Save Western Civilization > Save America
Mayor Bloomberg Promotes Hot Dogs, but BANS "large" SODAS???
Confederate Kahanist:
I wonder if Cronyism is involved in that?
Hey Bloomberg: What size drink I buy is non of your stinking business. Stay our of our lives you progressive scum. We'll decide what size drink we buy and that goes double for our right to bear arms. Filthy swine.
Sounds like Mr. Bloomberg has the good ol' dictator syndrome. Not only does this clown want to ban "large" soda, but he also wants to get rid of baby formula. Last time I checked as an American citizen anyone can drink whatever they want and they can feed their child whatever they please as well.
I haven't really been following the "NYC soda" controversy so, a serious question. Is he looking to ban the free refill that certain restaurants offer as well? I mean, what the heck is the difference between buying a 48 oz. cup of soda or getting a 16 oz cup that I can refill 3 times at no extra cost?
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