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Rep. Jackson's ailments 'more serious' than 'initially believed'


Confederate Kahanist:
I hope it get's even more serious:


--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on July 05, 2012, 06:28:46 PM ---I hope it get's even more serious:

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Amen.  The sooner we get rid of the mamzer's son the better.  May his father get infected as well.

Khan Krum:
Does anyone know the babymama? Or maybe it comes from the senior Jackson?

I think he is just preparing an insanity plea for a pending trial for corruption and bribery.

Khan Krum:

--- Quote from: Zelhar on August 13, 2012, 11:30:12 AM ---I think he is just preparing an insanity plea for a pending trial for corruption and bribery.

--- End quote ---
We know how his "kind" do. This is most likely true.


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