Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Can anyone find Serbs opinion poll of Israel?

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--- Quote from: Khan Krum on July 11, 2012, 10:10:23 PM ---Medieval Bulgar chiefs was called Khans. Krum was very famous Bulgar Khan.

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Ok Thanks for that. So they don't have anything to do with Genghis Khan?

I did not understand two things! Why has begun this topic? And second, why you are immediately accused the man to be troll?? If he does so, it will be soon discoverd!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: YemachshemotoObama on July 11, 2012, 08:53:51 PM ---Who would in their right mind name themselves khan as in Genghis Khan?

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Similar barbarians.

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Khan Krum on July 11, 2012, 10:25:32 PM ---Thanks boule! That's my new name for you, boule! It's Romanian. Now you just contradict yourself, boule. We see you calling me a croat and saying you think I'm croat troll. Now you say "your people" about Bălgarians, so you think  I'm Bulgarian! Thanks boule! And most Bulgarians feel bad about crimes commit by Bulgarian nazis in WWII, and the majority resisted them. No read a history book boule.

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Majority resisted? Your whole regular army fanatically supported Hitler!!! Who are those who resisted? The ones who set their nazi foot in Serbia and killed tens of thousands?

You are finished with me here on forum.


--- Quote from: serbian army on July 12, 2012, 07:15:38 AM ---Majority resisted? Your whole regular army fanatically supported Hitler!!! Who are those who resisted? The ones who set their nazi foot in Serbia and killed tens of thousands?

You are finished with me here on forum.

--- End quote ---

I just knew he couldn't be trusted. Never trust anyone named Khan.


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