, 2012, 04:11:42 AM ---Why the hell do some people here hate Serbs so much? They are good G-d-loving people.

--- End quote ---
I am not of opinion that world hates Serbs. We just did not think that media fight is important and we have given lot of space to nazis for propaganda.

Khan Krum:

--- Quote from: serbian army on July 08, 2012, 10:55:11 PM ---I am not of opinion that world hates Serbs. We just did not think that media fight is important and we have given lot of space to nazis for propaganda.

--- End quote ---
From the looks of it, that leads nowhere but ruin.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
I bet this pig is the Croat Nazi Americanhero (Ivan).


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