Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
Joe Schmo:
The streets of London will run red with the blood of the English.
This time the Brits were extremely lucky. Next time they won't be so lucky. People should consider this as a fluke.
How can anyone continue this sham "Islam is a religion of peace"? The English must come out VERY strong. If there is just one more terrorist attempt ALL the muslims will be "transfered" to Algiers with all their properties annexed with their mosques bulldozed and made into parks..... like Israel should do.... yes this includes grave sites as well...... They have no business being in the civilized world....
--- Quote from: MarZutra on June 30, 2007, 07:48:45 AM ---How can anyone continue this sham "Islam is a religion of peace"? The English must come out VERY strong. If there is just one more terrorist attempt ALL the muslims will be "transfered" to Algiers with all their properties annexed with their mosques bulldozed and made into parks..... like Israel should do.... yes this includes grave sites as well...... They have no business being in the civilized world....
--- End quote ---
I agree. The ansere to the problems of the west are so simple. Yes there would be a bit of screaming and hair pulling but if we just did it (kick them out) we wouldn't look back. It's a bit like an opertation. Nobody likes needles and bone saws etc, but a bit of short term pain is the best sollution and a damn sight better than years of pain and illness. Boot the moslem nazis and turd worlders back to their own festering countries we can get on with civilisation while they get on with barbarism.
I went into the centre today and there was a lot of activity going on, they were removing security barriers and there had been a rally early.
There were loads of police patrolling but the High street was crowded and people weren't noticing a thing, mesmorised by their "shopping."
Fire engines stream past every minute but for what i don't have a clue. Everything is normal..........for now.
The Glasgow thing seems to have been the next failed attempt. Its great news that all these attempts are failing!
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