Save Western Civilization > Save America
Mexican Rapist Deported 4 Times In 14 Years
Confederate Kahanist:
Sounds like he's been punished with kid gloves:
serbian army:
Rapists should be put to death as well as pedophiles. I don't care if they are black, white, brown or green aliens from Neptune.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
These are the soft, cuddly "law abiding" illegals (that only want to have a better life) 80% of the people (if you believe the polls) want to give amnesty to.
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: Brennanfan on August 06, 2012, 06:03:05 AM ---These are the soft, cuddly "law abiding" illegals (that only want to have a better life) 80% of the people (if you believe the polls) want to give amnesty to.
--- End quote ---
And we need them to work here since Americans aren't willing to work for $20 an hour.
Khan Krum:
So is that number to increase? Will he get deported again and then allowed back again, only then deported again? Can the US ever ban someone of entering?
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