Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Can anyone find Serbs opinion poll of Israel?

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Khan Krum:

--- Quote from: Ephraim on July 11, 2012, 11:16:43 AM ---That was really funny! Sorry Khan, I misjudged you! We get alot of trolls.

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Apology accepted. That post wan't towards you but towards "Serbian Army", better known as "Serbian child".

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Khan Krum on July 10, 2012, 10:06:34 PM ---Fool you? Oh dear, you still think I'm a croat.
Yeah, by the way, Bulgarians saved every single Jew from sh*tler, all 50,000 of them in our country during WWII.So learn history before you open your a**hole.

And who the hell do you think you are deciding who's a troll and who isn't. You're no moderator.  You a**holes can go annoy each other, but stop starting fights with others. You started this with me, and I'm having none. I don't need to prove anything to you pathetic piece of sh*t. Now f*** off. I've had it with people like you try to ruin the forum for others. Goodbye.

Боже мой, аз не си спомням някога да среща някого, по-глупав от вас.

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You post says about your culture and education. I don't blame you. I am just sorry for nice Romanian people that had to put up with someone named KHAN. You must have a very big conflict going on inside you. You glorify your Mongol roots but speak and write our beautiful Serbian language which you like to call Bulgarian language.
Your nation of German servants committed unspeakable crimes in Serbia in WWI. Your nation joined Hitler in WWII and you have face coming here saying how you save the Jews?

serbian army:

God bless souls of murdered Serbs by Mongol Bulgarian uncivilized beasts.

Khan Krum:

--- Quote from: serbian army on July 11, 2012, 06:36:52 PM ---You post says about your culture and education. I don't blame you. I am just sorry for nice Romanian people that had to put up with someone named KHAN. You must have a very big conflict going on inside you. You glorify your Mongol roots but speak and write our beautiful Serbian language which you like to call Bulgarian language.
Your nation of German servants committed unspeakable crimes in Serbia in WWI. Your nation joined Hitler in WWII and you have face coming here saying how you save the Jews?

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Khan isn't real my name you stupid tâmpit. You want to talk to me about Romanians? Crezi că ştii despre români? HAH! Du-te înapoi în gaura ta, nenorocitule.

You posted about Turks in Bulgaria and you have the temerity to say I can't talk about Serbs? As my post about Islamic invasion of Bulgaria goes, I didn't ever ask you for your worthless opinion, porc retardat.

Yes, there were Bulgarian nazis. Does that mean we all are? For gaozari dracului (f**ing retards) like you it does. Majority of us weren't. Până nemernic ta!


--- Quote from: serbian army on July 11, 2012, 06:36:52 PM ---You post says about your culture and education. I don't blame you. I am just sorry for nice Romanian people that had to put up with someone named KHAN. You must have a very big conflict going on inside you. You glorify your Mongol roots but speak and write our beautiful Serbian language which you like to call Bulgarian language.
Your nation of German servants committed unspeakable crimes in Serbia in WWI. Your nation joined Hitler in WWII and you have face coming here saying how you save the Jews?

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Who would in their right mind name themselves khan as in Genghis Khan?


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