Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Anti-Serbian propaganda exhibition in London

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I don't know about who is this "artist", but for clarification, when we say "muslims" we don't talk about Arabs and other people whos religion is islam. We are talking about former Serbs, Poturice (Потурице, converted Turks, ). The were Serbs (Pagans), than after Crist the were Serbs (Ortodox Cristians), after (and during) the Ottoman occupation the were Poturice but still Serbs (of Islamic religion). Since 1965. the were "Bosnians" (geographical term). During the breaking up of Yugoslavia the were "Muslims", аnd after the war, and still they are "Bosniaks". And the are not even a real Muslims, thеy drink alcohol...


--- Quote from: Khan Krum on August 06, 2012, 02:13:45 PM ---Well no wonder. The UK is full of muslims. Soon they'll be a majority.

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Aren't Croats usually Catholic?

Yes, they are slaves of Vatican.

Here we go again! Aren't you secure in your own faith?  Why are you so fixated on the Vatican?

serbian army:

--- Quote from: bullcat3 on August 08, 2012, 03:58:21 PM ---Here we go again! Aren't you secure in your own faith?  Why are you so fixated on the Vatican?

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I don't know. Vatican is responsible for everything, even when careless Serbs throw garbage on their own streets.


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