Arabs did it (article says Hezbolla). I thought Turks because there are so many of them in Bulgaria, because Turkey wanted to annex Bulgaria by Turks there, and they are now loyal to Iran and the Arab leaders.
But now we have
Arabs in Bulgaria?
How dare they! Please Israel, do something to take revenge for the innocent people killed and help rid Bulgaria of Arabs! If those filthy rats think they can use my homeland as terror base, they are mistaken.
In other story I remember Ukraine has so many ethnic Russians which is huge problem for the survival of the Ukrainian people. But one palestinian hamas pig went to Ukraine,
married an Ukrainian woman 
and had
7 f---ing kids!!!! mossad did the Ukrainians a favor and kidnapped him. now Ukraine still has ethnic Russians problem, but not Arabs.
If these Arabs in Bulgaria married our women and had kids, the rapists deserve to die. And the women should be thrown in jail.
I'm so f*cking mad right now it's unbelievable. Bulgarians know where we're not wanted, which is we left Romania last decade and even though Bulgaria is short train ride south from bucharest, many went to the US (like me) instead of Bulgaria, for better jobs. but Arabs have to impose themselves everywhere, brainwash non-Arab Muslims using Islam to behave the same way as them and be their servants, and do this in public. Bulgaria's government is allied with the Turk's party which is disguised as real party but is actually for the Turkish colonization and annex of Bulgaria, so the Arabs may get away with this.