Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Бугарска војска ће да силује Хрватску!/Bulgarian army gonna rape Croatia!

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Khan Krum:
All corrupt politicians as well as the crorats will have to answer to God for their crimes.

Rules JTF Rules:
I personally never heard that Bulgarians are against Croats. I even saw some Bulgarians on YouTube saying "Srbe na vrbe". What about that? Romanians are better friends to Serbs than Bulgarians.

Khan Krum:

--- Quote from: Rules JTF Rules on September 19, 2012, 09:03:35 AM ---I personally never heard that Bulgarians are against Croats. I even saw some Bulgarians on YouTube saying "Srbe na vrbe". What about that? Romanians are better friends to Serbs than Bulgarians.

--- End quote ---
Get away you nasty little troll. You're not a Serb you pathetic little pig, nasty coward, all Serbs know that Romanians stole Banat from Serbia. Give it up troll. And stop following me around and insulting me. Get off the forum you little pig.


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