Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

"Kosovans" arrest Montenegrin in Kosovo for wearing Montenegrin Cap

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Khan Krum:
Here's  the article. Oh my!  :o А Montenegrin wearing Montenegrin Cap! Ethno terorist! Not like Albanians wearing... Muslim skull caps (not ethnic but religious and of terrorist religion).

Khan Krum:
Piss-ština is really a cesspool.

serbian army:
Several days ago so called Kosovo police arrested anyone with any, I mean any, Serb symbols. Even Serbs from Bosnia, part called Republika Srpska, were harassed and forced to take off their shirts which carried message about where they come from.

I am surprised that man from Montenegro is still alive. One Bulgarian worker spoke something in Bulgarian and Albanian mob thought he was a Serb. They killed the man instantly.

Khan Krum:
I wonder would they still killed him if they knew he was Bulgarian? They hate us too, the bastards.

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Khan Krum on July 08, 2012, 12:02:19 AM ---I wonder would they still killed him if they knew he was Bulgarian? They hate us too, the bastards.

--- End quote ---
I am sure they would.


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